denim boyfriend shorts / graphic t-shirt / graphic tee / JustFab / layered necklaces / leopard wedge sandals / Levis / Tilly's / Urban Outfitters / white blazer

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: White Blazer, Graphic Tee, Denim Shorts And Leopard Wedge Sandals

     Going by that reasoning, these shots should be worth eight thousand words. That will have to be enough for today. In light of the fact I’m having a supremely yucky allergy day, and feel like I’ve been thrown off of a building into a lake of murky water which I then inhaled into my sinuses, I will let the pictures speak for themselves. I’m thinking Benadryl (the make you sleep as if in a coma kind) and bed are going to be my two favorite things for now. Have a fabulous weekend my lovelies! We’ll be back to the regularly scheduled programming on Monday…

Linking up with:  Fashion Item FridayPassion For Fashion Link UpWelcome To The Weekend Blog HopStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites and Casual Friday Link Up.

Blazer: Urban Outfitters (No longer available);  Tee: Tilly’s (No longer available);  Shorts: Levis (Old);  Sandals: JustFab (No longer available)

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Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

This is weird…I had on a version of this same outfit this past week. I have a white blazer I’m trying to decide if I want to take it to consignment or not. After seeing my hair twin, maybe I should give it another try.

Hope you are feeling better soon. I know how allergies can make everything difficult.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Thanks Suzanne…I was better the next day as I expected. In my opinion you should hold on to your white blazer. Surprisingly I get as much wear out of my white blazers as my black.

10 years ago

The sandals and blazer are amazing. I have been feeling rubbish with poorly sinuses as well this week. Hope you feel better soon.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  fashion-mommy
10 years ago

Thanks so much!

Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

I agree a picture is worth a thousand of words. You always rock those denim cut-offs. I love them so much with the white blazer that I will give mine a try. Love your awesome graphic tee, all the necklaces and of course those cool leopard sandals.

I hope your allergies get better soon. You look great in fact. =)

Welcome by when you have a second. Enjoy the weekend.

<3 Ada.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Thanks Ada!

Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

Loving this entire look! Worth more than a thousand words. 🙂


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

Awww…thank you so much Mo! 🙂

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Great look Debbie, loving your white jacket 🙂

Hope your feeling better soon..

Thanks for linking up #weekendbloghop

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Thanks Claire! 🙂

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Love this look on you Deb! That white jacket is sweeeeet! So are your sandals 🙂 The graphic T is a nice added touch to the outfit as well. I do love you in glasses you should wear them more!

from the link up
please stop by, jess

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Haha! I actually have to wear my glasses all of the time now, but I hate having them on my face so I take them off often and then I can’t see! I just feel more like me without them, but I guess I need to get over that….

Rhea D
10 years ago

love love! my favorite blazers are the ones with the scrunched up sleeves like yours <3

happy friday!
rhea | Rhea, Et Cetera – Style to Inspire Link Up

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Rhea D
10 years ago

Mine too because I have short arms…haha!

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Ewwww! I hate when allergies hit. Get better, my friend. If it’s any consolation, you look stunning in this ensemble!

Dana Jo
10 years ago

Gorgeous in white!! The shirt is awesome! Love your necklaces and the blazer is very nice! 🙂


10 years ago

Sorry you feel bad, but dang you look good!!! :o)

Lorna mai ltd
10 years ago

This is my most favourite look of yours so far Debbie. I love your stunning white blazer, it fits you like a glove. I like how you’ve styled it with denim jeans and a graphic t-shirt. Your sandals are gorgeous, love leopard print.

Bogi RedReticule
10 years ago

One of my go to looks is a pair of jeans, tee and a blazer. It never goes out of style, looks polished and it is comfortable. I absolutely love your white blazer.

Urs E. Gattiker - DrKPI
10 years ago

Cool outfit from Debbie.
I love jeans outfits.

10 years ago

check out my new fashion line at

10 years ago

Soooooooooooooo fabulous.
I hope you will join Share-in-Style: white tomorrow.
Enjoy the rest of Sunday, my friend

Rita Sousa
10 years ago

Love this look! And your hair, of course!! 😉


tara langdale
10 years ago

that is such a great blazer!!!!! and I love love love the leopard lace ups!! you look purrrrfect!!

Tara Belle

10 years ago

Thank you soooooooooooo much for joining the Share-i-Style creative family.

Signe Savant
10 years ago

I never would have guessed that you were having a Benedryl day! You are the Queen of the Blazers and look (as always) stupendous!
: signe : the daily savant :

Andrea InMamasWardrobe
10 years ago

I hope you are feeling better Debbie! Love the jacket & tee! Ax

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