Boho / Forever 21 / Free People / JCPenney / Payless / sandals / slip dress / style tips / sundress

Blue Slip Dress & Body Chain: Wednesdays With Sis

blue slip dress, body chain, black sandals

My new Wednesday night routine reminds of the book Tuesdays With Morrie


If you aren’t familiar, the general idea is it is a true story about a man who gets the opportunity to reconnect with an important older gentleman from his past. The older gentleman (Morrie) is dying, coincidentally, of ALS, and Mitch (the younger man) begins spending every Tuesday visiting with him. Through their visits, Morrie imparts life lessons that are universally applicable, and the relationship between the two men deepens as a result of the time spent together.

As I said, because of my current Wednesday routine I now kind of think of my Wednesdays as “Wednesdays with Sis”. I wrote a few months ago about how my aunt, with whom I lived for several years growing up, had been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). We had been estranged for a number of years, but made peace with one another after the diagnosis. I didn’t go into detail in that post, but the word “aunt” is really a misnomer in this case. After my mother passed away she filled that role. She is and always will be my childrens’ grandmother, and she and my son have an unshakable bond. While my boy was growing up, she and my uncle were the absolute best grandparents any child could wish for. The years that she and I didn’t talk were sometimes difficult for me. I missed her. But as is the human condition, unfortunately sometimes hurt, stubbornness and fear prevent us from repairing the relationships that most need repaired.

In any case, all is well now. We have a regular date on Wednesday evenings when my uncle goes to bible study. We’re past the initial awkward stage of reacquaintance and now we get up to all sorts of shenanigans. We never run out of things to talk about even though speaking is now very difficult for her. We communicate through a combination of what I refer to as charades, and writing on a dry erase board. She gets so frustrated with her inability to form words. I tease her out of the frustration and she tries again. If she has a lot to say at once, she writes it for me. Sometimes we talk about deep meaningful things; we laugh often, and sometimes we simply watch Family Feud…seriously, how can you not find Steve Harvey amusing? And sometimes…we simply sit together and quietly enjoy one another’s company. It might sound odd, but at the same time that it’s breaking my heart, it’s also healing my heart.

One of the many gifts this time together is giving me is that I now have the opportunity to find out more about my childhood. It might sound strange to some of you, but due to the nature of my family, or lack thereof, there are many things that I do not know. And the older I get, the more important (and sad) those gaps in knowledge become. I’ve been blessed to have a second chance. A chance for us to be together. A chance for us to talk. A chance for us to love each other. And that my friends, is really what Wednesdays with Sis is all about.


Yep, I’ve found an accessory that actually has a learning curve. The body chain. I bought one awhile back at Forever 21, but only yesterday removed it from it’s rather complicated packaging. I suppose that should’ve been a giveaway in itself. I kid you not, I actually had to Google the correct operating procedure. I also kid you not, there are actually YouTube videos explaining it. At least that means I’m not the only one flummoxed by what amounts to a necklace with a few extra attachments.

It was high time the blue slip dress was used for it’s intended purpose; to be worn as a sundress. I’ve only worn it in it’s winterized version, so I’ve been looking forward to wearing it without all of the winter accoutrements. Perhaps the body chain interfered a bit with the lines of the dress, but hey, I don’t care. I wanted to wear the damn body chain. Especially since I spent time researching how to wear it. I think the blue slip dress was a definite success as a sundress, although I did take the sleeveless plaid shirt along in case I needed an extra layer while inside. Other than that, today was a no layer day. I know, typically I layer like a mad bag lady, but I wanted the dress to stand on it’s own merits. With that gorgeous cobalt blue color it really doesn’t need anything else if one wants to go the simple route.


Yes, it’s true. Layers do add a beautiful sense of dimension to a look. But sometimes, especially if a piece is a standout color or has a standout detail, it’s best to leave well enough alone and keep it simple. You don’t necessarily have to add layers to be stylish, you simply has to love what you are wearing.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

blue slip dress, body chain, black sandals blue slip dress, body chain, black sandals blue slip dress, body chain, black sandals blue slip dress, body chain, black sandals blue slip dress, body chain, black sandals blue slip dress, body chain, black sandals blue slip dress, body chain, black sandals

Dress: Free People (Same, different color);  Body chain: Forever 21;  Sandals: Payless (Similar): Plaid shirt: JCPenney




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8 years ago

Comfy, cool and chic and this electric blue dress is perfect on you.

8 years ago

What a sad/lovely poignant story. ALS is such a horrible disease.

You are lucky to have each other.


Mother & Daughter
8 years ago

It is wonderful that you have your aunt back in your life. Family is so important in my opinion. My grandmother and great grandmother both lived till their late 90’s but there are still things I wish I knew about our family.

8 years ago

That nice look, Debbie! I love this dress, I love design and I love the color. The lace details and asymmetrical cut is two cuties. You look really stylish and very attractive.

Suzy Turner
8 years ago

Electric blue is one of my favourits colours and it’s perfect on you too! Such a cute dress too. You look stunning!
Suzy xx

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

Debbie, I love this dress. It definitely can stand alone with its adorable lace details. But way to rock that body chain! I can’t even imagine the injury that result if I even attempted to get my clumsy self into that thing! I also love your story of Wednesdays with Sis. It stirred up some emotions for me. I have huge gaps of memory loss for my entire life and the only person alive right now to fill in any gaps is my older sister. But she can only fill in so much. I also love how close you are… Read more »

8 years ago

Haha! We are totally in the same boat with the body chain! I was sent one a few months ago and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what it was or how to use it. It took some serious detective work to get to the bottom of it! Now that I’ve got it sussed, I can’t figure out what to wear it with! I like the way you’ve paired yours with a shift dress… may need to take a page from your book!
: signe :
: the daily savant :
Soresa Earrings GIVEWAY

8 years ago

Hi, Deb! The body chain looks great with that dress and the necklace you put with it finishes it off perfectly. Love your bracelets, too. And your hair is to die for! And I’m looking into getting that outfit for myself! LOL

8 years ago

This body necklace is so cool. I bet it would look great with a bathing suit on the beach!

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