burgundy ankle boots / camo blouse / denim overalls / JustFab / Macy's / target

A Spousal Two-fer And Middle School Cooties: Overalls, Camo Blouse And Ankle Booties

     As I write this I’m sick as all get out. I have some sort of head cold/sinus thing, and I actually had to call off work which I don’t normally do. When I was at the elementary I’d usually make it until October or November until one of those little germ balls took me down for the count. Apparently the cooties at the middle school are more virulent since this is only the third week of school and I’m already wrecked. Hopefully this is an anomaly and not a sign of things to come.
     I wore this outfit Sunday when the hubs and I went to my brother-in-law’s 50th birthday party. It was an outdoor event so we dressed accordingly. Besides the warmth factor, throwing a layer over a pair of overalls adds some visual interest. And I thought my husband looked so delicious that I snapped a few shots of him as well, so he’s making a special guest appearance today. That means you guys are getting a two-fer and you have something to look at besides me. You’re welcome.

Linking up with:  Style Sessions Fashion Link UpConfident TwosdayTrend Spin Link UpTremendous TuesdayRandom Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said SoStyle Me WednesdayWordless Wednesday Blog HopHump Day Blog Hop and Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty Blog Hop.

Overalls: Macy’s (No longer available); Blouse: Target (Old);  Booties: JustFab

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M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

He posed! I love it! You’re so lucky that he gets involved in your blog! And camo + fishtails? Perfection! Finally, you and I must truly be soul sisters because I think I’m coming down with sick too. Not as wretched as yours yet – and hopefully not ever – but I feel a tickle in my throat and have been downing Airborne pills like crazy. In denial. Don’t wanna call in unless I’m on my deathbed. Saving sick days for mental health days, iykwim. ;p

Whitney James
10 years ago

Love this post! The overalls and camo jacket AND boots…such great items. Love how you styled them, and I love your hubby’s look too. Hope you feel better…xo!


Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Look at you! Getting you man to pose : )

I love his hat.

Hope you are feeling better soon.


Kacie Ellis
10 years ago

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is the worst! I am so loving your boots!

Rhea D
10 years ago

i’m drooling over those booties i love it! i hope you’re feeling better…. and how awesome is that you got your husband to pose for your blog! yay! <3

rhea @

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Hi Debbie, aww i hope your feeling a lot better today, I hate to be sick 🙁 loving your boots I need some like these, lovely to see your husband here too 🙂

Thanks for linking up :):)

Beata B
10 years ago

I hope you feel better ! Great outfit . You look fantastic 🙂 x

10 years ago

Coolest Couple Award!!!!!


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