Converse / distressed skinny jeans / floral blazer / Forever 21 / JCPenney / Nordstrom / olive green tank top / statement necklace / Windsor Store

Born To Ride: Distressed Skinny Jeans, Floral Blazer And Converse Sneakers

     The hubs and I went out for a cruise on the bike today. We might not get to do it as often as we want to, but it is well worth it when we do. I’ve been on the back of a bike since I was first able to utter the word “motorcycle” and I can tell ya, there’s nothing like it in the world. I totally get why dogs hang their heads out car windows with their tongues and ears flappin’ in the wind and a silly grin on their face. That’s how I look on the back of a bike, except for the whole mouth open tongue out thing. It’s really, really hard to pick bugs out of your teeth. And, well, it just doesn’t look cool. When we go out for a ride we just get on the bike and go. No plan in mind, we just go wherever the road takes us that day. It’s so relaxing to just let your mind turn off and do nothing more than take in the sights, the smells, and the wind against your skin.
     I love the wind in my face, the smell of the fresh air and how the nuances in the air change minute by minute. And you see things from a whole different perspective than you do from a car. Today for example, I saw a chicken and a mallard (not a tame duck, a mallard mind you) strolling around a yard together, eating bugs and entertaining each other. How freaky is that? In all likelihood I would have missed that bizarro scenario had I been in a car. Just think how much lesser my life would be if I hadn’t witnessed that budding poultry/fowl relationship.
     I put this outfit together the other day for a movie date with my husband. It’s just a standard distressed skinny jeans, tank top and Converse outfit, but the floral blazer really elevates it a few notches. I’ll definitely have to pick up another floral blazer for fall/winter that’s roomy enough for long sleeves underneath it. This one works with tank tops and tees, but if I tried to wear it over something long sleeved I would look like Chris Farley doing his fat guy in a little coat dance.

Linking up with:  Creative Mondays Blog HopShare-In-StyleMonday BloomStyle To Inspire Link Up and Mix It Mondays.

Jeans: JCPenney (No longer available);  Blazer: Windsorstore (No longer available);  Converse: Nordstrom; Tank: Forever 21

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10 years ago

Sounds like you had a wonderful time on the bike. Great outfit too 🙂 x

Lauren {Fizz and Frosting}
10 years ago

I love this floral blazer! It’s such a pretty print!

Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

Loving everything about this look! 🙂 I too would like to have a floral blazer for Fall.


10 years ago

That floral blazer is cool! The coral-ish roses are perfect for a summer floral!

Cara Northcutt
10 years ago

Sounds like so much fun! Such a great print on the blazer!

xx Cara

Dana Jo
10 years ago

Your floral blazer is gorgeous!! Beautiful colors! I love your hair today so much! 🙂


Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

I miss being able to bike ride! Sounds like fun My hubby and I did the MS 150 before I got sick. On to the outfit, I love the floral blazer on you with jeans. I really like your glasses on you , wear em more often, girl friend!
from the link up jess
please stop by

Stylin' In St. Louis
10 years ago

I love this chic casual outfit! Those converse are my favorite!

10 years ago

Ooooh the sleeves are scrunchy at the cuffs. How cute!!!

Bogi RedReticule
10 years ago

I absolutely love jeans dressed up with a cute blazer. I love, love the floral printed blazer. It brings a touch of girly to the outfit. Perfect balance between laid back and feminine.

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Beautiful jacket Debbie, love it 🙂

Thanks for linking up 🙂


Clairejustine oxox
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Hi Debbie, your one of my features and pinned blogs this week 🙂

Thanks for inkling up…

Jacqueline Stewart
10 years ago

aww man! Doesn’t denim and floral go so well together? This is such a cool outfit and the fact the denim is distressed makes it all the cooler! 🙂

10 years ago

You wear jeans like noone, fantastic.
Thank you sooooooooooooo much for joinig the growing family of Share-in-Style

Signe Savant
10 years ago

And the winner of the “Cutest Blazer Ever” award goes to you!
: signe : the daily savant :

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