camo pencil skirt / Payless / striped t-shirt / Walmart / Windsor Store

Camo And Stripes: Camouflage Pencil Skirt, Striped Tee And Black Sandals

     While I will admit I was born blessed in the hair department, the one time my hair will turn into a highly uncooperative hot mess is when it is humid. And I’m here to tell ya, yesterday and today were humid with a capital “H”. The way my hair looks from day to day is entirely up to it. I get up in the morning look at it, and whatever it’s choosing to do, I go with. It has it’s own identity and who am I to squash it’s self-esteem by forcing to do what I want it to. It’s a rebel, what can I say. But hit it with some humidity and it turns into an oppositional defiant child, throwing temper tantrums and refusing to do anything that is remotely socially acceptable. So this morning I got a look at it and immediately it went to time out in a hair clip. That’ll teach it to misbehave.
     On the brighter side of things, I wore my camo pencil skirt that hasn’t seen the light of day in quite awhile. I’ve missed it so it made me happy and helped me forget about the writhing mess on my head. Maybe I should have worn my Medusa graphic tee instead of the striped tee…then I would’ve had theme going on.

Linking up with: Working Girl With StyleThree-fer ThursdayWhat I Wore To WorkTres-chic Fashion Link Up, and Spotlight Weekly Link Up.

**I threw this in as a bonus because the bulldog butt photobomb was too cute to pass up!

Skirt: Windsor (No longer available);  Tee: Walmart (Old);  Sandals: Payless (Old)

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M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

I love when our animals photobomb! It makes for a more dynamic shot. And we’re twinsies. Well, almost. I wore my stripes yesterday but I think it’s cool we both did some serious pattern mixing with them. Camo and stripes are far more inspired and genus than my pedestrian stripes/floral combo, however, so kudos to you! And you go with your bad self, whipping your “writhing mess” into shape. LOL!

Dana Jo
10 years ago

Have seen this pattern together on another blog and I love it!! Very well done Debbie, looks wonderful on you ! 🙂

have a nice day
Dana 🙂

Sacramento Amate
10 years ago

Daring combination, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh I like it.
Happy Thursday, dear Debbie

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Loving this combination Debbie, aww haha love to photo bomb/butt 🙂

Jill G
10 years ago

Love this pattern mix and the photo bomb!


10 years ago

I love a mixture of pattern and prints, ans this looks super cool.


Busola Coutts
10 years ago

Camo and stripes- Beautiful combination of prints, very stylish and absolutely trendy. You look great!

10 years ago

This combo is ah-maz-ing! Who would have thought?! I adore it, you look fabulous! 😉
God bless,
XO, Claire

Steph S
10 years ago

What a great pattern mix! Thanks for linking up!!
xo, Steph of White Coat Wardrobe & Bethany of Perfectly Coutured

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