casual / Ettika / H&M / Old Navy / shirt / style tips / sunglasses

Black Skinny Jeans & Men’s Button Down: Getting Dressed Matters

gray button down, black skinny jeans, leather choker

Originally, when I left the house in this outfit the other day, in my mind this outfit was already relegated to the “Instagram Outfit” category…


…What’s an Instagram outfit? Well, as we all know, I only post outfits on the blog that I actually wear. I do three posts a week, but there are seven days in a week. See what I’m saying? Not everything I wear makes it to the blog. Sometimes I don’t have time to do photos. Sometimes I do, but the outfit looks kind of “blah”. But assuming I’m dressed in something that I wouldn’t wear to mow the yard (meaning publicly presentable) it does make it to Instagram. And right there is a good reason to maybe check out my Instagram and follow along so you don’t miss any of the fun. Yes, that was a shameless plug to follow me on Instagram…but hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

Anyway, I didn’t think this was anything to write home about. I changed my mind though while sitting in the waiting room at my daughter’s eye doctor appointment. One of the women who works in the eyeglasses shop across the foyer from the check-in desk approached me. She said, “I just wanted to tell you that the other girls and I were looking at your outfit while you were waiting at the desk. We all agreed that it was so nice to see someone who looked so pretty and put-together instead of just showing up wearing whatever. It’s obvious you put some thought into it before you left your house.” No, I’m not telling you this to sound all Braggy McBraggy-pants. I’m telling you to make a point.

I’ve always said that what you wear on any given day tells the world a little bit about who you are without you speaking a word. I’ve also always agreed with the Tom Ford quote “Dressing well is a form of good manners”. Dressing well doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to sport a formal gown every time you leave the house. No, it simply means put a little thought and effort into what you put on; it shows that you respect yourself and those who are fortunate enough to cross your path that day.

And right here is the beauty of fashion and personal style…a person doesn’t have to love what you’re wearing in order to see that you did indeed put some thought into it. I see people all of the time that I think, “No way would I wear that.” BUT even though I don’t care for the outfit, I can appreciate the fact that whomever is wearing it put thought and care into what they dressed themselves in. And kudos to them for rocking something they love. Conversely, I’m sure that people sometimes look at me and think the same thing. But again, they can also see that I didn’t just throw on whatever was laying in a pile on the floor by my bed in the morning. In my opinion, getting dressed isn’t some trivial time wasting bit of fluff. What you wear mattersIt affects how you feel about yourself and it also affects how others perceive you. So doesn’t something that important warrant a few minutes of consideration before walking out the door?


We have been having random smatterings of cooler mild temperatures this summer which has given me more opportunities to wear jeans than I normally would this time of the year. I knew I wanted to wear my Mr.’s men’s button down shirt so I went with skinny jeans instead of the trusty boyfriends that I usually default too. I love the look of a slightly baggy men’s button down shirt over a pair leggings or skinny jeans. They were just kind of meant to go together. And how about this super hot suede choker from Ettika? I first saw it on the lovely Sheela, and it was one of those things that had to come home and live with me, no questions asked. Even though it’s a choker, it’s super lightweight and not at all uncomfortable. I ordered another leather choker at the same time and I’m pretty sure Ettika and I are going to become BFF’s.


Even a simple basic outfit like a men’s button down shirt and skinny jeans can look pulled together. It’s all about the few simple extras that you add to the basics. A killer necklace, earrings or maybe an arm party; a pair of fierce shoes or a standout bag will do the trick too. Just make the effort and it will all come together…I promise.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

men's button down, skinny jeans, suede choker men's button down, skinny jeans, suede choker men's button down, skinny jeans, suede choker men's button down, skinny jeans, suede choker men's button down, skinny jeans, suede choker men's button down, skinny jeans, suede choker men's button down, skinny jeans, suede choker

Shirt: H&M (Similar);  Jeans: Old Navy (Similar);  Ankle boots: Zappos (Same);  Choker: Revolve Clothing




Prize: $100 H&M Gift Card

Co-hosts: Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog // Pretty Thrifty // SWEETHAUTE // Annie A to Z // A Better Me // The Mommyhood Mentor® // Endless Bliss // Deliciously Savvy // Fashion Fairy Dust 

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Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

Love this look.I can totally see why the office ladies complimented you – you have a totally “cool chick” vibe going on!

