Boho Style / casual style / style tips / Summer Style

Boho Midi Skirt & Lace Up Sandals: Take Me To Your Leader

Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top.

I have determined that if somewhere out there in the vastness of the universe, aliens are observing us, they have figured out this one truth about our planet…


…Dogs are in charge. You didn’t see that one coming, did ya? Think about it…we serve them their food, walk them, play with them, cuddle them, whenever they demand it. I follow my dogs around the yard with a poop scooper to clean up after them. We buy them gifts and treats, provide them with the best medical care (hell, my vet even comes to our house) and allow them to have free rein of our beds. Although our dogs no longer sleep with us. Don’t judge me. There’s four of them, and it got to the point my husband and I had to acrobatically configure our bodies around the dogs at night. Don’t shed a tear for them though. They now have their own room. With their own furniture to lounge about on as they please. They have their own private space to invite friends over while we are at work to have dog parties.

What really determined for me that dogs rule the world though (at least my world anyway) happened yesterday. Allow me to paint a picture for you. My pack is by nature, an excitable bunch. Even the mail lady and the UPS man know to NEVER knock on the door. Just drop the packages and run.

I always miss about 90% of my phone calls because I have to keep my phone set to vibrate. Why? Because of the complete and utter chaos that ensues if my phone rings. My sheltie runs in circle barking like she’s lost her mind…this leads to the min pin and the pug-a-bull running around and barking as well because they’re wondering what in the hell is going on. While all of this barking ensues, my bulldog is busy barreling around the kitchen grabbing whatever he can in his slobbery jaws…hand towels, laundry off of the table, whatever he can get, and running to the dog room with it to shred it to pieces. See why I keep it on vibrate?

Yesterday it occurred to me after having to explain to the thousandth person why I had missed their call, that the pups don’t seem to have that response when daddy’s phone rings. So there I am, sitting in the kitchen with all four dogs, with everything placed safely out of the reach of bulldog jaws, going through each and every ringtone option on my iPhone searching for that one magical ringtone (that wasn’t the same as my husband’s) that got zero canine response. After much trial and error, I found it (in case you’re interested, it was “Strum”).

So now, not only do I, along with the mail lady and UPS man, have to comply with their every whim and demand, I also have lost my free will in regard to choosing my favorite ringtone on my phone. When the aliens do someday land on Earth and demand to be taken to our leader, they will be fully expecting to meet a German Shepherd.


I am apparently going through another skirt phase. This summer I’ve been wearing skirts more than anything else. My mixed print skirt has been in heavy rotation and I also love my new gingham skirt, this soft striped wrap skirt and let’s not forget the magic wrap skirt.

I own a lot of dresses, but I have always been drawn to skirts. They are more versatile, but the primary reason is because it’s hard to find dresses that fit me well. I’m only 5’2″ so many dresses are too long and add to that I’m tiny from the waist down, but have broad shoulders, a wide rib cage and large chest so dresses can be a challenge. Needless to say, dresses that are a 2 on the bottom and an 8 or 10 on the top don’t exist. Hence, my love for skirts.

I first spied this Agnes & Dora skirt on Darcy’s Instagram a few months back and fell in love with the colors and the print. We started following one another, and recently Darcy asked if I’d like to do a little collaborating with her. One of the pieces that she planned to send me was the Boho Midi Skirt because, duh…it’s a boho style skirt! It comes in other colors/prints, but I had to have it in the chambray and peach combo that I first fell in love with. The skirt did not disappoint in person; nor did the other pieces that you’ll see in future posts. Not only is it soft, but it also has a wide waist band which makes it so comfortable. And how cute will it be this Winter with boots and a chunky sweater?

I paired it with my blush tank top from H&M and my ankle tie sandals because the colors all played so well together. The day that I wore it, I also wore my mauve Birkenstocks since I can only tolerate shoes other than Birks for brief periods of time. Because of the varying shades of pink/peach in the floral print they wore perfect with it as well.


I’m sure that most of us own at least a few skirts. But they are especially great for those of us with tricky body shapes. If your top and bottom half don’t match size-wise, a skirt/top combo is far easier than trying to find a dress that works.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top.Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top. Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top.Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top. Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top.Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top. Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top.Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top. Ruffled skirt, lace up sandals and tank top.

Skirt: c/o Fashion & Fun With Darcy; Top: H&M (Similar);  Sandals: Payless (Similar)

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Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

It is incredible how our lives revolve around our fur babies!!! But it’s love to the purest, so anyone that has a couple, totally understands!!
And you really hit the nail on the point with the skirt thing. It’s always surprising to me that more women don’t wear them as often, because realistically they are SO much easier to fit. My mom explains it that there are fewer fit points without the inseam and such!!
Love this look, although I think you should have shared a photo with the Birks too!!!

