Boho / boho outfit / Boohoo / coat / fall style / Free People / jeans / style tips

Angels Bootcut Jeans & Peasant Top: The Second Coming Of Selleck

Angels boot cut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style boot cut jeans.

I have to tell you, it’s a good thing that my self-confidence is, for the most part, fully formed at this point in my life…


…If it weren’t, this weekend it would have taken a serious hit. I potentially could have ended up locked in my bathroom with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, a magnifying mirror and a pot of molten bubbling face wax. So…are you intrigued yet?

For the last month or so, I have been on the hunt for a new place to get my nails done. The place I have frequented for years has been doing a rather shoddy job as of late so I’ve been trying out others. It just so happens that I also had my brows waxed at the same establishment where I got my manicures.

Saturday I ventured into yet another nail salon and as soon as I walked in I really liked it. The lovely woman who was going to do both my nails and brows summoned me to the waxing area and I laid back on the table, eagerly looking forward to the eradication of the caterpillars that had sprouted on my face during the last month…fortunately for me, and you, I have very pale blonde brows and long bangs. Hence the caterpillars aren’t noticeable. And the long bangs give them a little nest to reside in…but I digress.

So, this very pleasant lady is waxing my brows and I’m just chillin’. Until she says…”You would like your lip waxed too, yes?” Ummm….wait…what???  Does my lip need waxed? Do I have a fully formed ‘stache that I’ve been blind to because I’m unable to accept the reality of it? Have I begun to resemble Tom Selleck during the Magnum P.I. era? I actually hesitated a few seconds before I answered. Ultimately I went with no since I figured that if I had enough facial hair to warrant waxing, I in all likelihood would have noticed it by now.


Can I just tell you how much I love these Angels bootcut jeans? I really do; they fit like a dream and actually make my legs look lengthy which is quite a feat considering my elfin size. Now, I’m about to make a statement that threw some of my Instagram followers for a loop; these Angels bootcut jeans are the first, yes first, pair of bootcut jeans that I have owned since elementary school. I’m not playin’ friends. I do not buy, nor do I own a single solitary pair of bootcut jeans.

I think the primary reason for that is my height. I prefer skinnies and boyfriend jeans because I can cuff them. For obvious reasons, one cannot cuff bootcut jeans. This thing is though, at least in my opinion, bootcuts are begging to paired with a heel. I wore my open back stacked heel ankle boots and they were perfect; the heel height, the vibe, everything. I won’t lie to you though, it took me awhile to figure out how I wanted to style them. I perused Pinterest (because what else does a girl do when she needs ideas for…well, anything) as well as my closet, until I decided upon what you see here. I’m thinking it turned out pretty well for someone who’s never owned a pair of bootcut jeans.

And yes…I’m sportin’ my safety pin…as I always will be for the foreseeable future.


Be open to trying new things. Even when it’s something that you have always been dead-set against you might be surprised at how much you like it. Not only do we change over time, but so do our tastes. A particular piece or style that you may not have cared for years ago might be right up your alley now. You’ll never know if you don’t give it a try…


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans.Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans.Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans. Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans. Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans.Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans. Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans. Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans. Angels bootcut jeans, peasant top and shawl collar coat. How to style bootcut jeans.

Jeans: c/o Angels Jeans;  Top: Free People (Similar);  Coat: Boohoo;  Boots: JCPenney (Similar)

**Jeans and top were provided c/o Angel’s Jeans. All opinions expressed, as always, are my own.

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8 years ago

This is such a cute top, love the color on you!

8 years ago

Thanks for the laugh with the waxing story! It may have not been all that funny at the moment, but I’m sure you know what areas need waxing! The story reminds me when I was in grad school and decided to get a facial the day before my comprehensive exam to relax and take my mind of things. It was a place I had never been to, and the aesthetician went on and on about how clogged up and dirty my skin was… Let’s just say it wasn’t very relaxing… You look fabulous in bootcut jeans!!! Glad you were a… Read more »

Reply to  Andrea@WellnessNotes
8 years ago

I have the WORST facial story ever! Same kind of thing as you Andrea, but she was pushing so hard on my skin with her long nails I had scrape marks down my face for a day afterwards. Then she proceeded to brush my face like a horse. I’m not even kidding. I think it was a horse brush. WORST facial EVER. Not to mention she kept telling me how awful my skin was.

8 years ago

Great story – thanks for the smile! Love this outfit too. I remember a dermatologist once saying to me – “If you won the lottery here is what you could do.” Wait, wut? I was only a few million away from looking acceptable? Thanks for linking up xox


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

I don’t know—-with that certain lighting I can see you mustache—ha ha!!
I need to pull out my flare jeans—it is nice to have variety in our closet!!
And this outfit is fabulous, Debbie!!

8 years ago

Your stories always bring a smile to my face! Those jeans look amazing on you and I love the color of your boho top!

Doused In Pink

Mary Murnane
8 years ago

Love how this look turned out. These jeans are perfect!


8 years ago

Love this look! The color of the top suits you beautifully. I applaud you for the safety pin.

8 years ago

I just started following your blog and look forward to your postings. You may have already shared this, but since I’m new, I am asking…how tall are you? You look of average height in the photos, but you mentioned that you were not very tall. I am very short, so I was just trying to figure out if some of your looks would work on me. Thanks! Keep doing what you’re doing-I’m really enjoying your posts.

8 years ago

She was just attempting a sell-up – no trace of a mo! Thanks for making me smile. And love the jeans!

Kishina Heaggans
8 years ago

Haha! I love this story! Why do they ALWAYS assume you need something else waxed when you didn’t even ask for it? Like, seriously, if I wanted my lip waxed I would be the first person to know. I guess they are just doing their best to upsell…lol. This is a cute outfit. Love the color of the blouse and the flare of the jeans. Thanks for sharing and hosting the link up as well,.

Beth M.
8 years ago

Those jeans look so soft and comfy! Thanks for sharing this story! I stopped going to professional salons after being insulted one time too many, and it’s great to have the added confidence of going it alone! Don’t let them convince you of anything you don’t want.

8 years ago

I really dislike it when an aesthetician starts making too may unnecessary suggestions.

I love the colours you are wearing here. Gorgeous with your hair.


8 years ago

Love the details of your top! Beautiful look!

8 years ago

Absolutely love the top!

jess jannenga
8 years ago

Deb this color is fantastic on you, and the jeans look great! The fit is spot on. I had to smile about your story, as I have been asked about my lip too! Must just be an automatic thing to ask.. haa, but it did take me a back at the time!
thanks for linking up with turning heads tuesday
jess xx

8 years ago

Haha I love your before and after photo. Great outfit and story.
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me” link up
Rachel xo

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