
Hello my friends & welcome!

  • I’m Debbie Stinedurf~ founder of Your Styled Stwhat if today was the day you decided to change your lifeory and creator of the high level coaching program, You: Restyled” & the Soul Style framework.
  • I’m a Certified Life Coach (CLC) & Personal Stylist with 30 years of experience in the field of education. I have the training & life experience to get you where you want to be…where you deserve to be.
  • YSS was launched in 2013 (formerly known as Fashion Fairy Dust) and was originally a place for sharing my daily outfits. It has since grown into a space to inspire, teach and encourage women to speak their truth, explode their confidence, love their self-image, discover & dress according to their Soul Style, & to live their lives BIG & on their own terms.
  • It is my passion to help women who feel lost to redesign their self-image, rediscover their inner badass, their belief in themselves & the inner power that they never knew (or forgot) they had.

If you love the idea of...

  • Getting the hell out of your comfort zone
  • Real honest talk with zero sugar coating
  • Wearing whatever it is that expresses your unique Soul Style along with tips & suggestions for putting it all together
  • Actionable real-life strategies for skyrocketing your confidence, loving your self-image, unleashing your inner badass AND enjoying the hell out of your life…

Then girlfriend, you’ve come to the right place!


  • My passion in life is to help women just like you to unleash your inner badass & rediscover who you really are! Society trains girls from a very early age that the most important thing is to be a “good girl”. We’re conditioned to believe that it’s our job to keep ourselves small & to dim our light to make sure everyone else feel comfortable. Over time, we lose our badass wild self…that bold outrageous little girl that had zero fucks to give about expectations & comfort zones, that little girl who loved who she was, believed in her own magic & squeezed every last drop of joy out of every single day.
  • I’m living proof that finding that wild little badass girl again is possible…not only possible, but an absolute necessity if you want to live the big, juicy, amazing life you deserve. I grew up believing that I was never enough…not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, well-dressed enough…you get the idea. It was only in the last 5 years that I finally realized that not only am I enough, I’m more than enough! And I realized that an “okay” life wasn’t gonna cut it anymore. So guess what?

I stepped out of okay & into HELL YEAH…I started writing my own story, rewiring my mindset & redesigning my self-image. I found my inner badass & haven’t looked back!

Staying small any longer was simply not an option. And I want nothing more than to share what I’ve learned with you. If I can do it, so can you…and I’m here to support you and SHOW YOU HOW!

I want to wake you up to the reality of your inner badass by showing you how to

  • Blow up your limiting beliefs & learn how to get past them. It’s time to change the narrative & you have the power to do it
  • Use the power of words to fill your life with positive vibes & the ability to handle whatever life throws at you
  • Rewire your mindset so that you so that your self-image is in alignment both inside & out
  • Develop unshakeable confidence in yourself so that you can walk into any situation & own the shit out of it
  • Discover your unique Soul Style, so that getting dressed in a way that aligns with who you are is never a problem again

…So that you’re LIVING your own styled story!

print mixing for beginners

YSS the blog provides you with real life actionable advice on mindset, self-image & confidence + styling tips, tricks and inspiration to start you on the path to your own self-image & fashion badassery, along with short reads meant to inspire, educate & entertain you



…But if you still want more, want to dive deeper & would love some one on one attention from me, then check out the full list of Coaching & Styling Services I offer!




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Cindy Scurry
7 years ago

Hi Debbie, finally subscribed! I also think the third piece is the defining piece to an outfit! I do my own photography too. So glad we have connected. I consider you the friend I’ve never met. Maybe one day….

Katherines Corner
7 years ago

How lovely it is to get to know you a bit more. I enjoy watching anything Apocalypse related too. We have a few other similarities too ( you can find them on my about page) Hugs!

6 years ago

You are very fashionable and inspiring

marilyn buchfink
marilyn buchfink
6 years ago

Debbie, I am very particular about the blogs I like, but when I recently came across yours I was hooked. I feel addicted now. I especially love the tulle skirts. I have always wanted one. but being 63 I thought I couldn’t wear something like that. You have inspired me by the lovely pictures and the way you pair things with them, So I clicked on the Shoptiques site where you said you got yours and they were on sale for $18. OMG it was meant to be. I got a white one. Anxiously reading your older posts and looking… Read more »

Deborah Stinedurf
Reply to  marilyn buchfink
6 years ago

Thank you so much Marilyn…I’m so happy that you love the blog! It means so much to me to hear that I inspired you; knowing that what I write and the photographs that I take provide even a little bit of inspiration or entertainment for others is the reason that I do it. Email me a photo of you in your new tulle skirt when you get it…I’d love to see it! xo

Ashley Glenz
5 years ago

I adore your style & your blog! It’s gorgeous!

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