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Camo Pants & Embroidered Denim Jacket: Instascammers

Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top.

Lately I have noticed an increase in women discussing/complaining about the oddly high number of creepy weird men following them on Instagram…


…Here’s the thing, they aren’t just “creepy weird men”. They are scammers. Typically the end goal of the scam is money. Here is how the scenario plays out. A good-looking typically widowed single dad who happens to be a doctor/surgeon, businessman or some other similarly successful career follows a woman on Instagram. His (usually very few) posts show shots of him with his adorable motherless child(ren). Or perhaps he’s just a fun carefree single guy in which case his photos include shots of him doing all sorts of manly type activities like deep sea fishing or skydiving. Then again, he might be a US soldier/officer and you will see shots of him in action wherever he is presumably deployed.

The next step is the DM. He messages the woman telling her things like “you are a beautiful angel” or “your smile lit up my world” or some other similar absurd nonsense followed with the “please respond so we can get to know each other better”. More often than not, the DM’s are written in broken English. After the woman takes the bait, he moves the conversation to email. After weeks, or months, of wooing then he asks for money for something absurd like his child needs money for a field trip or he has lost his home and needs cash to relocate. My favorite has to be the soldier deployed overseas who needs money for a plane ticket home. C’mon, seriously? Do you really think that our military sends troops overseas and then makes them pay for their own way home?? Once the scammer has milked the unsuspecting woman for everything she has (or if she refuses to send cash), he along with his profile, vanishes in the wind.

My friends, this isn’t a new scam. It has been making the rounds on Facebook and dating sites for years. I’m not sure why the recent upsurge on Instagram, but it is simply the same scam on a different social media platform. I kid you not, yesterday alone, I reported/blocked over 20 of these accounts…20!!! We always tell our children to be vigilant and wary of strangers online, but it is imperative that we do the same. While it might sound ridiculous to you that a grown ass woman could fall for something like this, I can tell you, it happens.

I know an individual in real life who was (and still is) being taken in by one of these scammers. He found her via Facebook, and although I and many others have not only told her repeatedly, but provided her with evidence that it is a scam, she continues to send him money that she does not have to spare. She still thinks that he will be coming home soon and they are going to make a home together. I kid you not. I’ve linked a few articles for you here, here and here.

As you can see, the threat is real. Here are a few things to look for as well as what to do if you’re approached by a suspected scammer on Instagram:

  • Look at the Follower/Following numbers. Does the account have a very low number of Followers, but a very high number of Followings?
  • Is the user profile vague or sounds to good to be true?
  • Is there only a small number of posts? Do the posts have a generic feel to them?
  • Has the account sent you a DM full of ridiculously complimentary nonsense and/or asked you to get to know them better?
  • DO NOT RESPOND to the DM!
  • Immediately report the account to Instagram. Once it’s reported, Instagram automatically blocks it for you.
  • If for whatever reason you aren’t comfortable reporting the account, then block it.

It’s a scary world in which we now live, so it is up to us to stay vigilant and informed. We have to not only protect ourselves, but each other. Please feel free to share this post!


The last few weeks the weather has been unseasonably cool, thus occasionally requiring a jacket of some sort. It seems that transitional weather has made a return, that is until the annual back to school sweltering heatwave hits. When I put together an outfit that involves transitional dressing, like this one, it includes a combination of both Summer and Fall pieces…hence, the use of the word transitional.

Instead of pairing shorts with my graphic tank top, I went with my camo pants. I kept the footwear in the Summer season with sandals, but added my embroidered denim jacket on top to provide additional coverage. I chose the embroidered denim jacket as opposed to one of my plain jackets because I like the mix of the graphic on the tank, the camo print and the embroidery.


For me, when I think “transitional outfit” a few key things come to mind. First, an additional light layer on top like a denim jacket, blazer or lightweight cardigan or sweater. Second, is color. Oftentimes you can keep your pieces lightweight, but if you throw in a more Fall-like hue, for example burgundy, mustard yellow, rust or olive green the look becomes more seasonally transitional. Color is the perfect way to balance Summer/Fall dressing. I’ve linked a few pieces here that are perfect for Summer into Fall transitional outfits:

1. Ribbon Embellished Jacket// 2. Embroidered Jacket// 3. Polka Dot Blazer

4. Rust Cardigan// 5. Open Weave Pullover// 6. Burgundy Peplum Top// 7. Burgundy Floral Skirt// 8. Rust Floral Maxi// 9. Yellow Floral Skirt


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top.Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top. Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top.Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top. Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top.Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top. Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top.Camo pants, embroidered denim jacket and graphic tank top.

