Today it was around 60 degrees outside. Wait…what?? Last week it was -6 with the wind chill. Bipolar much, weather? One would think it would’ve been perfect for blog picture taking. Um ya. If there weren’t 50 mph wind gusts. Literally. 50 mph. There’s windblown and there’s windblown. I did some shots inside, but I still can’t get the lighting set up quite right in the pumpkin cave, see yesterday’s post if you’re not sure exactly what the pumpkin cave is. Therefore, I decided to go with Friday’s outfit pics. It’s actually sad because today’s outfit was pretty fab if I do say so myself. If I’m feeling motivated over Thanksgiving break maybe I’ll recreate it for your viewing pleasure. Ya, I’m thoughtful like that.
These red ankle boots are a big hit every time I wear them, and understandably so. They are perfect for taking an ordinary outfit and kicking it up a few levels. I used to wear them quite a bit, but they just happen to be the boots I was wearing when I slipped at work two years ago and tore my knee. After having knee surgery I was a bit wary of the little buggers. It’s not like they have much of a heel that would have caused me to slip, so maybe it was some sort of boot vendetta. Now every time I wear them I feel like I walk funny because I’m afraid to slip. I actually have them in three other colors, but my phobia only covers the red ones. Ya, I’m a freak and I’m lettin’ my freak flag fly. Thank you very much.
You still have until Friday at midnight EST to enter the fab Fall Faves Giveaway. It would be a great free Christmas gift to yourself if you win and seriously, how cool is free?
Linking up with: Confident Twosday, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Tremendous Tuesdays, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me, Trend Spin Link Up, Stylish Tuesday.