
Bridging The Gap Campaign: Veena

Today is the launch of an unprecedented campaign…


…The Bridging the Gap Campaign. If you haven’t already heard about it through social media, the Bridging the Gap Campaign was started by the beautiful Catherine from who also happens to be the revolutionary behind the Fierce 50 Campaign from last Winter.

The goal of the Bridging the Gap Campaign is to put an end to the ageist labels that divide us into inaccurate compartmentalized groups. Age is nothing more than a number…I have always said that, but this campaign is proving it. What truly matters is who we are on the inside; how we view life, and how we live it. The women of the Bridging the Gap Campaign are women (and a few brave men) supporting women. We are coming together to send a powerful message to the world…We choose to be seen for who we are as opposed to being defined by our ages. We believe in a world without separation; without labels; without divisions. We believe that we are far stronger together than we are in isolation. We are one voice.

The premise behind this campaign really strikes a chord with me personally. One of the primary tenets of how I have chosen to live my life is that we are all equal. Age, race, religious beliefs, sexual preferences, disabilities…all entirely irrelevant. The one and only thing that truly matters at the end of the day is who we are on a deeper level; who each of us is as a human being. Think about it for a minute. It doesn’t matter if we are 25 or 75. It doesn’t matter if our skin tone is light or dark. It doesn’t matter if we love a man or a woman. It doesn’t matter if we can learn a new math skill in 10 minutes or 10 months. We all want basically the same things in life: to love and be loved, to feel safe and cared for, to be valued for who we are and what we have to offer the world. It’s as simple as that. And there is no better time than now to start bridging the gap…


Having the opportunity to get to know more about Veena has been a privilege; she is a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul to match. It is a priority in Veena’s life to be kind to others, but that doesn’t mean that she won’t stand up for herself when the situation warrants it. A big heart paired with a backbone…hmmm…remind you of anyone?

Veena is originally from Bangalore, India, but has been residing in Toronto with her husband for the past seven years where she works full-time as an IT professional for a bank. Veena’s family (along with her Pomeranian fur baby) and in-laws still reside in India. She and her husband have been married since 2013, and recently became the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy. Veena didn’t allow pregnancy and new motherhood to stand in the way of her love for fashion and blogging; her little one has been a part of her blogging journey since his beginning, as she covered maternity and new mom style throughout and after her pregnancy. Her husband too is actively involved in Veena’s blogging; he serves as her photographer, reviewer and number one supporter of all that she does.

Veena’s fascination with clothing and accessories started during her childhood. She started her blog, Knowing My Style,  in 2015 after guest blogging about nail art and fashion for a friend of hers. Veena says that when she first started blogging she was overwhelmed by so much of what blogging entails; collaborating with brands, building a network of blogging friends and social media. Veena kept learning and improving her blogging skills and she feels that she hit her groove after about a year of blogging as her blog began to gain in popularity. Although the first year was challenging, she never gave up or allowed herself to become discouraged and her dedication and hard work paid off.

Veena describes her style as modern modest. She dresses modestly while not sacrificing style as a look at her photos will prove! She is a lover of prints; florals, animal or stripes…she loves ’em all, but admits floral prints are her favorite. Her goal is to inspire women who want to dress modestly, but yet still be comfortable and feel beautiful in what they are wearing.

Much like myself, Veena believes that fashion is a personal choice. It’s all in how one mixes and matches fabrics, prints and accessories. There is no such thing as “perfect” styling as everyone has their own personal tastes. Veena’s favorite style quote is “Forget the rules, if you like it, wear it!” A girl after my own heart…

**You can find Veena on Instagram @knowingmystyle as well as on her blog, Knowing My Style.

**Check out all 200 beautiful women of the Bridging The Gap Campaign here.

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6 years ago

I am so enjoying being part of this amazing group. Thank you for introducing these other women from the group xx

6 years ago

What lovely style! Thanks for sharing, Debbie!

Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

This has been such a fabulous experience to get to know these younger women!!
And thank you Debbie for all of your support and help through the campaign!!!

Bettye Rainwater
6 years ago

What a great campaign…I will definitely be checking out the other ladies’ posts as well!


6 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. This gal has style!

6 years ago

Debbie, thank you for connecting with Veena as well. I love how she’s included her husband and baby in her blogging. And her style is flawless! Your dedication to this campaign brings me such joy!

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