brown ankle boots / layered necklaces / leopard print blouse / Walmart

Buried In Paper: Black Dress, Leopard Blouse And Tan Ankle Booties

     I remember waaayyy back in the day, one of my high school teachers tried to talk me out of being a special education teacher because of the piles of paperwork. Mind you, that was in the 80’s when the paperwork was really minimal. We’ve come a long way since then, and due to the infinite wisdom of the government, the paperwork has increased exponentially.
    I have wanted to be a special education teacher since I was five (yes, five) for deeply personal reasons. I went into it solely because of the kids. Believe me, when I was a little girl I wasn’t thinking, “I want to be a special ed teacher so that I can waste countless hours of my existence writing IEP’s.” Each child has an individual educational plan (IEP) and they have to be rewritten at least yearly, sometimes even more often. Each document is anywhere from 25 to 40 pages long. Yes, you read that correctly, 25 to 40 pages per kid. That’s not counting all of the additional documents that need done for each student. By the second week in October I will have been out of the classroom for one testing day, three writing days and two meeting days. That’s six total days I’m not working with my kids because of paperwork to satisfy the state. I could pull my hair out at the absurdity of it all.
     I figured if I was holed up in my classroom writing IEP’s I might as well be comfy. This dress is a total cheapy from Walmart, but I swear to you, it’s like wearing a freakin’ nightgown. I threw the blouse and cardi over to at least look like I made an effort.

Linking up with: Tres-chic Fashion Link UpWhat I Wore To WorkThrowback Thursday Link UpWorking Girl With Style and Spotlight Weekly Link Up.

How could I not use this shot…look at that little tongue!!

Dress: Walmart (In store purchase);  Blouse: Walmart (Old);  Cardigan: Walmart (Old);  Booties: Aldo via Amazon (Old)

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Rick Robillard
9 years ago

You’ve restored my faith in Walmart! Love the look and thanks for including the dog in the pics!

Red Reticule

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Rick Robillard
9 years ago

Thank you!

9 years ago

So cute! I love the pop of animal print, and those boots are the perfect color!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  TaraMixandMatch
9 years ago

Thanks Tara!

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

I’m like you … just let me spend time with the kids and the paperwork sucks. For me, it’s not IEPs but just misc other stuff, including grading essays, of course. Anyway, you look adorable … totally put together and not thrown together at all!
Dawn Lucy

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Thanks Dawn! All of the extra nonsense at work is such a pain in the butt isn’t it?

M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

I know these IEP of which you speak and I stealthily sneak away from you while you complete them. 0_0

Good luck and at least you were comfy in the midst of bureaucratic toomfoolery.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

Haha! It is bureaucratic tomfoolery! And it is best to tread carefully around special ed teachers during IEP time… 🙂
9 years ago

Yet another thing that makes no sense… The kids who need you the most are getting you less…
Love this look and a dress that feels like a nightgown is always a winner!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to
9 years ago

I couldn’t agree more…on both counts!

9 years ago

The doggy bomb photo is my favorite! :o)


Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

Wow that’s so sad that your job consists of so much paper work vs working with the kids. I guess the plus side you look great doing your paper work. And your doggie photo bomb is the cutest!

BTW, thank you for joining TBT Fashion and I hope to see you this Thursday.


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