It’s no secret that I live a culturally deprived life in that the nearest Target is about 35 minutes from my house. I do however live halfway between two Walmarts; the nexus between the two if you will. The store that I frequent is the one most of my friends go to although it certainly isn’t lacking in the pajama wearing no bra contingent. It’s the “Super” Walmart. On the other hand, the other store is the stereotypical backwoods Walmart. The majority of individuals are wearing some form of pajamas in addition to truly momentous mullets and less than the regular number of teeth allotted by nature. Perhaps I’m being a bit pretentious, but hey, it is what it is. What I speak is the truth, and it is based on first-person observation. No judgement here because truth be told these are the type of people I come from…ahh…but that’s a story for another day.
In any case, I had to stop by the backwoods Walmart the other day. There’s a sign on the door (professionally made with the little black shadow people, like on street signs and restroom doors) reminding the reader to stop and make sure that they did not leave their children in the car since, you know, that might be dangerous or something. I jest you not. That is a real sign. Are. You. Kidding. Me??? If you need a sign to remind you not to forget your children in the car then maybe, just maybe, child rearing is not your forte. Perhaps owning a pet isn’t a stellar idea either. If you want something to raise, maybe pick up a Chia Pet while you’re in Walmart. Or a cactus; they require even less attention.
This is one my favorite bipolar chic outfits. The white button down, burgundy pumps and statement necklace scream dressy; the boyfriend jeans and hoodie say eh…I’m kickin’ back today. A white button down works with pretty much anything and in any environment. If there is one piece of clothing everyone should own, this may well be it. You can dress it way up or way down, I’ve even seen white button downs worn as bathing suit cover-ups. As for the boyfriend jeans, well they are my number one favorite style of jeans. They’re loose and low-slung and don’t make me feel like an uncomfortable cow after I may or may not have devoured an entire package of Limited Edition Red Velvet Oreos. There’s not a pair of skinny jeans in existence that can handle that kind of crazy.
Linking up with: Sunday Funday Link Up, Share In Style, Creative Monday’s Blog Hop, Style To Inspire, Let It Shine, How I Fall, Personal Style Linkup.
Jeans: GAP (No longer available); Blouse: Walmart (In store purchase); Hoodie: Walmart (In store purchase); Pumps: Brickyard Buffalo (No longer available)