casual style / Work Style

Chambray Tunic & White Jeans: A Work In Progress

Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals.

I like to use the story portion of my blog posts to not only entertain you all with my slightly skewed view of life in my little corner of the world, but also to share information and maybe get you thinking every once in awhile…


…Let me emphasize right now, I am not looking for sympathy or pats on the back. I only want to educate and share information. I’ve mentioned in the past that I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but I’ve never really gone into too much detail about it.; I don’t really discuss it much in real life either simply because I like to try and pretend that I was never diagnosed with it. Why? Primarily because for me to admit that I am unable to do something I want or need to do is both frustrating and embarrassing; to accept the fact that on some days I am quite simply physically not able to function at a normal level (or sometimes any level) is a difficult thing for me to do emotionally.

I was diagnosed with it almost 15 years ago. I won’t go into detail as it’s a long story, but suffice it to say, it was a long painful (physically and emotionally) journey to finally be diagnosed. CFS is one of those silent illnesses that oftentimes people (even some medical professionals) don’t even believe exists, much like unicorns and Santa Claus. For those of us who legitimately suffer with it, the disbelief only compounds the embarrassment.

We don’t look sick. It isn’t life threatening…so what’s the problem? Take a nap or get your ass to bed earlier and you’ll be fine, right? No. See, that’s the problem. No matter how much sleep I get, no matter how many naps I take, the exhaustion never ever goes away. Take some time to think about how it would feel to be dead on your feet exhausted…Every. Single. Minute. Of. Your. Life. In the summer I’m usually okay because I’m not working. But once the school year starts, I am, and I’m being brutally honest here, unable to function on a day to day basis without medication to help combat the fatigue. To make it even more enjoyable, the more exhausted I get, the more the all over body pain is triggered. Literally from head to toe flu-like pain that doesn’t go away. Aleve and massive doses of ibuprofen alleviate it, but it’s never really gone.

And God forbid that I have to do something outside the normal realm of my daily activity. Whether it be work or fun, if I do anything beyond my normal workday I pay dearly for it. Therefore, for me to do anything extra it has to be really worth it. For example, a week ago Friday my daughter had an 8th grade fundraiser at the football game. I ran home after school, changed my clothes and went back to help out for a few hours. To me, that was worth what I knew was coming. Saturday and Sunday both I was basically non-functioning. Last week at work and at home, I was lost in a mental fog every day, and that was with my medication. This past Friday night I slept for 12 hours straight, I kid you not my friends…12 hours. My body had simply gotten to the point that it crashed. A freight train could have barreled through our house and I wouldn’t have heard it. Even though I know that a crash like that is par for the course when I’ve overdone it, that still does nothing to ease the guilt, frustration and anger I feel when I wake up and realize I just lost 12 hours of my life to what feels like a semi-comatose state.

Over the years I have gotten better at taking it easy on myself emotionally. I said better, not good. I am able to talk myself down from the guilt and frustration a lot more quickly than I used to. I now recognize my limitations even though I don’t like them. I’ve learned to ease up on my perfectionist tendencies and just let some things go undone. Like everything else in life, living and functioning with CFS is a work in progress.


Like I said in last week’s post, who cares about silly rules? No white after Labor Day is just ridiculous. Seriously, why was that ever even a “rule” to begin with? I wear my white jeans whenever the urge strikes, and as you can see here, it struck.

I’ve been loving this chambray tunic with the lace up detail since I picked it up last spring, but I don’t think it’s made to the blog until today. It’s super soft and floaty, just the way I like my tops. There’s just something so pretty about chambray or blue denim paired with white denim, don’t you think?

The chambray tunic and the jeans read casual, but I added my strappy black sandals which combined with the white denim, give the outfit a pinch of dressy. I love a good casual/dressy mix almost as much as I love a good feminine/masculine mix.


Sometimes the only thing you need to change the entire vibe of an outfit is a change of shoes. Think about it…had I finished this outfit off with my Converse or my Adidas it would have been definitely more casual. But add the strappy block heeled sandals and voila…all kinds of fancy.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals.Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals. Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals.Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals. Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals.Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals. Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals.Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals. Chambray tunic, white jeans and black strappy sandals.

