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Black Slip Dress & Skinny Jeans: Just Another Case

Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster.

I’m pretty sure that one thing most of us can all agree on to some extent is how frustrating the medical industry has become over the last several years…


…And I say “industry” because quite simply, that is what it has become. Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely not throwing shade at the many fine human beings that work in the field. As a matter of fact, my family doctor is one of the coolest women I know.

The examples from both my own personal experiences to those of people that I love or are acquainted with are too numerous to mention. They range from mundane annoyances to blatant outrages. Some involve insurance, others involve incompetence and some are damn near malpractice worthy. But all are frustrating. It seems that oftentimes the common denominator is that we, as patients, are viewed as just another case as opposed to human beings.

As I mentioned awhile back, I’m having a long delayed foot surgery this month. For a plethora of reasons I needed to get it done before summer, but I didn’t want to miss a lot of school so back in March it was scheduled for May 16th. It’s not what one would call a major surgery, but the impact upon what I will be able to do is major and will be ongoing for approximately 8 weeks.

The logistics of getting things in order both at work and at home were insane. Between finding a suitable long-term substitute teacher, preparing my kids for my absence, organizing my schedule to get all of my end of the year responsibilities taken care of, getting my husband’s vacation time in place so that he could be home with me the first few days, finding transportation to get my daughter to school…see what I mean? Insane.

In any case, the day before yesterday I get a call saying that it needed to be rescheduled for a week later. Ummm…what? The original problem was the surgical facility. They were short an anesthesiologist during the time I was scheduled. When I spoke to the facility I come to find out that they offered my surgeon a time that was a few hours later. I called the surgeon’s office back and was told that she would not reschedule a few of her office visits (and I’ve had office visits rescheduled more times than I can count, really not a huge deal when it’s an office visit) annndd…are you ready? She needed her lunch break and doing my surgery would cut into that. What. The. Hell? I’m not having breakfast or lunch that day, and the surgeon can’t miss a sandwich?? Needless to say, I snapped. And it wasn’t pretty.

My point is this: oftentimes I’m “inconvenienced” by an issue at work that causes me to miss my lunch or planning period, but you know what? That’s part of the job. Sometimes the needs of my kids or their parents takes precedence over what is convenient for me. Does the world revolve around me? Absolutely not. But I am the patient, the customer if you will. If the reason the surgeon couldn’t reschedule the time is because there was an emergency that would be one thing. But that wasn’t the case, it was simply inconvenient for her. And that, in my opinion, is a sad commentary on the state of the medical field.


It’s only been in the last few months that I’ve begun dabbling in the dress over jeans look. I first tried it with a casual Valentine’s Day look and my second foray involved a buffalo plaid tunic dress. Since then I’ve done it on several occasions. Not only is it a cool look (in my opinion anyways), but it’s also the best way to wear dresses in chilly weather; especially since I’m the president of the tights-hater club.

I picked the black slip dress up on clearance from ASOS months ago and I believe this is the first time it’s made the blog. If you don’t currently have a black slip dress, I highly recommend picking one up. I have a few different styles and they have turned out to be really versatile pieces. Everything else, with the exception of the sandals, is also from the seasoned veterans section of my closet. Believe it or not, the plaid duster has been one of the workhorses of my wardrobe during the course of the years I’ve had it. It’s a great layering piece like I’m wearing it here, but it also does double duty as a dress when I add a belt and a couple of carefully placed safety pins.


Don’t fear the dress over jeans layering combination. When done right, it’s a great look with a cool laid back vibe. I think it’s important to keep proportions in mind. I prefer a narrow fit in the jeans/pants because I think it provides a more streamlined look. And it provides the opportunity to wear your favorite dresses when it’s still too chilly for bare legs.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster.Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster. Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster.Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster. Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster.Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster. Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster.Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster. Black slip dress, skinny jeans and duster.

Dress: ASOS (Similar);  Duster: Boohoo (Similar);  Jeans: JCPenney (Similar);  Sandals: JCPenney

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Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Yes, because haven’t we all had to miss lunch at one time or another—usually without warning. But here’s a case that there is planning, and so it could be worked around……quite annoying, I’d say!
As for the dress over your jeans, I just wore a similar getup to book club on Monday!! i’ll have to recreate it for the blog, because it was a hit! Like yours here!! Fabulous and fashionable!

Nancy Baten
7 years ago

I just watched breakfast news on tv and saw that Obama care is gone now! Over here in the Netherlands that sounds awfull! So from where I am sitting it doesn t look like it will be getting any better there! Is it still delayed for a week afther your call? Or did it help?
Happy weekend!

7 years ago

Crazy! Wishing the best and that it all works out from this point to you and your family’s benefit!

Now, your outfit is so fab Debbie! Love everything about it!

7 years ago

This is such a basic outfit, but styled so well with just the right amount of accessories. Super. Jacqui

Suzy Turner
7 years ago

I’m a HUGE fan of wearing dresses with jeans – it’s one of my favourite go-to looks actually. But I never thought of wearing a tee-shirt underneath the dress and I LOVE that!! I’m going to give it a try. But back to the medical issue… O.M.G I cannot believe that you were re-scheduled because of the doctor’s need for lunch. That’s INSANE! No wonder you freaked out on the phone!! On another note… I’m curious if you ever had knee and lower back problems stemming from your bunions? Mine is giving me horrible knee and back pain at the… Read more »

7 years ago

Such a great look Debbie, love your tartan dress and how you styled it 🙂 Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop

Emma Peach
7 years ago

I love this layered look. Wearing a dress over jeans is something I need to try, it’s a great way to get more wear out of dresses when it’s chilly. How frustrating that your operation was re-scheduled! A colleague of mine recently had a knee replacement cancelled on the day because she had a scratch on her leg and they said it was an infection risk. The rotas had all been changed at work, and she’s a full time carer for her elderly mother so had to arrange for carers while she recovers. As well as all the practical and… Read more »

7 years ago

All I can about your surgery is wow…

You look amazing. I am just loving all of these layers and it sounds like I need to purchase a black slip dress. 🙂 Love the longest necklace. Thanks so much for linking up with Fabulous Friday!

7 years ago

You look fabulous Debbie! Each pieces are actually quite simple but when mixed together they go together so well 🙂 A lot of people are vary of wearing dress over jeans but you’ve shown that it can and does work!

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