boots / button down shirt / duster / graphic t-shirt / graphic tee / jeans / khakis / skater skirt / skirt / style tips / tulle skirt

A Look Back Part One: Dressing For Your Personality


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What kind of a fashion blogger would I be if I didn’t include my favorite looks from the past year?…


…Even though I’m not one to do something just because everyone else is, it is kind of fun to look back at the year gone by; both from a style perspective as well as a life perspective. I think it’s a good idea to reflect on both your accomplishments and your mistakes and to learn from them. I guess in that regard, style is a metaphor for life in general don’t you think?


As I was choosing which outfits to feature from the first six months of the year, a clear (at least to me) pattern emerged. Print mixing, comfort and pairing pieces that you wouldn’t necessarily think would work together. I guess in a nutshell that means that I put together outfits that are true to who I am. Even though the outfits I chose appear to be very different they have common threads. My personality is exactly like my sense of style; I have a bizarre sense of humor and view on the world (print mixing), every facet of my personality has a polar opposite to it (pairing opposing pieces), and for the most part I’m pretty laid back (comfort). How’s that for a psychoanalysis of my wardrobe?


When deciding what to wear, stay true to who you are. Dress for yourself and no one else. Yes, we often have to dress specific to a situation, but you can still stay true to yourself. Add an element of individuality, even if it’s something small. For example, a necklace or scarf, or a subtle hit of print or color through your shoes or purse.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

plaid duster, otk boots, camo pants, pink sweater

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floral skirt, tulle skirt, chambray shirt, Converse

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gingham shirt, boyfriend jeans, leopard clutch, plaid duster, striped dress

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Red Tag Chic Los Angeles
8 years ago

Wishing you all the best in 2016 – Happy New Year!


kelsey bang
8 years ago

love the idea of dress for your self and no one else. I have always dressed that way, and it makes me happy to get dressed in the mornings! haha cute looks!

Miss Moonlight
8 years ago

Fantastic outfits dear !! You look gorgeous !!

I wish you a Happy New Year !!

8 years ago

You always look amazing! Loving your tips!

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

My absolute fave has to be that fuzzy Molly Ringwald sweater with those camo jeans. SO UNEXPECTED and I love it, Debbie, I love love love. I can’t believe it’s taken me all this while to come over to your blog, to fall completely head over heels infatuated with your style (and your writing), and to subscribe. For shame, Sheela, for shame. Salut to you, and to 2016. May the new year bring with it many more sartorial moments to share and bond over, to inspire and be inspired, and to remain true to ourselves for only then can we… Read more »

Leah B.
8 years ago

Oh my gosh, you look like a completely different person with the glasses! Girl, you fiiiiiine! (if we’re picking favorites, I’m going with the floofy skirt paired with the chambray top.)

Have a happy 2016! Nice to have ‘met’ you this year <3

Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I like your look back. I am always impressed how great you look in pink or red. Most red heads don’t wear these colors. What a big mistake. It looks awesome how you style and wear these colors.
Anyhow, thanks for all the suport this year and I wish you a happy New year.

8 years ago

I love the favourites you’ve chosen.

Happy New Year!


8 years ago

Great looks Debbie, I especially like all the outfits with the tartan/plaid added 🙂

Happy New Year :):)

Thanks for stopping by all my blog hops each week, I love to see what outfits you are wearing each week 🙂

8 years ago

Great analysis Debbie. Believe it or not your love for mixing prints did stick out to me. I love it very much but can’t pull it off effortlessly like you do. My style doesn’t quite match my personality cos I’m really on the quiet side but love to dress over the top and colorful. Like a burst of like kinda thing, haha. Look 1 is STUNNING seconded by look 6, maybe cos I love stripes so much even though I don’t own more than two stripe items. I hope you enjoyed your break, I’m back at work on monday (crying… Read more »

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Couldn’t agree with you more about dressing for yourself. I love how you mix things together yet they always have your own stamp on them. Here’s to more of that in 2016!

8 years ago

I do love all the looks and I think they would all suit me regardless of my personality lol…great eye and great way of putting things together. Amazing haircolour too!

Would love if you drop by to check out the link up I co-host on Fridays.

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