Wish I was having that cool “jean-able” weather here on Long Island, I can barely put on a BRA on days like this, let alone think about being CUTE, ha.

Stay cool!

8 years ago

So nice that other people notice your effort isn’t it? Even better that they took the time to tell you.


8 years ago

These are the perfect black jeans!

8 years ago

Love your comments on looking good instead of just looking like you rolled out of bed! I always told my kids that what you wear matters (clean, presentable, appropriate for the occasion)….now they are all in their 30s and look great all the time!
Keep up the great advice.

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

It really does make a difference in how we dress —to me it shows respect too—both to yourself and to those you’re “visiting”.
It’s one of the reasons I love watching some of the older movies—they seemed to dress up so much more, just to go out in public!
You look fantastic—simple, ageless & a little fun thrown in!

Erin Haight
8 years ago

Yes Yes Yes! I’m SO copying this look tomorrow!!! I love it….the whole notion that you just throw on something kills me. Put some thought into it and ANY look can look polished and chic. Case in point….loving you!

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

Of course, you look totally put together in skinny jeans and a men’s button down! Because, like you said, you put it all together with purpose and effort. And that makes all the difference. I know what you mean about outfits that are IG outfits and never make it to the blog. But every now and then when I put a super causal not so brilliant outfit on the blog, I actually get a hugely positive response especially from my friends who say they love to see how to make shorts and a tee shirt look put together. So we… Read more »

Shelbee on the Edge
Reply to  debbies
8 years ago

Debbie, thanks so much for linking up On the Edge of the Week!

8 years ago

Love those black jeans Deb and cool booties, they look great year round! It is nice to hear, when someone noticing takes the time to pay you a compliment.
I never did understand girls that go out in their PJs!

Victoria Fox
8 years ago

Obsessing over this easy and super casual look! in love with how casual but yet so chic and fab this look is! You look amazing as always!

8 years ago

Why not? Love the cool chic vibe of this one Deb!

Check out my boho/70s-inspired look at the blog – Happy Weekend!


Andrea Nine
Andrea Nine
8 years ago

Love that Tom Ford quote and love that this looks comfy yet polished and refined! You look darling and black skinnies suit you so well.

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
8 years ago

Doesn’t it just make your day when you get a compliment from a total stranger? And not just a stranger, but all their coworkers, too?! You rock! I love this outfit and it looks relaxed yet chic. That necklace is beautiful with it, too. I do have a couple days a week where I let myself be a slob… mainly those are days where I’m running low on steam or I know I won’t be out… but, I try to look presentable as much as I can! You just never know who you may run into.


8 years ago

Aww it is lovely when someones pays you a complement. I now try to wear nice things when I don’t post picture, it is easy with a bit of though. I have wore some odd things on the school run before though!! It would have looked like I got dressed in the dark, hehe!!

Thanks for linking up 🙂

8 years ago

This is such a cool look! I definitely feel better when I take the time to get ready before I run out the door! It also always seems when I don’t, I run into a bunch of people I know. 🙂

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

Alexis Grant
8 years ago

Fun look! I love borrowing shirts from my husband’s side of the closet and wearing them loose or by tying the fronts in a knot. I recently blogged about doing just that over a cute maxi on my Flex Into Fashions blog.

Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

I have never been one that is able to go to the grocery in my pajamas or yoga pants. I always feel the need to be dressed whenever I step out of my house. Love this outfit on you!

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


Sheela Goh
8 years ago

I remembered this incident most vividly. It was 2004 and I was walking Eve to the bus stop, she was in the 1st Grade, I believe. Now, I’ve been raised to never leave the house (a) in PJs (b) without at least lipstick (c) looking like a disheveled mess. After the children got onto the bus, two of the mothers turned to me and said, “Wow, you got all dressed up to come to the bus stop.” And they started sniggering. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing/seeing. I started to walk away but then turned back, replying, “Better than… Read more »

Shellie Bowdoin
8 years ago

Debbie, you are rocking your edgy look as usual! I am a little slow getting around to visit the blogs who linked to the July My Refined Style Linkup. Thanks for adding your fabulous style to our over-40 party!


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