Firefly Clothing / JCPenney / leggings / Shein / style tips / tunic / tunic dress / vest

Print Tunic Dress & Leggings: Oh My God Moment

burgundy print tunic, leggings, fringe vest

So, I got on my computer, hit the shortcut to my blog and…


…it wasn’t there. Wait, what?! O.M.G. Just the sad couldn’t load page face with the message “could not connect to server”. Hmm…just a glitch I think. I try again. Same message. I try it on my phone. Gone. Graphic perhaps, but my dinner almost came up all over my keyboard. I restarted my computer. Because, well, you know…that fixes everything. Ya, no it doesn’t. Still no Fashion Fairy Dust. I tried any number of ways to get to it all to no avail. I went to the Bluehost site and did a check on my domain. It said that it was fine. W.T.H??? It was the opposite of fine. Before my head decided to explode all over my wall I stepped away from the computer and took some deep breaths. And prayed. You know, to the god that is in charge of style blogs. Apparently he was taking requests because when I tried it a little later it was back and running. What happened? I have not a clue. Now I know enough to get by, but I am far from tech savvy. I guess I never thought a whole lot about my blog going down because it never has. My question to you my friends is this, if you have a blog, has it ever gone down? If so, what does one do when that happens?


And my tunic obsession continues. This burgundy print tunic dress is exactly the same as the mustard yellow print tunic dress I wore a few weeks back. It too came from Shein and I love it just as much as the yellow one. This time instead of adding the lace extender underneath, I decided to go with leggings and open back booties. Since the lace wasn’t there to give the look some texture, I added my fringe knit vest (gilet) from Firefly clothing on top. It not only added texture, but it also gave some shape to the tunic.


To add texture and interest to an outfit, think about adding a layer. Over or under; either one will do. It’s a quick and simple tweak that can make all the difference in an outfit.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more style ideas…

print tunic dress, leggings, knit vest print tunic dress, leggings, knit vest print tunic dress, leggings, knit vest print tunic dress, leggings, knit vest print tunic dress, leggings, knit vest IMG_5703

Tunic: c/o Shein;  Vest: c/o Firefly Clothing; Booties: JCPenney (Similar, Similar);  Leggings: JCPenney

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9 years ago

It is always stressful when your site is down! I love this tunic on you, the color is gorgeous!

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Oh my gosh, I would freak out too. That’s never happened to me. I can’t imagine, but thanks for the warning that it might disappear for a minute some day! Fabulous look of course … that tunic with the fur vest and those stunning shoes … YES! YES! YES!

Thanks for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!

Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

That same thing happened to my blog recently as well. It worked on my phone and Internet explorer, but would not on other programs. I prayed, took a nap and came back refreshed and with hopes and it was back to normal. God hears. Lovely layering here Debbie.
Rachel xo

Garay Treasures

9 years ago

I’ve had my site go down several times. In fact so many I was going to switch hosting companies. Finally they seem to have gotten their act together. It is very stressful though.

Your hair is looking fabulous!


9 years ago

Has my blog ever gone down? No. Would I know what to do? Noooo! I still have a lot to learn regarding this blogging malarkey !
The tunic looks fabulous, your hair is so beautiful! Such great colours
Laurie x

9 years ago

Oh Debbie, if this is not perfection then I don’t know what is. Just so beautiful! But omg my blog has never gone down. That would be scary alright. Glad the blog god was taking requests cos we need the FFD on here. You look phenomenal babe, beautiful tunic!!!

Mrs Tubbs
9 years ago

Glad the Blog God was looking out for you. That outfit is lovely. The top in particular is beautiful. And, sadly, on the wrong side of the ocean!

9 years ago

I always get a little catch when my site goes down. Best place to start is . It could just be your connection, but this will tell you if it’s a global issue. If it’s down for everyone, take a look at your hosting company (often they’ll report server outages on their twitter account). Most companies only guarantee a 98 – 99% uptime rate, so there is a part of the time where it goes down. (if your host is less than that, maybe look into one that has a higher uptime rate).

Darlene Fadem
9 years ago

Technology is not my friend…the computer stresses me out!
Love this outfit! I’ve been obsessed with tunic tops lately too. 🙂

9 years ago

love the print of the tunic, you look great!

9 years ago

Gosh, that would be terrifying! I’m glad everything was recovered! I’ll bet you’d raise absolute hell with the host site if something happened here! In other news, your dress and booties make me insanely happy!

: signe :
: the daily savant :

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