Some trends die and are never heard from again. I’m talkin’ to you bustles. Some trends are welcome to come back every now and again…why yes, I’ll have me some neon, thank you very much. And some trends really aren’t trends; they are simply timeless. Denim anyone? Then there are the trends that have been resurrected from death, but never should have been, kind of like the zombies of the fashion world…
Namely, fanny packs and gauchos (or culottes if you prefer). I know, some people love them; and that’s okay I suppose. The differences in viewpoint are what make fashion fun. I’m sure as we speak there are legions of neon haters out there staging demonstrations and whatnot. Okay, maybe that’s extreme, but what I’m saying is, I’m not trying to offend anyone. It’s just my opinion that fanny packs (ya, you can call it a “belt bag”, but hey, it’s still a fanny pack) and gauchos are crimes against nature.
I can remember way back to when I was in the 6th grade and I got a brand spankin’ new pair of gauchos to wear to school. I was convinced that I was the epitome of elementary school style, but the kids at school? Not so much. Call it gaucho trauma. Maybe I’m just holding a grudge against a pair of pants, but in hindsight I do see the hideousness of that particular sartorial choice. Although keep in mind, the same little weasels that didn’t appreciate my gauchos (or my purple velvet hot pants in the third grade come to think of it) are now the grown up weasels that wear pajamas and rubber fishing boots to Walmart. Hey, I’ve told you before that I’ve lived in the same area my entire life so I know of what I speak.
What brought on my little tirade? Well, this conversation happened over the weekend. My husband and I were going out for a motorcycle ride. I walked outside and my husband said, “Uh, is that a fanny pack you’re wearing?” My response, “Ya, so what?” He just shook his head and walked away chuckling. Here’s the thing. It was absolutely 100% for the utility of it. I was wearing skinny jeans and a tank top with no jacket, hence no pockets for a cellphone or chapstick. See, makes sense. And we weren’t going to be getting off the bike so no one would see me wearing it. And this was a true 1980’s for real fanny pack. Yes, I’ve had it that long. I guess you could say I was wearing vintage. Point is, it was useful for storing little things while on the bike, but that didn’t make it any less ghastly from a style standpoint. Would I wear one out in the world? Hells no.
I am absolutely smitten with this cami. As a matter of fact, I might go back today and nab it in burgundy. It’s so floaty and ethereal-like, perfect for summer. I went with my fancy black bra with the split straps because I wanted them to peek out although you can’t tell it’s a split strap in the photos. I’ve never been opposed to a little bit of strap or lace showing assuming it’s a pretty bra and not something you’ve had lying around since fanny packs were originally in style. Sometimes it’s a good way to add some interest and texture to a look. The distressed jeans toughen up the softness of the cami and the wedge pumps add a dressy element. I like the fact that this outfit has girly, badass, dressy and casual all rolled into one; keep ’em guessing I say.
Linking up with: The Wednesday Pants, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, Color And Grace Fashion Link Up, Thursday Fashion Files, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, Summer Style Weekly Link Up, A Labour Of Fashion, Top Of The World Style Link Up, Thursday Favorites, Throwback Thursday.
Cami: TJ Maxx (Similar); Jeans: JCPenney (Similar); Necklace: Rocksbox; Pumps: Similar
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