Tunic: JCPenney (Similar);  Jeans: Chico’s;  Sandals: JCPenney

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7 years ago

I’m sure you have a pretty good idea of how amazing you are and when I read this I just feel a whole new admiration for you. I know what it’s like to work full time, exercise, take care of a house and family,and then blog on top of that. Seriously I don’t have even a 1/4 of the hustle you have going on with the blog and I am exhausted. I don’t know how you do it. Honestly, so many people in your shoes would crawl into bed after work each day but not you. I admire you even… Read more »

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Really, you are quite incredible, Debbie. Because I’m usually ready for a nap most days, and I’m not fighting CFS. But i think i’m starting to learn to give myself grace. For example—clean the house? Nah. Cook dinner? Nah. Learning to do the things that really make a difference, or help others is way better.
And how is it you still look so wonderful, even while fighting this? Obviously you are doing something right, because you are keeping up with a job and blogging. Like I said, incredible.

Nancy Baten
7 years ago

My oxygen level in my blood is sometimes so low what causes fatigue. It is a totally different kind of fatigue as when you just are tired. I then van t keep my eyes open, and get headache Just because I am exhausted then. But for now I only have this sometimes. So, I can t Imagine how your disease must feel like for longer period. I think like any chronic disease, it is scary. And the not understandingen part from people must be very frustating.. A chronic disease is a Livetime work in progress! You ve got that right!

Cathy V.
7 years ago

Debbie, thank you for shedding some light on this disease. I have heard of it but didn’t know how debilitating it can be. I am amazed at how you do all you do and still manage to put out a high quality blog, looking great with every post! You are a real life Wonder Woman!

Cathy V.

7 years ago

I understand your feelings all too well. My fibromyalgia is worsening as I get older and it is very difficult to deal with. Nothing works for the pain and it is very depressing to think things aren’t going to get better. Learning to cope with such difficulties is an ongoing process.

I salut you!


7 years ago

Super comfy and stylish look! Beautiful!

7 years ago

My admiration for you has just soared, when I thought it could go no higher. Some of my psychotherapy patients had CFS, and struggled further with getting their doctors to BELIEVE them!! You’re looking terrific in these white crops, xox


Quirky Homemaker
7 years ago

Love the lace-up chambray shirt. No doubt about it, chronic silent illnesses suck. My mom has fibromyalgia and it has not been kind to her. Prayers for you. 🙂

Suzy Turner
7 years ago

What a beautiful outfit, Debbie! I love that the addition of those scrappy sandals, a black choker and handbag completely elevated the look. Absolutely gorgeous.
I can’t even imagine how horrendous it must be to suffer from such a horrid illness, Debbie. I’m amazed you’re able to do all that you do. You’re clearly an inspiration <3 <3
Suzy xx

7 years ago

I have no idea how you get as much done as you do. I can not imagine having children and dealing with cfs. God bless you and your family.

Bettye Rainwater
7 years ago

I didn’t know about your CFS, I’m sorry to hear that. I have been exhausted for the past year, between blah blah & blah, and I know how debilitating the fatigue has been. But at least I know mine is temporary and EVENTUALLY (SOMEDAY!) I will feel normal again. I can’t imagine being faced with a lifetime of this. So I really commend you for doing all you do!

PLUS, loving the chambray tunic. I think I need one, too 🙂


7 years ago

Okay I saw this outfit on insta and LOVED that chambray lace up! Also I didn’t know you struggle with this. You are one motivating lady and I wish you the best!

Julie N
7 years ago

So many people suffer from CFS and other debilitating chronic illnesses. It really makes you wonder why! Keep on doing what you can! Loving your look! White denim and chambray is a total go-to for me too!

7 years ago

Sorry to hear about the CFS, it sounds appalling. I don’t know much about this disease so going to read more. The sandals definitely give a different vibe than Converse. Nice look, love the tunic!

linda cassidy
7 years ago

Non visual illnesses cause the most havoc, people just cannot comprehend or understand, Kudos for being bold and making a statement. Life is exhausting on a normal basis add in a completely misunderstood illness and chaos can result.

PS on a totally non serious note I love that tunic and you are totally correct footwear and jewellery both totally change a look

7 years ago

Love your chambray top and of course white after Labor Day is perfectly fine and you’ve styled it perfectly!

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. You look stunning in this all neutral outfit. Your hair provides the right pop of color. Love your look!

SUZI GRANT (Alternative Ageing)
7 years ago

Lovely blog and your hair is just wonderful , as a fellow lover of coloured hair. x

Cheryl Tucker
7 years ago

I’m sorry you suffer so much! It is amazing how much you do and do perfectly. You dance circles around what I can get done. I think you are amazing!

About that outfit. Are you looking great or what? It is obvious you take the best care of yourself! That top has got the best of everything going on. Denim, lace up, tunic! Damn!

Nistha Saraf
7 years ago

Love this chambray piece on you.

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