
Camo Tunic & Ruffle Skirt Extender: The Only Direction Is Forward

Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress.

In a post I wrote back in November just after the election, I said that if anything positive had resulted from the entire hot mess it was that I, and hopefully others, would be motivated to become advocates; that we would be moved to actually do something, to fight back against the ugliness…


…And that is exactly what I will be doing on Saturday, January 21st. I will be marching, loud and proud. I am not a crybaby nor am I a whiner. I’m not a sore loser nor am I a hardcore Hillary supporter. What I am is a human being. A woman. A mother of a daughter and a gay son. A teacher of special needs children. A friend to people of a multitude of races and religions.

I am not marching to protest the President; that ship my friends, has sailed. I am marching to support the one thing that is inherently crucial to every single one of us. Basic human rights…The right to be treated equally and fairly regardless of sex or the color of our skin. The right to love and marry whomever we want to love and spend our lives with. The right to have control of our own bodies. The right to pray to the deity of our choice and not be ostracized for it. The right to attend a public school and have access to the same educational opportunities as any other child regardless of learning differences. The right to be different and not be ridiculed or demeaned because of it. That is why I will march.

And after the march is over? I will not stop there. I will continue to learn and to grow and yes, to fight. I will no longer be a passive spectator to what occurs within our government. I have become and will continue to be an active participant. I will be one more in a chorus of voices that will not be silenced. There is no going back. The only direction is forward.


One of the many advantages to being petite is having the option to wear a tunic as a dress. Seemingly insignificant, yes, but it opens up a plethora of options in your closet. Especially when you’re armed with an arsenal of skirt extenders. I’ve worn this camo tunic a number of times with skinny jeans, but this time I decided to throw a ruffle skirt extender underneath even though lace would have worked as well,  hence making it a dress…see, a plethora of options. And what makes it even more fun is the play between the boyish vibe of the hoodie/camo combo paired with the super girly chiffon ruffles. My ever present over the knee boots made it possible to sport bare legs which always makes me happy.


I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it a hundred more times in the future. Skirt extenders. Get some. You won’t regret it.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress.Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress. Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress.Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress. Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress.Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress. Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress.Camo tunic, ruffle skirt extender and over the knee boots. How to style a tunic as a dress.

Camo tunic: Townhouse Boutique (Similar);  Skirt Extender: Grace & Lace;  Boots: Charlotte Russe (Similar)

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Bettye Rainwater
7 years ago

Amen, sister! I will be marching with you in spirit, ha. But seriously. I will be.


Amy Christensen
7 years ago

You come up with the most amazing outfits. I would have never thought to pair these two pieces together, but it works! Great look, Debbie! – Amy

7 years ago

We all feel for America. We have a sort of same person as DT who wants to become priminister, it would be desastererous if he did. But your outfit is fantastic! Love the layering. Have a great weekend….despite….

Mary Ann
Mary Ann
7 years ago

Amen, sister! Glad you are going. Been in two other marches, ratcheted up my petition signing. Love your outfit.

7 years ago

Thank you for your words of encouragement and love. As a proud gay Canadian man I stand in support of all my sisters and brothers in America and around the world.
Us fashion lovers are an eclectic,inclusive group ,so let’s use our talents to support each other.
Dress the Part

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago
7 years ago

Now that (meaning everything you said above) I can support.


7 years ago

Well, said, Debbie! And well-dressed! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and flair:)

Shelbee on the Edge
7 years ago

I love this outfit and your attitude, Debbie! Good for you for taking a stand and not sitting around and just crying about it as many will do. Thanks for linking up with me On the Edge!


7 years ago

Bravo for you taking your feet to the streets. We marched in the March for Women’s Lives in 2004 in Wash DC, and that event turned a switch in us – we became activists, started working on congressional campaigns, and got “woke”. Never underestimate the power of a small group of people to change the world, said Margaret Mead, “”in fact it is the the only thing that ever has.” xox


Anna Parkes
7 years ago

Good for you to air your views and march for your rights Debbie. That’s what freedom is all about. I admire your strength and desire to make a difference.

I love the camo and frills combination – not an obvious pairing, but works none the less! I’ve just been given camo jeans for my birthday and was looking for some styling inspiration. Food for thought, so thank you x

Have a great week x


7 years ago

I really need to get one of these lace extenders. Talk about being able to rework my wardrobe! I like the soft neutrals of your look paired with the bit of camo. Great yen and yang.

I hope the march in your area went well.

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