Boho Style / Work Style

Boho Print Dress & Chambray Shirt: The Sexy Reality

Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots.

Fate can sometimes be a cruel mistress. I was so pleased that I had made through an entire Winter in the germ infested halls of a middle school with minimal sickness involved…


…and then, boom…seemingly out of nowhere on Monday I was sick as a dog by the time I left work. After a sleepless night with a deep barking hack of a cough, my husband hauled my sorry butt off to the urgent care on Tuesday. I had coughed so much and so hard that my back was out and my ribs felt like someone had taken a baseball bat to them.  It was determined that I have bronchitis and I was promptly dosed up with antibiotics and steroids.

I spent the next two days semi-delirious and buried under piles of tissues and mucus…um ew, I know, but that’s the super sexy reality. I’m still nowhere near 100%, but I am dragging myself back to work today since I already had a personal day scheduled tomorrow and I didn’t have enough planned for the week when I left on Monday. Definitely not the smartest of moves, but all I wanted on Monday afternoon was my bed.

I’m not throwing a pity party over here, I know that bronchitis as compared to all of the other awful things in the world is really nothing. I’m just filling you all in on my current reality and letting you where I’ve been this week since obviously the blog and social media haven’t been super high on the priority list. Hopefully the extra day off tomorrow which gives me a long weekend, will get me back to at least close to fully functioning. Until then, have a fabulous weekend my friends…xo


I found this gorgeous boho print dress on clearance at JCPenney’s a few weeks back. Initially the print, buried deep in the depths of winter clearance hell, caught my eye. But it was the cute flutter sleeves (which I’ll share when it’s a hair warmer outside) and the under $15 price tag are what sold me on it. A lightweight dress that would mesh perfectly with my Summer wardrobe for under $15? Yes, please.

Since it isn’t Summer, obviously, a little layering was in order to wear it now. The day I wore it the temperatures were hovering around a pleasant 50° so thankfully, no sweater required. That’s wear the trusty chambray shirt comes into play. They make the perfect layering piece when the temperatures are in that gray area of not too cold, but not warm enough. I have a variety of chambray shirts in different washes and styles for that very reason.

Finally, the over the knee boots. This boho print dress will be the perfect partner for both cute ankle boots and Summer sandals. However my rust/brown otk boots were perfect (minus tights, thankfully) to keep my legs warm on a day that was not quite right for totally bare legs just yet.


Chambray shirts are one of the true workhorse pieces of any closet. They are perfect for layering over dresses and tees when the temperatures are cool, they lend a cool vibe to dressier pants and they also make an easy way to add a more casual vibe to a blazer or suit. A chambray shirt works with everything from denim to tulle.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots.Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots. Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots.Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots. Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots.Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots. Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots.Boho print dress, chambray shirt & over the knee boots.

Dress: JCPenney;  Shirt: Target (Similar);  Boots: ASOS (Similar)

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

Ugh, ugh, and double ugh.
The only thing good about getting sick is it builds us your immune system and makes me more grateful for the times when you are well.
Sending huge hugs and healing love your way, Debbie.
As for the outfit?? I’m with you. The chambray shirt is close to my best friend. (maybe why I have 4 different ones…ha ha)

5 years ago

Ooh, so sorry you got The Bad Thing. It’s been going around my school, too. Entire classrooms of children (we do have very small classrooms) have been out several days this week. So far I’ve managed to avoid it, as I usually do…but I will take the opposite stance and say I could really USE a day or two hiding out in bed (I know, I’m awful). The weekends are too busy to “just relax,” but a sick day or two? Sigh. I SWEAR there is a manufacturer out there somewhere just cranking out “Debbie Style” items…and you’re finding every… Read more »

5 years ago

So sorry to hear that. The same thing has happened to me, thinking I dodged the winter sickness bullet, then Wham! For whatever reason, I’m really extra drawn to turquoise this spring, making the print on this dress extra appealing. You are so right on chambray shirts, I was looking for ways to update some of my pencil skirts and these and graphic tees popped up all over the place.

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

Gosh I hate when I have a bad cough, between hurting my back and practically wetting my pants each time I cough it is quickly becoming a most feared illness – ha! I know that sounds dramatic but I’d rather have a runny nose and teary eyes or even a stomach virus!
Glad you got some meds and hope they knock it out of you soon!
Love the colors in this outfit – chambray is so fab!!!

5 years ago

Oh, Debbie, bronchitis is incredibly debilitating. I have had bronchitis once, and I was SO exhausted. Be kind to yourself and don’t overdo. You need lots of rest. On another note, the outfit is adorable.

Amy Christensen
5 years ago

The crud is definitely going around. Hope those meds work and you’ll be fit as a fiddle soon. Love this outfit! JC Penneys is always a good place to look for clearance. Get your rest and drink lots of water!!! – Amy

Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

Cutest outfit! I’m so sorry you’ve been so sick. I get bronchitis the most of any other illness. I used to get it every year – I’ve skipped a couple years recently – so that’s good! Weird too since I’ve been a long distance runner most of my adult life. Get well soon!

5 years ago

I hope you recover quickly. It can really be tiring. Your skirt is gorgeous, what a fabulous colors!

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
5 years ago

Oh you poor thing!! I hope you recover asap. You are right to put things aside. You look fabulous in these photos Debbie xx Maria

5 years ago

I love that dress! What a wonderful find! And the way you styled it is perfect! I always forget to use my chambray shirt the same way I use my denim jacket. Hope you are feeling better!

Emma Peach
5 years ago

Sorry to hear you’ve been sick, I hope you soon feel better. I love the dress, the print is gorgeous and it looks fab with the knotted chambray shirt over it. You’ve just reminded me to dig mine out of the wardrobe!

Emma xxx

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