We already know that I’m not really snow’s biggest fan. But the one thing that is worse is cold. I mean bone chilling it hurts to breathe cold. Today’s high is 18 degrees with lows in the single digits and wind chills below 0. It would be the perfect day to stay home under a pile of blankets cuddled up with my dogs and my bully pup. But, that’s a no go. I already was out two days this week for the flu from hell so out into the Arctic I must go.
Fortunately, this is yesterday’s outfit. This pants are sweet, but they weren’t necessarily built for warmth. I noticed after taking these pictures, my necklace lost a stone somewhere. How sad is that? I’ll have to make a trip to the craft store to see if I can find something to replace it. I rarely take close up shots of my necklaces, but of course when I do my necklace is jacked. At least you get the idea, it really is a super pretty necklace, missing stone and all.
I can assure you that whatever I wear today will involve multiple layers and most likely some type of wooly boots. Hopefully I won’t look like the Michelin Man. I guess you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see…don’t judge. A girl’s gotta keep warm.
Linking up with: Tres-chic Fashion Thursday, What I Wore To Work, Three-fer Thursday, and Spotlight Weekly Link Up: Plaid.