cream v-neck sweater / denim vest / Firmoo / JCPenney / Old Navy / plaid scarf / striped maxi skirt

A Serendipitous Turn Of Events: Striped Maxi Skirt, Denim Vest, Plaid Scarf And Firmoo Glasses

     If you happen to follow me on Instagram, then perhaps about three weeks ago you saw the group project that my sheltie and bulldog engaged in. You see, Charley (the sheltie) is a stealth ninja kleptomaniac. She can get up on the highest counter or table and quite gracefully and without a sound, steal any number of random things. Things that it doesn’t even make sense for a dog to steal. Like, say…my glasses. She is in a pack leader power struggle with Bawb (the bulldog) so she sets him up whenever the opportunity presents itself. I’m pretty sure the day she stole my glasses she said something like this to Bawb…”Hey, dude. I know for a fact if you absolutely decimate these glasses mama will love you so much that she’ll give you extra cuddles and treats.” So being a good boy who wants to please his mama, Bawb took my glasses out to the yard and ate them. Literally. I only find a shard of one lens and a few pieces of frame. Needless to say, no one got extra cuddles or treats. But the vet did get a call.
     As the title states, about a a week after the eating of the glasses a fortunate stroke of serendipity entered my life via Firmoo, an online optical store. They asked if perhaps I would be interested in reviewing a pair of their prescription eyeglasses. Umm…yes. Are you kidding me?? I was getting ready to buy a replacement pair so seriously, could there have possibly been better timing?
     Trust me, I was apprehensive because I have never ordered actual prescription glasses online. It was kind of a scary proposition. They have an excellent selection of frames, but they all seemed bigger than what I typically get. Fortunately I was able to upload a photo of myself and “try on” each pair. That really helped in the selection process, but I was still a bit wary.
     I received my new glasses about a week after I ordered them. Believe me, I tore into them like a kid at Christmas. I put them on and was immediately in love. Why had I always gotten smaller frames? What had I been thinking? I guess I figured with my little elf face big frames would look ridiculous. But au contraire my friends, they were fabulous. And the prescription was spot on. I can tell you with absolute honesty, if you’re considering getting new specs then Firmoo is definitely worth checking out. Oh, and maybe keep your glasses in a lock box to keep them safe from stealth ninja shelties.

Linking up with: Share-In-StyleCreative Mondays Blog HopStyle To InspireLet It Shine Link UpHow I Fall Link UpPersonal Style Monday.

Skirt: JCPenney (Old);  Vest: So old I don’t remember;  Sweater: Old Navy (Old);  Scarf: Etsy;  Glasses: c/o

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Jacqueline Stewart
9 years ago

Those frames are wonderful, as is the pattern clashing awesomeness of that skirt with that scarf <3

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jacqueline Stewart
9 years ago

Thanks so much…and thank you for stopping by!

9 years ago

Such a great casual look. I love this glasses, so flattering to your face and amazing hair. Have a great day. Mel

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Mel
9 years ago

Thanks Mel!

9 years ago

The glasses look wonderful on you! I ‘m loving your stripes and plaid combo 🙂

Tiina L
9 years ago

I am having a serious case of hair envy, your do is exactly what I’ve always wanted (and never will have: the curse of the curly hair…). Love the outfit, too.

Idu Emeziem
9 years ago

The glasses look awesome on you. Talk of perfect timing right. I love your skirt too, the length and the pattern are really stand out.

Pam @ over50feeling40
9 years ago

Love the glasses and your hair!! the color is so gorgeous.

Suzanne Carillo
9 years ago

I love Firmo too. And these bigger frames do look great. I love the maxi skirt too. That whole outfit is dang nabbit CUTE.


Mel Menjivar
9 years ago

You look gorgeous thank you so much for sharing Happy Monday!

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Totally adorable glasses and I love the outfit too! Perfection!
Dawn Lucy

Whitney James
9 years ago

I love your frames, as well as the outfit! You are a pattern mixing genius. Very fun and stylish look. Feel free to linkup with me over on the blog too! Happy Monday…xo!


Jessica Jannenga
9 years ago

I think they look great on you! I love the shape. I bought the last 2 pairs of my prescription glasses online and love em. I also love the red lipstick and the outfit.
from the link up
please stop by, jess xx

Jeannette Perez
9 years ago

Hello Debbie! The first time I saw you with those glasses I thought, WOW! She looks good! Yes I love them very much and you made a great choice. The frame suits your face really well. I, as a matter of fact, need a pair of new reading glasses (I can’t continue living on over the counter ones!) I got the prescription from the Doc so I will go ahead and check FORMOO out. If I am going to look as good as you do, I want a pair too!!!!! Will let you know. Loved the story about your cute… Read more »

Doused In Pink
9 years ago

Those frames are fun and look great on you! Love your plaid scarf and striped maxi too!


9 years ago

Stripes and plaid, I love the mix and you look fantastic with your new glasses!
Coco et La vie en rose – Valeria Arizzi

Clairejustine oxox
9 years ago

You look beautiful Debbie. Great look and loving your hair, glasses and scarf 🙂 thanks for linking up …

Clairejustine oxox
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
9 years ago

Love this outfit Debbie, thanks again for sharing, featured you this week 🙂

Lorna mai ltd
9 years ago

Great pattern mixing! The splash of red is eyecatching and I love the stripey maxi. You look fab!

9 years ago

I received my package today, loved the F21 mailer bag! Ha! I love everything, I can’t wait to wear and style the scarves and necklace… and, love the chapstick flavor!! I need a striped maxi skirt and I have never tried layering my denim sleeveless jacket over a sweater- I have got to try it. You look gorgeous in this outfit!

Hollie "Jet" Black-Ramsey
9 years ago

Awesome frames! Stripes and plaids are my all time favorite combo!

J Trogstad
9 years ago

Yay! Firmoo! I love your glasses! I just recently got mine and I love them. I also love your striped skirt too! 🙂

Mrs C
9 years ago

Debbie, you look cute in the most sexy way in those glasses!

Irene Papadopoulou
9 years ago

i really like the casual style! i love the you wore this sweater over!


9 years ago

Great outfit! I love the pattern mixing with the stripes on your skirt and the plaid scarf! Those glasses look really great on you! I picked out a tortie pair for myself as well. I love them!

9 years ago

This outfit is super great! Long, and lean, and lovely…and cool!!!


9 years ago

I love how good you look in skirts. Loving your hair so much
Thank you so very much for joining Share-in-Style once more, a true honour

María Vega MeryShopping
9 years ago

I love this mix: red, black, white and denim!! Kisses from Share in Style!

9 years ago

TIME TO VOTE today dear friend . Time to really look at each other( Rosy and I are excluded )
Tons of love.

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