cardigan / denim overalls / Macy's / Old Navy / plaid flannel shirt / red pumps / Victoria's Secret

A Woman Of Few Words: Denim Overalls, Plaid Shirt And Pumps

     I’m writing this post very early this (Friday) morning before I go to work. Last night I was too busy cuddling that sweet little baby boy. He’s absolutely delicious I must say. And then when we got home, cuddling four fur babies who felt slighted in the area of mommy love. Therefore, today will be short on words because I’m short on time.
     Day four of the theme week at school was country western. In all honesty, I had on my blue cowboy style ankle booties when I wore this to work. It was way too costumey for real life though, so I switched them out for my red pumps for your viewing pleasure.

Linking up with: Fashion Item FridayPassion For Fashion Link UpWelcome To The Weekend Blog HopStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites and Casual Friday Link Up.

Overalls: Macy’s;  Shirt: Old Navy (Old);  Cardigan: Victoria’s Secret (Old);  Pumps: Macy’s (Old)

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Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

Great look and I love the red pumps. ( To funny that today, Friday I am wearing a very similar red plaid over my chambray dress, but luckily I am a day late in my posts so today I am a pineapple.) I love red plaid this year. But where did you get that awesome necklace???

10 years ago

Wow… you did the impossible — you made me like an outfit with overalls in it. The red items and pumps transform this into something quite appealing. Very smart ensemble!

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

SO cute Deb! I love those red pumps! I do like the overalls as well . ZFunny how some trends return. One of these days i need to see a pic of your fur babies too! You know I have 2 little fur balls 🙂
from the link up
please stop by, jess xx

Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

You always make fab outfits out of your overalls. This one is both edgy and feminine. Love all the red. Fabulous Mary Janes and Flower Necklace.

And I am all about Denim on today’s post as well.

Happy Weekend, Deb!

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Great look Debbie, love denim and red together 🙂

Thanks for linking up, have a lovely weekend 🙂

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

My first impression of this was “ahhh, cute!!” and it is. Thanks for your supportive friendship and your fun personality here on your blog. and …for attending Fashion ITEM Friday! Yay! ♥, Renae

xoxo Kellz*
10 years ago

U look awesome- now I want to wear my overalls!!!

10 years ago

Everything looks so fun together but I believe those heels are the stand out in this look!!! I’m btw hosting a huge $500 gift card giveaway from GIGI NEW YORK along with 9 other fashion bloggers starting Oct. 13 till the 20th at the blog – hope you could check it out & join!!


10 years ago

Aw darn, I wanted to see it with the boots. :o)


J Trogstad
10 years ago

I know I’ve said it before, but I love red on you! I am loving this red plaid and these overalls on you…they’re terrific!

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