distressed skinny jeans / JCPenney / target / Uncategorized

Baseball Tee, Distressed Skinny Jeans & Bearpaws: You Might Be A Teacher If…

…you are equally as excited to receive a giant box from Kurtz Bros. as you are a box from Nordstrom. Yep. That’s a pretty good indicator in my book. For those of you not familiar with Kurtz Bros. it’s a giant school/office supply company that we order most all of our classroom supplies from. And yes, when a box from them arrived at my room today I did a happy dance. Literally. A happy dance in circles like a puppy getting a new bone.  I tore into that thing like it had ten pairs of new shoes inside. It was like the party pinata of school supplies…dry erase markers, colored pencils, construction paper, calculators…the list goes on and on. My new program starts tomorrow (Wednesday) and I had nothing, seriously, nothing for my classroom. Several boxes of my stash of supplies was somehow lost when I moved back to the middle school, and I had also left a lot of my stuff for the teacher who replaced me at the elementary so I had nada. And now I’ve got lots of cool new stuff. Yes, it was a good day at the middle school my friends.

I realize that distressed skinny jeans, a baseball tee and Bearpaw boots don’t make for a super exciting outfit, but I gotta say, I thought it was pretty cute for a casual goin’ to the backwoods Walmart outfit. When I went outside to take the shots my husband told our daughter I was going out to take pictures of my redneck hick outfit. True perhaps, but a pretty cool redneck hick if I do say so myself.

Linking up with: Confident Twosday, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Tremendous Tuesday, Trend Spin Link Up, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Random Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said So, Style Me Wednesday, I Feel Pretty, Wednesday Blog Hop.

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Jeans: JCPenney (Old);  Tee: Target (In-store purchase);  Boots: Bearpaw

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10 years ago

You are so funny! Such a cute, casual look and definitely not a redneck outfit! I love your lip color!

Doused In Pink

10 years ago

You absolutely rocked it! that is simple but you have made it to look very chic!

10 years ago

This is such a Debbie Outfit. The shirt tied around the waist is wonderful.

10 years ago

A baseball tee is always the best!

10 years ago

LOL I wish our Walmart had a forest behind it. I might go more often. Or not. Ha ha.

Love this outfit. Your makeup looks really great here.


Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

I think you look totally adorable! I’d wear that for sure!
Dawn Lucy

10 years ago

Super cute casual look & love how you added the glam necklace with it!!

Mrs C
10 years ago

I don’t know about others but for me this is my kind of casual dressing. Suits my personality and I can honestly say that it suits you too!

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lorna mai
10 years ago

I love how you’ve tied your colourful plaid around your middle. A simple yet stylish casual look.

Linda A Cassidy
10 years ago

I love your redneck outfit…

10 years ago

Great look Debbie 🙂 you know what I have a shirt like this my son gave me and I tried it on just like this the other day, hehe I need to wear it now 🙂

Thanks for sharing at the blog hop …

Suz @ 2 cats & chloe
10 years ago

I loveeee baseball t’s. Seriously – one of my all time favorites. Thanks for joining the Celebrate Southern Linkup last week!

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