I said in yesterday’s post that I was going to wear a fabulous outfit so maybe, just maybe, I’d feel a little less beat down exhausted. Well, this one definitely hit the mark. While it didn’t help one little bit with feeling like I’d been run down by a truck (maybe my post title is a bit Freudian…hmmm…) it certainly was a hit. Little boys and girls liked it and so did big boys and girls. It seemed to be a particular hit with my daughter’s 4th grade class. There were lots of “ooo’s” and “ahhhs” and “Your mom looks so pretty” when I passed them in the hall. Now mind you, you guys should know me well enough by now to know that I dress for myself and I’m not particularly concerned with whether or not other people approve. But, with that being said, it does make you feel good sometimes, especially when you’re feeling blah.
Speaking of things that make you feel good, one of my favorite friends, the beautiful Renae from Simple Sequins has honored me by requesting that I co-host her Fashion Item Friday Blog Hop. So please, link up below and stop by Renae’s blog. If you don’t already know how awesome she is, you’ll be blown away! And while you’re at it, you should follow too….you won’t be disappointed.
Linking up with: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Passion For Fashion Link Up, What I’m Loving Fridays, Share-in-Style and Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites.