casual style / Work Style

Camo Sweatshirt & Velvet Combat Boots: Words Of Light

Camo sweatshirt & velvet combat boots.

Originally today’s post was supposed to be about my first ever photo shoot this past weekend with the sweetest photographer…


…It was supposed to be about what a cool experience that was, about how much fun it was to spend the day with my kids in the city. But you see, my photo shoot was Saturday morning. In Pittsburgh. About 4 miles from Squirrel Hill. Need I say more?

Before I continue, as always when I’m writing something that others might find offensive, I say this…if you are going to leave a nasty unkind comment leave now. I will not entertain hateful nonsense, nor will I provide it a platform. If you disagree with me and do so respectfully that’s one thing. If you disagree with me and plan to use that as an excuse to turn it into a personal attack, you are dismissed.

I obviously do not live in Pittsburgh, but if I were to choose the city that I identify with it would absolutely be Pittsburgh. I’ve spent plenty of time there with my boy since he lives in the area, and if I’m going to do something that requires a city to do it, Pittsburgh is where I go because it’s close.

As we were heading into the city for what was supposed to be a fun day, we passed dozens of law enforcement vehicles heading the opposite direction; we knew it had to be something awful especially when the huge black government issue Yukons blew by. I was halfway done with my photo shoot when my son found news on his phone in regard to what had happened, although the full horror of it all was not discovered until later.

No, we were never directly in harms way and no we weren’t directly involved in the tragedy. But yes, being that close to something as horrific and truly evil as Saturday’s attack puts a different spin on it. It’s even more real, it’s even more terrifying, it’s even more heartbreaking. As I’ve read the details that have come out since Saturday, the details of the lives lost, the lives forever shattered by yet another senseless insane slaughter I feel overwhelmed. But do you know what I else I feel? Motivated. Even more motivated than I was before to be part of the solution; to fight for the changes that need to, no…must, happen.

We simply cannot give up the fight. Honestly, it would be so easy to do. It seems that the deluge of horror is nonstop; this week alone there were the dozen or so mail bombs sent to Democrats, the murder of two innocent people in Kentucky because of their race, and now eleven people are dead for no reason other than their religion. It is because of all of this though, that we cannot give up.

A friend and I were discussing this today at work…how sometimes it seems futile and hopelessly naive to think that putting out love and kind words into the world will make a difference. Do you know what though? I honestly don’t think that it’s futile. Or naive. Think about it…the words of one single individual (albeit a powerful individual) have stoked the flames of divisiveness, ugliness and hatred for the past two years. The words of one man have made the darkest fringes of our society with the blackest of collective hearts feel emboldened to drag their ugliness out for all the world to see. Did he pull the triggers or build the bombs? No. Did his words perhaps throw fuel onto already smoldering embers? Absolutely.

It would stand to reason then that conversely, words of kindness, of acceptance, of tolerance, of love can unquestionably tilt the balance back to the light. Especially when those words come from a multitude of sources and from all directions. Will kindness fix all of the societal ills with which we are currently plagued? No…but they can serve to light the path out of the darkness. Call me naive if you will, but I for one will not give up the fight…not now, not ever.


This top has all the goodness. It’s a sweatshirt. It’s camo print. It has ruffles. Nothing more needs to be said other than there are only a few left as I post this, so if you want one you had better get a move on. It’s literally the best of both worlds; a little bit tomboy and a whole lot girly girl. I love a piece with unexpected details like this. You take a run of the mill camo sweatshirt and add a special detail like the frilly ruffled sleeves and boom…you’ve got something fabulous.

The rest of the look are all favorite pieces in my closet. My American Eagle Tomgirl Pants I wear all of the time, that is when I’m not wearing my Tomgirl Jeans. The velvet combat boots were a gift last Christmas and I love them for the same reason as the top…girly and badass all at once. I’ve had the Blank NYC moto jacket for a few years now. Their faux leather jackets are like butta’. You’d never know that it wasn’t real leather. This one is no longer available, but if you’re looking at other Blank NYC jackets, I would suggest sizing up especially if you want to wear it over a thicker sweater when it’s nippy outside.


Look for everyday pieces with a little something special like ruffles, lace ups or cut-out details. The smallest thing can take a piece from ho-hum to fabulous.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Camo sweatshirt & velvet combat boots. Camo sweatshirt & velvet combat boots.Camo sweatshirt & velvet combat boots. Camo sweatshirt & velvet combat boots.Camo sweatshirt & velvet combat boots. Camo sweatshirt & velvet combat boots.Camo sweatshirt & velvet combat boots.

Top: Belle Of Promise;  Pants: American Eagle;  Boots: Target (Similar);  Jacket: Blank NYC (Similar)

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
6 years ago

It’s a little crazy to think you were so close, Debbie. Even if you weren’t in harms way, I know exactly what you mean…it just seems more real somehow. And NO ONE should give up the fight….it’s how things change. Slowly…but they hopefully will change. Unless we go out with a meteor before that….(trying to add some humor…not always successful. Forgive me if you weren’t amused…)…can you tell I’ve had my wine tonight?? As for the outfit…how the heck did you find camo and ruffles together?? That’s the perfect example of dichotomy in a clothing item…. I need to go… Read more »

6 years ago

Although here in the Netherlands we only see those horrors on tv, we feel it is awfull what happens in the world. I van t imagine how you must feel , living nearby. Still, two years to go right! Love the contrast of the cool camo and the feminine ruffles!

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

I can hardly believe what’s been happening it is surreal. Being so close to the tragedy absolutely puts a different spin on it. My heart was broken yesterday as I listened to family members of the victims talk about them. We can all do better by putting even more kindness and positivity into the world – I always go back to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote about how drakness can’t get rid of darkness, only light can do that. On what seems a more superficial note – I am in love with this top! I love the sleeves and… Read more »

6 years ago

Ah Debbie, we can never give up the (lawful) fight against hatred and violence and division. Everyone, keep calling your legislators and expressing yourselves. Write blog posts like this one, and letters to the newspapers. Sometimes, as Rusty Cohle said, the light wins out.
Nobody does badass+feminine style like you! xox


6 years ago

One word CAN change the world. You never know when you’re going to hear…or SAY…that word. So. Keep speaking the good messages, they’re not lost.

I’ve had my eye on a pair of pink velvet boots for ages. Sigh. Maybe someday.


Susan Marinelli
Susan Marinelli
6 years ago

Very well done, Debbie! Both the post and the outfit.
Next week is voting day, which I’ve been eagerly anticipating for the last two years.
Here’s hoping kindness can have the last word.

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

I agree with EVERY SINGLE WORD you wrote! I refuse to give up even when it feels impossible. I can’t. This can’t be the nation I live in. Thank you.

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

I think if more of us just write about kindness and positivity, things might change – even just a little bit. I’m fortunate that these kinds of senseless and horrifying acts don’t tend to happen where I live but it breaks my heart to read about them elsewhere.
This is a total me outfit! I love the juxtaposition of something so girlie like ruffles with combats and a leather jacket! Absolutely gorgeous, my friend <3
Suzy xxx

Kathy Robinson
Kathy Robinson
6 years ago

Thank you for his post! I totally agree and wish everyone had a chance to read it.

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

Although I’m from England I have been watching CNN for days on end because I can’t believe whats happening there. I’m deeply saddened but no one should give up hope. Words really matter!! You look fab Debbie and the park looks so pretty in Autumn. Hope you feel a sense of support from over the Atlantic, there are a lot of people here watching, wondering and hoping that positivity and kindness will prevail xx Maria

Fonda @Savvy Southern Chic
6 years ago

I agree that our words and actions have a ripple effect, whether they are good or bad. So we definitely cannot give up. We must keep being kind and loving, in spite of those who aren’t. What a fun way to wear camo and velvet!

6 years ago

I love your entire outfit, Debbie – those sleeves are fab! Your hair is cool too! In regard to the other matter, as an Australian we need people like you to fight against what is happening over there because it is indeed permeating the entire world – my son is in Seattle for a conference and I’m so worried about the guns… our saving grace here, apart from being so isolated, are the strict gun regulations and how they are generally not accepted as part of our culture … we are more about beaches and sport… hang in there and… Read more »

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