boots / boyfriend shorts / button down shirt / Converse / dress / over the knee boots / style tips / tunic dress / vest

A Look Back Part Two: Breaking Fashion Rules


breaking fashion rules

I always seem to lose track of what day it is when school isn’t in session…


…and this week is no exception. When I decided to break my “best of” post into two days I didn’t even realize that today is actually New Year’s Day. I guess you’ll have to live with the fact that my first post of the year is actually looks from last year. It didn’t help my time tracking ability that I’ve been not exactly healthy since Monday. Not sick exactly, but basically unable to function. I woke up Monday with absolutely no balance or spatial perception to speak of and pretty much unable to hear in my right ear. Um, wth?

Now here is where my mini-rant on ineptitude begins…stick around, it does have it’s amusing parts. So I head off to Urgent Care; I already had a routine doctor’s appointment scheduled for Wednesday, but no damn way was I waiting two more days with my head feeling like someone filled my right ear with insulating foam while I was sleeping. Anyway, long story short, this dude (no, he doesn’t warrant the title “Dr.” which btw I found out later he wasn’t…he was a physician’s assistant) at Urgent Care tells me my eustachian tube is filled with fluid of the icky thick variety and all I could do was take Mucinex and hope it went away. Hope?? Seriously dude, try navigating your house like you’re a drunken sailor on shore leave. I’m bruised from freakin’ head to toe from crashing into things; my dogs see me coming and they run for their lives.  In addition, and I quote, “Under no circumstances should you take decongestant”. Hmm…Of course I went home, dosed myself with Mucinex and hit up google. Do I have a medical degree? No. But every site I checked (and when researching medical stuff I only go to sites like WebMD and MayoClinic) said decongestant, decongestant, decongestant. Oookkaayy…needless to say I started decongestant again.

Fast forward to Wednesday. I fill my fabulous doctor in on all of this and she says, “What did he put you on?” Um, nothing. “Whhaatt??!! No antibiotic?” is her response. She is further baffled by the fact he told me to take Mucinex because it would do nothing to alleviate the problem and why would he tell me no decongestant because I should be doing lines of the stuff. Okay, maybe not lines, but you get my drift. So after a shot of prednisone to the hip to alleviate the swelling in my ear tubes and sinuses she sends me on my way with a prescription for an antibiotic. Which leads to ineptitude rant two…

My pharmacy sucks. Pretty much every one in the area does, hence the reason I don’t switch. About two months ago I went completely spider monkey on them. I can count on one hand how many times in my life I’ve made a loud angry display and that was one of them. For the second time in a week in a half I had gone to pick up a prescription a solid hour past the time I got the automated call it was ready. And for the second time it wasn’t ready; they hadn’t even started on it. They said they would rush it if I’d wait 10 minutes. Okay, I can do that. 15 minutes later I go back to the counter and ya, they hadn’t started it yet. So when the woman said, “Please sit down on the bench and we’ll let you know when it’s ready” I responded with, “I absolutely will not sit down on the bench. I’ve been there for 15 minutes waiting for something I was told was done an hour and a half ago. I am not leaving this spot without my prescription.” All she got out of her mouth was, “It will be ready in 10 minutes if you’ll just sit…” and I. went. off. Like a spider monkey trippin’ on acid. Needless to say I got the prescription and a giftcard to shut me up.

That story was background info for the current blatant display of ineptitude. I dropped off my prescription and had an entire face to face conversation for several minutes with the woman in regard to said prescription. She asked if I was waiting and I said yes I’d wait on the bench…yes, the bench. Now this bench is maybe ten feet in front of the counter. Directly in front of the counter. I was sitting there for about two minutes (seriously, no more than three) when my phone rings. It’s the pharmacy. No, I’m not making this up. I think it’s their confused automated system calling me, but when I answer it I hear the noises already around me. “Um, hello?” And I get, “Is Deborah there?” I slowly look up, and right there in front of me, on the phone is the same woman I just freakin’ talked to. On the phone. I say, “Uh, ya. I’m sitting right here in front of you.” She looks up to see my “you’re kind of a dumbass” smirk and just hangs up the phone. Ya, and these are people working in the healthcare industry. It’s a scary world my friends.


