Boho / boho outfit / boho top / boots / casual / casual outfit / coat / jeans / over the knee boots / style tips

Angels Jeans & Lace Up OTK Boots: An Inherent Shift

Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit.

Have you ever really thought about the things that you take for granted? I mean really thought about it? Taking certain things for granted isn’t a fault in character, at least in my opinion it’s human nature…


…I think when we get comfortable in our circumstances or life situation, we become somewhat complacent which in turn leads to taking things for granted. I also believe that our life experiences affect what we personally take for granted. For example, if you or a loved one has at some point been stricken with a life threatening illness you might be less inclined to take your health for granted. Or perhaps if in the past you’ve experienced marital/relationship issues then you’re maybe more likely to value every single day with your partner. If you come from a background of poverty then you’re most likely thankful every day for a roof over your head and a meal on your table.

I’m not saying that we can’t or don’t value things in our lives without having experienced a loss or deprivation of some type in our pasts. But it does take effort to be mindful of what we do have on a day to day basis. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know that I tend to take the big things for granted; the things that we really don’t necessarily think about because they have just always been there or at least it seems like they have. Think about all of our modern conveniences. You turn on the faucet, you expect water to come out. You dial your phone, you expect the call to go through. You flip a switch, and the lights had better damn well come on. You get in your vehicle, turn the key and it starts. Right?

Why all this deep introspective stuff? In the last week there has been an inherent shift in how I feel and how I view the world; no, I do not have to tell you why now do I? And I believe it’s a shift for the good. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always known that I was blessed to live in this country. But I have taken it for granted. I just assumed it would always be as extraordinary as it has always been. I will never again take for granted the rights and privileges we have fought for over the course of hundreds of years. Through excellent leadership and sometimes through lackluster and even downright laughable leadership, I never once felt that who we were at the most fundamental level would ever change. But we have.

And I have as well. This shift in how I view the world has also made me more appreciative on a smaller scale. I have become more mindful and aware of the good things in my life, the moments that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. My daughter snuggling the bulldog when she thought no one was watching, kissing my husband goodbye in the morning, a stranger holding the door for me, the pleasant conversation with the cashier at Walmart…all of these things matter. If there is one thing I’m grateful for from this past week, it’s for opening my eyes and my mind to all of the things in this world that I’ve always just assumed would be there, and for reminding me to truly appreciate them each and every day.


Have you ever heard of Angels Jeans? I ain’t gonna lie…I hadn’t until they contacted me for a series of collaborations. And I have to tell you, I’m glad they did. Today I’m wearing a pair of their Curvy Skinny Jeans, and they are both comfortable and flattering. I do want to point out that they run pretty true to size. Since they were skinny jeans I went up a size, which I often do with skinnies, and they were a bit loose. Not so loose that it would warrant a return, but I definitely should have gone with my regular size though. With that being said, they are super flattering and have the just right amount of stretch so you don’t get the sensation of being sawed in half by the waist band of your jeans. A definite plus in my book. They also have fancy stitching and/or subtle (keyword being subtle) bling on the back pockets. So they are perfect if you’re looking for denim that’s just a little bit dressier than normal.

The top too is from Angels Jeans. Right up my alley don’t you think? Along with my newfound love of pastels I’ve also been crushing on navy blue as of late so between the boho style and the color I know it will be getting a lot of love. It was time to bring out my lace up over the knee boots…which I lovingly refer to as my pirate boots because, well, they kinda look like something Johnny Depp sold on Ebay after he finished filming Pirates Of The Caribbean.  What better to pair them with then a boho top and skinny jeans? An eye patch perhaps, but today I stuck with the boho top and skinny jeans.


If you’re on the market for jeans with a little extra somethin’, definitely take a minute and check out Angels Jeans. While it’s always a good thing to have your old standby’s, it’s not a bad idea to have a few pairs of jeans that elevate your denim game from the usual.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit.Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit. Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit. Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit.Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit. Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit. Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit. Angels Jeans, boho top, lace up over the knee boots. Fall boho outfit.

Jeans: c/o Angel’s Jeans;  Top: c/o Angel’s Jeans;  Boots: Similar;  Coat: c/o Shein

**Jeans and top were provided c/o Angel’s Jeans. All opinions expressed, as always, are my own.

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8 years ago

The print of your top is so pretty, and I love those boots!

8 years ago

We so often really do take things for granted until they are gone or drastically changed…

Cute jeans! I like the little extra bling! 🙂

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

I think especially when Thanksgiving comes around we start to feel more gratitude (or like you said, when an event happens) —now if only we could carry that along almost every day. Because we are very blessed and lucky in so many, many ways!
Those boots are fierce Debbie!!
I haven’t heard of Angel jeans before—i’m definitely going to check them out!

Mary Murnane
8 years ago

Total human nature to take things for granted, it’s nice to remind yourself often. Love this look!


8 years ago

Guess we never miss the water til the well runs dry is so darn true. I love this top on you and the boots. . .the boots are so special.

8 years ago

It is true you never know how good you have it till it’s no longer there. Being present in the moment and showing gratitude is always good.


8 years ago

Deb, I often say to my hubby, one of my favorite time of day is ” cuddlesome,” with the puppies. I enjoyed reading your introspective post, as I have thought more and more of how these sometimes “little things” really are very important things I am appreciative of. Love the style of your blouse, your jeans look great, and those,are some cool boots!
Jess xx

8 years ago

It’s easy to take things for granted, little and big and sometimes you don’t realize you are doing it until it’s gone. I’m trying to take a breath and be more appreciative of everything throughout the day.

Love the print of your top and those lace up boots are fabulous!

Doused In Pink

Amy Christensen
8 years ago

What a great outfit, Debbie. I tend to sway towards boho and bling, so i love the top and more than one pair of jeans I own has some sort of embellishment on the pocket. These look amazing! Thanks for telling us about these jeans. Finding a good pair of jeans that fit all over and don’t give me muffin top is a challenge. I’ll have to check out their site. Love the boots, but I am glad you chose to forgo the eye patch! Have a great day. – Amy

8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. These OTK boots are a great find!

8 years ago

Such a lovely outfit Debbie, love your boots!! I want some like these 🙂 Thanks for linking up..

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