7 years ago

Hi Debbie! Love this look. You are always an inspiration in the perfect way of expressing your personality. Hats off to you my girl! I have a question for you since you love your Birks: I (at 52) am buying my first pair of birks…something I’ve wanted since I was a hippie child of the 70s!! I see there is a soft footbed. Do you prefer that or the original cork? I have heard mixed results, and as someone with foot comfort issues as yourself, I wondered which you prefer.

Reply to  debbies
7 years ago

Thank you for your input, I really appreciate your thoughts! And I did NOT know they had boots too! Hmmmm……. haha! Just realized that I didn’t comment on the story portion of your post… as a dog person myself, all I can say is, amen to that! LOL!!

Reply to  debbies
7 years ago

Ooohhhh those are sooo cute! Thanks for the link, Debbie. Those might just go on my Christmas wish list!!! Have a great day!

7 years ago

Ha ha ha, you are spoiling them too much….says the one who lives in the house of her cats(also known as emperors)!😂😂😂 ah week, they deserve too be spoiled don’t they?
I love your outfit! That skirt is fabulous, the colours and print are fantastic, and the sandals are perfect. Can you walk normal again?

7 years ago

Love this soft romantic look!

I consider myself a slave to my pug. I think I need to make a tee that says that.


7 years ago

yes pets rule! I can’t disturb my cats, even if they’re sleeping on my bed pillow. great skirt, thanks for linking up,


Bettye L. Rainwater
7 years ago

I love love LOVE this skirt. I feel like in the early 90s I had a dress with a similar print and colorway…loosey-goosey, empire waist, giant pockets…sigh. Don’t you wish you could recreate all the wonderful clothing pieces you’ve ever had into one magical wardrobe??

I don’t think Caleb would like his own room. He likes being in MY room. But then I don’t have 12 doggies like you do 🙂

Foot still not totally better?? 🙁

7 years ago

I am absolutely in love with this skirt, it’s so pretty and I love the ruffle detail, so different! I prefer skirts to dresses most of the time because of fit issues as well. Having a larger chest sure creates some issues.
Our dog has me trained quite well and she plays me like a fiddle. I swear they are so smart and so intuitive! In another life I certainly wouldn’t mind coming back as one of your dogs, sounds like a pretty nice set up!!!

7 years ago

Hehe I am laughing and nodding my head reading about the phone calls Debbie. I have 1 dog and when my phone rings she goes crazy. It really hurts my ears as she is so loud. I missed 2 calls last week and I was hoping they were important but never got back to me. The strange thing is I have my ring tone set to ‘I’m sexy and Iknow it’ as a bit of fun. When I play the song she just looks at me as if to say I am sleeping leave me alone but when some one… Read more »

Mary Colleen
7 years ago

I would have expected you to say cats, but I suppose your points about dogs are true. (Maybe I’ve been unsuspecting this whole time!) Love this outfit. I totally feel you, I have those exact sizing problems with dresses, which is why I go for separates most of the time. (Or layer my dresses.) I really, really love this skirt though, it’s a gem, and I love the color with your hair!


Suzy Turner
7 years ago

Oh how I giggled reading this post, Debbie!! We really are controlled by our dogs, aren’t we? It certainly sounds like you are LOL! And judging by that photo you posted of you with them recently, I think you love it too 😉
And what a gorgeous outfit. I love the ‘girlieness’ of it all. The skirt is stunning!
Suzy xx
Suzy Turner,Yogadocious

The Book Bouquet
7 years ago

I LOVE Agnes & Dora. GREAT outfit!!!!

7 years ago

My dog howls at the phone too, she also barks at the hoover! She would sleep on my bed and does if hubby is away, and also if I’m away hubby lets her too!
Adorable outfit, love the colours together. x

7 years ago

LOL! We’re controlled by a dog and two cats in our house and they all start running around when the doorbell or phone rings too. That skirt is so pretty and looks comfy too! Perfect styling!

Doused in Pink

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. This skirt has a really nice print and the colors are perfect on you. It’s totally normal to have these phases of skirts and then pants again. I always wonder why.

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

So pretty! Love your sandals. – Amy

Shelbee on the Edge
7 years ago

Oh My God, I am cracking up at this story! Dogs. Silly silly dogs. Honestly, my cats are no better although their meowing is probably a bit quieter…not much though. They meow quite loudly when they don’t get what they want! This skirt is a stunner! The pastel shades of floral scream whimsical and romantic summer! Loving it all, my friend! Thanks so much for linking up with me.


Dawn Lucy
7 years ago

There’s no doubt that our spoiled mutts. rule the roost over here! ;D. Love your pretty skirt, Debbie. Gorgeous! Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!

And please feel free to email me anytime!!! Muah!

Dawn Lucy

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