I have to say, I love my second half of the year outfits more than my first half of the year, although the same commonalities apply. Print mixing and opposing elements. The second half of the year was when my boho phase (okay, not really a phase since it won’t be ending anytime soon) started. Tunic dresses are my new BFF. I’ve now got a collection of tunic dresses so large I should be embarrassed. But I’m not. I know, fashion rules dictate that short busty chicks shouldn’t wear tunics. And 50 year olds shouldn’t wear denim shorts, Converse, and over the knee boots. Ya, and ladies shouldn’t have tattoos and drop f-bombs. Whatever.


Break fashion rules. Break all of the fashion rules if you’re feelin’ froggy. Age does not by any means determine personal style, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. If you’re 50 and want to wear otk boots, do it. Better yet, do it when you’re 70. If you’re 20 and want to wear Chanel-style suits and pillbox hats every day, by all means, have at it. The important thing is rock it with confidence. Own it. Love yourself. Love your style. Naysayers be damned.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

plaid shirt, denim shorts, Converse, sequin clutch, black pencil skirt

Original Post                                                                             Original Post

floral dress, cargo vest, floral tunic, over the knee boots

Original Post                                                                            Original Post

faux fur vest, black tunic, lace up boots, gray tunic sweater, distressed black skinny jeans

Original Post                                                                            Original Post


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8 years ago

Your story is why I plan never to get sick. Widespread incompetence will make it worse.

I agree with you about “rules.” We have enough with people telling us how to live our lives; let’s at least dress ourselves by ourselves.

Amy Ann
Amy Ann
8 years ago

So many great outfits! Sorry to hear about your troubles

Amy Ann
Straight A Style

Regina L. L. Wells
8 years ago

Right on!! I couldn’t agree with you more on all fronts, Debbie! You are funny as all get out!I love your style (personality and fashion)! Happy New Year!

8 years ago

Ugh! Sorry to hear about all of that, such a bummer. Your outfits are awesome though, I love how you made these styles your own!


Hearts of Gold Blog
Instagram @heartsofgoldblog

8 years ago

OMG. You wonder how on earth these people managed to get their jobs in the first place. Scary. Just scary.


8 years ago

Aw hope you are feeling better now Debbie!! Great looks, love them all 🙂

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

Such a great rant, and well worth talking about. Our health, their hands, all very worrying. Love all your advice and have recently ordered some OTK boots to try out at home as I just want to see if I can pull them off at my age too. You look hot in yours! Rules to me just beg to be broken. Who says I can’t? As fashion bloggers are proving, we really don’t have to ask permission from anyone, even other bloggers. Do your own thing baby, as life is too short. Happy New Year and I’ll be seeing you… Read more »

8 years ago

Your outfits are always so much fun. Rock on lady! Cheers to 2016!

Dawn Lucy
8 years ago

Haha …. I love your stories, Debbie. The pharmacy calling you while you’re sitting right in front of her is the best. So sorry that you’re sick though. Do you go back to work tomorrow? It’s always a tough transition going back after 2 weeks off, right?

Oh, and DUH … love your looks and your Rules-Be-Damned attitude!!!!!

Thanks so much for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday & wishing you all the very best in 2016!
Dawn Lucy

8 years ago

I love this post. I love breaking fashion rules too – taking fashion risks is part of the fun of getting dressed!

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Well, I’m all for breaking rules! And tunic dresses look so good on you, Debbie!
Hope you’re feeling better now.

8 years ago

OK. How are we NOT friends? A fellow Deb who is of a certain age (heck no we’re not old!) & a fashion blogger?! I love that you throw the old rules out the window. You rebel you. By the way, your rant was too funny. I hope to get to know you better because you are my kinda fun girl. Happy New Year!

Stylewise by Debra

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