I’m happy to report that it appears as if Spring has truly and permanently arrived…
…According to the ten day forecast it’s pretty much averaging in the 60’s with some random 70’s and 50’s thrown in just to keep ya guessing. That my friends, is good news indeed. I was completely and totally Wintered out; one more day with snow in the forecast would have simply undone me.
Last night for the first time since Fall, the chorus of tree frogs lured me outside around dusk. It was warm with a soft breeze, and that coupled with the song of my tree dwelling amphibian friends was enough to make me pull up a chair and sit for awhile. Ahhh…the smells, the sounds, the feeling; it was as if I could sense everything coming back to life. For that moment, all was right with my world.
In celebration of all things Spring, today I’m excited to bring you Part Two of the Spring Skirt Series with my good friend Linda from A Labour Of Life. Linda and I started our blogs around the same time and discovered each other not too long after. She has a cool fun-loving style and her sense of adventure always shows through in her outfits. If you aren’t already, follow along with Linda’s adventures in style, travel and entertaining. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Youtube.
For this go ’round, Linda and I decided to go with a tulle skirt. Believe it or not, we did not consult ahead of time at all. And yet, check it out, we both went with black…for Spring. Yes, our rebel hearts beat strong. Nowhere is it written that Spring means only pastels. As if the black tulle skirt wasn’t enough, we both paired our tulle with with slightly badass graphic tees. I swear to you, there really was no pre-planning…just two great minds thinking alike.
I’m not sure what I love most about Linda’s outfit. The embroidered jacket that perfectly works with the tee, the white ankle boots that are so rebellious paired with the black tulle…I simply love it all! Absolute Spring tulle skirt perfection.
For my look, in addition to the graphic choker tee, I added the double buckle western belt for a touch more badass-ery. And because cute little anklets are currently my jam, I added my lace anklets to my black pumps giving a subtle (or not so subtle) nod to the 80’s.
Just because it’s Spring that does not mean you can’t wear black. Black is seasonless in my opinion. To keep your look in the realm of sunshine, flowers and singing birds, simply keep your legs bare and add a lighter more “Spring-like” piece to go along with your black piece.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Skirt: Similar; Tee: Bohme (Similar); Shoes: Rialto Shoes (Similar); Belt: Amazon (Similar)