Last week I talked about the bittersweet end of the Christmas magic at our house, but there was something that I forgot about…
…The Christmas magic isn’t entirely gone from my world. On Friday we took the kids (my students) on a little adventure out into the community. We went to Christmas Land and then out to lunch. We went to Christmas Land last year too, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to become a tradition.
While the sparkling lights and displays of all things Christmas brought a smile to their faces, the highlight of the visit for several of my kids was getting the chance to see the big guy himself. Several of them still believe, and that friends, is where the magic comes in. The smiles of delight while they were waiting in line and sitting on Santa’s lap were priceless; as were the excitement induced hugs I received after their visit with Santa was done.
Few things in the world are better for your heart than witnessing the wide-eyed, innocent, unadulterated joy of a child who truly believes that magic is alive and well in a day and age where it’s seemingly in short supply.
One thing that you may not know about me is that my undying love for my Bearpaw boots run deep. I mean really deep. As in, I own more Bearpaw boots than I do Converse, Adidas or any other shoe for that matter. The Bearpaw Demi that I’m wearing today, I have in several colors and I wear them all year long. Literally, all year long. Even in the summer I wear my Bearpaw boots around the house because I’m a big baby when it comes to air conditioning and my feet are always cold regardless of season.
So you can imagine my glee when Bearpaw asked if I’d like to collaborate. Um, yes please. I debated with myself for days in regard to which pair to get. I thought maybe I should go for a more tricked out pair and trust me, they have a huge selection of pretty fabulous boots. In the end, I decided to go with my all-time favorite. Yes, the Demi might be basic, but its beauty is in its simplicity. They easily slip on and off; no messing with laces or buckles and they’re warm and toasty like little heating pads for my feet.
I’ve currently been crushing on all things waffle knit. I have this waffle knit top in a zillion colors, as well as a couple of waffle knit cardigans. I just think there is something so cozy about it and it’s perfect for this time of year. This waffle knit cowl neck was on sale at Target after Thanksgiving and I couldn’t resist. It made for the perfect cozy outfit paired with the Bearpaws and a pair of my fingerless gloves (arm warmers if you want to be trendy) which I also wear on constant repeat.
A basic cozy look can still make for a nice outfit with the right extras. Simply add gloves, socks with pretty details, an eye catching scarf and bag and you’ve taken an easy stay at home look and made it public ready.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Boots: c/o Bearpaw; Top: Target; Scarf: Essentially Raine; Fingerless gloves: Zulily (Similar); Clutch: Similar
**Boots were provided c/o Bearpaw. All opinions expressed, as always, are my own.