Boho Style

Bellorita Clutch & Slip Dress: These Humans Right Here

Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster.

Have you ever thought about the variety there is among the members of your own personal posse…


…This past weekend, the youngest member of my posse got married. She’s a mere 24 years old; younger than my son and closer in age to my 14 year old daughter than she is to me. But that doesn’t make her any less my friend. She spent a year in my classroom as an aid before she was hired as a Language Arts teacher and now she’s in the room right next door to me so we still spend quite a lot of time together. Two of my besties were there as well (I dedicated an entire post to them here) and it got me thinking about friends.

The women who I am fortunate enough to call my friends are such a varied group. I have two friends that have known me since (almost) the dawn of time; I have friends with whom I’ve only become close in the last few years; I have friends who work in education, banking, or don’t work at all; I have friends in their 20’s and friends in their 70’s; I have friends that live near to me and friends that aren’t so near; I have friends that I see daily and friends that I see once a year if I’m lucky. Quite a diverse group of fabulous women don’t you think?

Friendship is such a strange thing if you think about it. At some point we cross paths with a random human…we strike up a conversation which perhaps leads to other conversations. We spend time together either due to circumstance or choice. And then at some undefined moment, our heart decides, “Yes…that human right there. I’ll keep that one.” Boom…you’ve got a friend.

Obviously, at least for me, there is no predetermined criteria in regard to who makes it into the inner circle. Age, career path, location…none of that matters one bit. But do you know what does? Trust, love and kindred spirits. The knowledge that these women will have my back come hell or high water. The knowledge that these women know me on an almost cellular level and love me anyway. Those are the things that matter. Yes…these humans right here. I’ll keep them.


Typically when I’ve worn this slip dress in the past I’ve styled it more casually and/or for work. I needed an outfit for the wedding that we went to last weekend and initially I considered buying something new. But then I thought, “Why?” I have more than enough clothes that there was no reason that I couldn’t put together something wedding appropriate. As I ran through things in my mind, this dress immediately popped up. It was the perfect base piece to build a cute wedding outfit on.

I always say that your outfit is made in the details and this is the perfect example. Simply by changing up the extras…lace duster instead of a tee or sweater, block heeled sandals in place of boots, more delicate jewelry with some sparkle as opposed to my leather pieces and a special bag made all the difference in the vibe of the outfit. Everything that I’m wearing I’ve worn before with other things, but adding them altogether made the perfect dressy but not too dressy wedding look.

Lucky for me, I received this exquisitely beautiful clutch bag from Bellorita just in time for the wedding. The craftsmanship is incredible; from the inlaid pearls to the intricately detailed hand tooled leather, it’s truly a work of art and quite honestly the most beautiful bag that I own. It came with both a cross body chain strap as well as a wrist strap, but I felt that it worked best as a clutch for the wedding.

On top I layered my lace duster/kimono for some extra prettiness and stuck to rose gold tone jewelry. I added a little pop of turquoise (which I love with pink) through my feather necklace from Boho Buffalo, a vintage bracelet and my nails. Instead of my typical boots/sneakers I went with my nude block heeled sandals to dress things up even more. The bride, who as I mentioned above is a close friend from work, even commented on how pretty the outfit was. When I said that it was all things that I’ve worn to work, she responded, “I know, but it’s how you put them all together that makes it so pretty.”

If we can go back to the crazy fabulous clutch for a moment, I can’t emphasize enough that if you happen to be on the market for an excellent quality bag that is also unique, check out Bellorita. Not only is the detailing beautiful, but this is the most solidly constructed bag that I’ve ever owned. I love it when I get the chance to work with a smaller business that was started based upon a dream and built with love and dedication to that dream. Jack Sun left behind his career as a research scientist to follow his dream of starting a fashion line infused with the beauty of Asian culture which led to Bellorita handbags. If you decide to take the plunge, Bellorita is offering my readers a 10% discount…simply enter FFD10 at checkout.


Look for different ways to pair the pieces that you already own. You might be surprised at the difference a different shoe, jewelry and/or bag choice will make in an outfit. You can go from casual to night out without spending a penny.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster. Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster.Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster. Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster.Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster. Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster.Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster. Bellorita clutch, slip dress and lace duster.

Bag: c/o Bellorita; Dress: H&M (Similar);  Duster: JCPenney (Similar);  Sandals: JCPenney (Similar); Necklace: Boho Buffalo

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Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

What a beautiful bride! You are blessed to have a wonderful group of ladies to spend your days with!

6 years ago

I adore how all of your wardrobe pieces came together, you look stunning. It is interesting to note how friends are made (I’ve often thought of it like dating), you are fortunate to have such a diverse circle of them. The handbag is beautiful, I look forward to you styling it more in the future.

6 years ago

You are always so fabulous at making your clothing so versatile this way, Debbie. And I love that you shopped your closet—I think we can all do that more than we think (says the woman who just bought a new dress…silly me)
And isn’t this clutch so amazing?? I think it’s the nicest one I’ve ever seen!!

6 years ago

Gee! Doesn’t switching one piece totally change the look of the dress. I think this one is my favourite! Thanks for sharing, isn’t it lovely to have friends, I have a handful of special/best friends and many more friends to talk to, visit and such.

Thanks for sharing. I’d love you to join the #chicandstylish #linkup every Thursday. x Jacqui Mummabstylish

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Your outfit was perfect for the wedding. I do love a slip dress! Love the versatility. I too have friends that are old and new, young and old, near and far, and all close to my heart. I too think it’s our hearts that bind us as friends. I hope one day we can meet up! You’re my social media friend! 😉

Nicole at High Latitude Style
6 years ago

This clutch is so beautiful. I love how you styled it with the pink outfit! Very nice.

6 years ago

You have some lovely friends Debbie 🙂 I love how you style this slip. Love the lacy outfit 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hope, hop you’re having a lovely weekend.

Jessica A Jannenga
6 years ago

Debbie, it is wonderful to have such great friends that you know you can count on, that are authentic and trusting. It really means alot to meet people like that. I love your pink slip dress on you, how perfect with your haircolor too. i chose the same clutch and love the pearl detail too.
Jess xx

6 years ago

Thank you, Debbie, for this gorgeous outfit! I have a wedding this week, and wanted to do my floral slip dress, with my lace kimono. Validation is so helpful. You look fabulous!

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