Be forewarned. I will have a pair of denim joggers. Oh yes, I will. The pair I have my sights set on will be available at Macy’s in August. Trust me. I will stalk the Macy’s website until they appear. I discovered them in the new issue of Stylewatch and for some inexplicable reason I was immediately obsessed. Much like the sequin skirt I mentioned in Friday’s post. I originally saw it in an ad in one of my magazines and fell madly and passionately in love with it. I touched on this Friday when I talked about Nordstrom’s getting into my head with their annual sale. I will sometimes see something in an ad or on another blog and some switch in my brain clicks on. At that point it’s over and I will search obsessively until I find the object of my desire.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a complete sucker. I find most advertising to be so ridiculous it borders on the moronic. I know Jennifer Aniston has to have at least some crow’s feet around her eyes, for God’s sake she’s about my age. I am fully cognizant of the fact perfection doesn’t exist and almost all of the gorgeous people used in ad campaigns have been touched up to some degree. But with that being said, sometimes a certain item just worms it’s way into my head and I have to have it. I don’t know. Maybe it isn’t the advertising per se, but the item itself. Maybe I wasn’t hugged enough as a child and therefore I must have sequined skirts and denim joggers to fill the void…it’s a mystery we may never have the answers to my friends.
This is just a simple outfit I threw on the other day to run some errands. The brown midi skirt has been hanging sadly in my closet for years. I used to wear it a lot, but then it fell out of favor. It’s super comfortable and hangs just right, but it’s a linen blend, hence the wrinkles which are impossible to avoid. The black racerback tank top is from Old Navy a few seasons ago. It has just a pinch of stretch to it so it fits just right. And the bronze metallic sandals are oldies but goodies too. Sometimes it pays to dig around in the stash you already have, am I right?
Linking up with: Monday Bloom, Style To Inspire Link Up, Mix It Mondays and Visible Monday.
**Also linking up with the lovely Claire at Creative Monday’s Blog Hop where I’m one of this week’s featured blogs. Stop by and check out all of the other lovelies!