Two things I’m known for are answering “Fabulous!” whenever anyone asks how I am, and saying “Hola!” instead of hello. The beauty of always answering fabulous is then no one knows for sure whether you are truly having a stupendous day or you’re being facetious. I like that in a word. Honestly, I don’t know where “Hola” came from…just a weird habit I fell into and now it’s my thing. Since I haven’t come across a cool “Hola” tee, “Bonjour” had to do. Not as cool, not my thing, but fun nonetheless. And this skirt? I’ve loved it since I acquired it months ago. It’s one of those pieces of clothing that make you look tiny even when you’re not feelin’ it….know what I mean? The cardi was more a concession to the weather than anything else. It might have been the last day of April, but it was pretty damn chilly in these parts. All in all, a good outfit day…
Linking up with: What I Wore To Work, Three-fer Thursday, Tres-chic Fashion Link Up, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, and Working Girl With Style.