layered necklaces / Shein / shift dress / shirtdress / skirt extender / Sun Sand & Stars

Camel Shirtdress & Ankle Booties: I Need To Get Out More Often

camel shirtdress, skirt extender, ivory ankle booties

I’m thinking I might need to leave my classroom and talk to adults once in awhile…


I mentioned last Spring that my students never fail to find a reason to give someone a round of applause along with some hooting and hollering. Literally. Anyone who visits our room gets one. When one of my girls who has more difficulties than the others answers a question correctly she gets one. The principal brings them a treat; duh, of course she gets one. She had treats. I figured out how to change the ringtone on the classroom phone, I got one. Get the idea? It’s something they started doing last year, all on their own. They just like to see people smile.

Why do I need to get away from all of that sweetness? Really, I don’t. I mean who in their right mind would? But with that being said, last week at a faculty meeting one of my co-workers came up with a rather good idea and what did I do? Yep. You guessed it. I started clapping and makin’ some noise. Um ya, that really happened. After the initial split second of WTH looks, everyone started laughing. Fortunately enough of them have stopped by my class for one thing or another that they understood…and suggested that maybe I need some quality grown up time…


Any of you who’ve been reading FFD for awhile can probably guess my favorite thing about this camel shirtdress from Shein. Yes, the color is delicious, but that’s not it. Nor is it the fact it’s so soft and lightweight. And it’s also not the fact that it will look outrageously cool over skinny jeans. It’s the pockets, people. Pockets; one of my most favorite things. I don’t store things in them I simply like to slouch around all day with my hands shoved in ’em. Ya, it’s super lady-like, but I can’t help myself.

Depending on your views on style, you may be asking yourself, “Are those ankle socks peeking out of those booties?” “Isn’t she like, 50 years old? And she’s wearing ankle socks?” Yes on all counts. And guess what? I like them, they make me happy, so I’m wearing them and that’s that. Also peeking out, is one of my lace skirt extenders. I so knew they would earn their keep, hence the reason I bought three different colors/styles. I like the way both the hint of lace and the edges of the socks add some texture to the otherwise blank canvas of the plain camel shirtdress.


Adding some texture (think lace, fringe, tweed, velvet, leather) to an outfit can add visual interest to an otherwise understated look.

LINK UPS:  Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

camel shirtdress, ivory ankle boots, lace skirt extender layered necklaces

camel shirtdress, ivory ankle boots, lace skirt extender

camel shirtdress, ivory ankle boots, lace skirt extender

camel shirtdress, ivory ankle boots, lace skirt extendercamel shirtdress, ivory ankle boots, lace skirt extender

Dress: c/o Shein;  Skirt extender: Sun, Sand and Stars (Similar);  Booties: Aldo via Amazon (Similar)

Disclosure: Dress was provided c/o Shein. The opinions expressed herein are my own and not indicative of the opinions or positions of Shein.



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8 years ago

I love the peek of lace and ankle socks! Those booties are fab! Such a cute look!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

You have some great upbeat and positive students. I also love the color and pockets of this dress. Dying over your boots and necklaces though, are they 2? The socks look great, who cares if you are fifty. So neat putting the lace extender underneath. May I ask where you purchased the lace extenders? And hey this outfit is Bohemian too.

8 years ago

That’s such a cute story. I get it. And am reminded of a similar experience.

Two decades ago, my then-partner and I went out with another couple for dinner. The other couple had small children and were consumed by their child-raising. Just as we were leaving their house to go to the restaurant, the wife, completely innocently, said to us: “Does anyone need to use the potty before we go?” A second after she said it, she blushed furiously and tried to apologize, but we were laughing too hard to accept her apology.

Reply to  debbies
8 years ago

So true. Here’s an embarrassing story. I was once fighting with my first girlfriend and she was being obstinate. I said to her in my lawyerly-voice, “Will the witness answer the question!”

8 years ago

I think your outfit (socks and all) is really adorable! Socks = comfort for me 🙂


8 years ago

Ha ha! I kind of wish people would do that all the time. Imagine how much better your day would be if people were clapping for you.

PS I featured you on the blog last week, or the week before…

8 years ago

What a cute story, I would love to see your class. Lovely look Debbie.
Rachel xo

8 years ago

Texture! You are so right about that and it’s something I often neglect. Does jewelry count as texture?

Ankle socks – on you? Definite yes. You look fantastic.

Pockets – that was definitely my guess. I just have a vision of you using pockets to store your treasures. Having an almost five year old has reacquainted me with the quintessential delight of an acorn top or a sticker. The types of treasures that fit in pockets.

Dawn Lucy
8 years ago

Super cute look, Debbie! You look so stylish and chic … and fun too (which you know I love). Your class sounds like a blast and maybe I should start some clapping with my students!

Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!
Dawn Lucy

8 years ago

I love the chic-ness of the color camel! This shirt dress is fab on you – it complements your hair color really well!

Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

Suzy Turner
8 years ago

You look so cute in this outfit! I love it… it’s exactly the kind of thing I’d love to wear! And naturally, I do love the addition of the denim jacket 🙂
Suzy x

8 years ago

Nothing wrong with sporadic positivity! I’m glad you were able to get everyone laughing! We need more of that in the world!
: signe :
: the daily savant :

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