Pants: GAP (Similar);  Jacket: Chico’s (Similar);  Tank Top: The Ageless Rebellion

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Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

And look at you fitting right in with our camo theme this week!!! Talk about great minds thinking alike!!
Your story is incredibly sad….how can we be so naive at times??

Bettye Rainwater
7 years ago

I continue to be shocked that apparently enough of these scams are successful that they continue to exist! Remember the “I am the Prince of Nigeria, and my country is in grave danger, please wire $19,372 US dollars to this account immediately” emails? That seems forever ago but they have found a new home. Sigh.

Hope you’re able to help your friend out of that mess….


7 years ago

I love your embroidered denim jacket! I just got one myself, and it’s starting to get cool at night, so I can wear it for a bit…

And, yes, the scammers are through the roof at the moment…

7 years ago

Great embroidered jacket! I’m intrigued by you and Jodie referring to ‘camo,’ I don’t think we do that here but makes sense! I block and report ‘the creeps’ every time – they all seem to be high ranking soldiers! – but somehow didn’t make the connection to them being scammers!

7 years ago

Love, love this denim jacket! And thank you for the full info on these creepy dudes. I block at least 5 a day, ugh. Thanks for linking, xox


7 years ago

Oh I have seen this years ago on Dr.Phil. It’s so sad that there are women out there who fall for these scams.
I like your edgy look!

7 years ago

I actually HAD my camo on this morning and changed at the last second! It’s just camo weather! You look great! Adore that jacket!
Oh. My. Goodness! I have been getting TONS of these messages from men on Instagram! I thought there was a sign on my head that said “please annoy me”! Sad! Thanks for putting the word out for people!

Sharon | Best Before End Date
7 years ago

I couldn’t believe since using Instagram over last couple of months how many I block on a daily basis. We have a real giggle about it but on a serious note I really feel for any women who might fall for one of these scams.

Love your outfits, Debbie! I used to love camo but haven’t had anything like it for a long time. Looks good on you x

Cheryl Tucker
7 years ago

This is a great post and important information! Everyone should be aware of these scams! I started blocking a few weeks ago and finally gave up they just keep coming! But I never respond. Creepy for sure! Love your outfit! Peace!

Suzy Turner
7 years ago

I just keep ignoring these guys but you’re right, I should block them instead. It’s so sad that so many women fall for this awful scam. The word can be a cruel place at times 🙁
I LOVE your outfit. I’ve got a thing for combats, and camo, so it’s perfect. LOVE the vest top. It’s GORGEOUS!
Suzy xx
Suzy Turner at Yogadocious

7 years ago

These scammers are unbelievable! I can’t imagine falling for any of their crap but I guess enough people do to keep them doing it. How sad! And the person you know, bless her heart, even after being told continues. When she realizes the mistakes she’s made I can only imagine how badly she’ll feel. This time of year I really wish I lived up north. It is so incredibly hot here and with school starting everyone is boiling. With the heat index the temps feel like we’re in the 100s,. It is so not fun! I love camo, goes with… Read more »

7 years ago

Luckily, no one approached me like this. When I see a DM request from someone I don’t know, first I read what they have to say, then check their profiles (you can still decline their requests)

Love your transitional look! Colors and layers can change any look. Since I have an all year round capsule wardrobe, I have to play around a lot with the layers. I’m really excited about Fall though!


7 years ago

Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party with your post. This outfit is very interesting, but it works! Great look!

7 years ago

Pretty denim jacket, that’s going to be a winner for sure. Some lovely pieces here, thanks for sharing. Jacqui

jess jannenga
7 years ago

Ahhh You made me think about these posts I have been getting too. Lots of military and other ones.. Anyhow, I just dont respond and usually will block too. Thanks for the heads up… Love those camo pants on you Deb! I just bought a pair of camo joggers from Target and need to style them… the jean jacket is adorable, love the floral embroidery. Looking great!
Thanks for linking!
jess xx

Emma Peach
7 years ago

I’ve had a few of these too. I don’t respond to the DMs and if I get a message request from someone on IG I delete it. I did wonder if I could make it more obvious in my profile that I’m not single…I don;t know if that would make any difference. I didn’t realise they were scammers, I just thought they were creepy guys. I love your embroidered denim jacket and camo pants. I’m going to finish off my customized denim jacket with a few more patches over the weekend 🙂

Emma xxx

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