JCPenney / Kohl's / Old Navy / plaid pants / statement necklace / target / Walmart

An Ode To My Glasses: Plaid Pants, Black Blazer And Black Pumps

     Why an ode to my glasses? Well, as those of you who follow me on Instagram may know from last night’s picture, they are no more. Due to a tragic terrorist plot perpetrated by my evil genius sheltie they have been thoroughly and completely decimated. She stole them from the table (I swear to God she is a stealth ninja) and handed them off to the bulldog…who promptly ate them. And I mean thoroughly and completely ate them. I managed to find all of the frame (all four pieces of it) and a shard of one lens. Believe me, hunting through leaves for lenses in the dusk with an iPhone flashlight is no easy feat. And it also required an evening phone call to the vet in light of the fact Bawb may or may not have actually eaten the lenses. I tell ya, they’re lucky I love them like children. I guess on the bright side that means I get a new pair of glasses.
     You know winter is practically upon us when I spring the plaid pants from winter storage. These aren’t the most comfortable pants I own, but they’re so damn cool I just don’t care. I decided to keep everything else black so the pants were the star of the show. The coat was a find at Old Navy a few years back. It was one of those things I became obsessed with and had to track down because it was no longer available online. I mean seriously, a winter coat with 3/4 sleeves?! I had to have it. So I had my son fetch one for me at a store near where he lives. Now that my friends, is the sign of a good son. Mama needs a style fix and he hooks her up.

Linking up with: Welcome To The Weekend Blog HopPassion For Fashion Link UpStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab FavoritesFashionomics FridayFashion Friday at Mummy’s Got Style.

Coat: Old Navy (Old);  Pants: JCPenney (Old);  Blazer: Target (Old); Pumps: Kohl’s (In store purchase);  Tee: Walmart (Old)

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The London Mum
10 years ago

I love the whole look and adore those trousers!!! I want them!! #fashionfriday

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  The London Mum
10 years ago

Thank you!

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Yep. Plaid is definitely in the air. And I think we are style soulmates once again because I believe I have that exact same pair of pants. Go, us! And go you for rocking this fab ensemble!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Aren’t they great? You have to wear yours now. 🙂

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Aww Sorry to hear about your glasses! My boy can get into things. I love this whole look, the plaid and the black coat, especialy the shoes. I need to know where you got the necklace though, been looking for black neclaces, love it!
from the link up,
please stop by, jess xx

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Thanks Jess! The necklace came from Forever 21, but I’ve had it for years though.

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

you do have one great son, no question. Loving this look and the black does make the pants to focal point. ( and to think I was fussing that my little lou was chewing my fingers,…. good thing you love them)

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

Right? He got me this coat and the ON “fabulous” tee when I couldn’t find it. Yes, my dogs are certainly lucky they own me.

Amy Treasure
10 years ago

Those trousers! Love them x

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Amy Treasure
10 years ago

Thank you!

10 years ago

I love this combo of tartan and black, reminiscent of British punk but with a definite elegant twist. Great style Debbie!
Coco et La vie en rose – Valeria Arizzi

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Coco
10 years ago

Yes! These pants always remind me of British punk when I wear them.

10 years ago

Love the plaid pants 🙂

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  garaytreasures
10 years ago

Thanks doll!

10 years ago

Did you feel so Punk Goth Chic in this outfit? ‘Cause you’re Rocking it!!!


mummy's got style
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
10 years ago

You look incredible, adore this look, it’s luxe and festive and makes me want to copy every piece! Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday x

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
10 years ago

Ya, I kinda did JJ…thank you! 🙂

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
10 years ago

Thank you and thanks for hosting the link up!

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Amazingly chic look! LOVE!!! And sorry to hear about your glasses … I’ve also had glasses … fabulous shoes … the list goes on … chewed to total destruction by our lovable bratty mutts!
Dawn Lucy

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

The list is endless…our American Bulldog who passed away, once ate my hubby’s motorcycle…I kid you not. She ate the tires, seat, and saddlebags!! And of course, we still loved her. 🙂

Suzanne Carillo
10 years ago

I do love plaid pants…not sure why…but I do. These look great.

Sorry to hear about the glasses. Glad to hear the furry kid is okay.


Darlene Fadem
10 years ago

I’m IN LOVE with those pants!!!!! I just scored a vintage red coat with a plaid lining for only $5.00! I can’t wait to wear it! Sorry about your glasses. Can’t wait to see the new ones you get!
Darlene Fadem

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Love your trousers Debbie and I so need your shoes 🙂

Thanks for linking up 🙂

The European Malteser
10 years ago

Those trousers are the best!
Thank you for linking with Passion4Fashion LinkUp where I am co-hosting with Rachel.I’d be thrilled if you would pop over to my blog if you get a chance:)

J Trogstad
10 years ago

I love your plaid pants so much! So pretty how you paired them with those cute flats! thanks for joining us for another week of Celebrate southern! xoxo

Signe Savant
10 years ago

These plaid pants are epic! Sorry to hear about your glasses… though maybe I’m not… picking out new frames is fun!
: signe : the daily savant :
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