brown sandals / GAP / ivory lace tank top / khaki shorts / lace tank top / Sears / target / Walmart

Change Is Good: Lace Tank Top, Boyfriend Shorts And Birken-nots

     Change is good. At least that’s what I always tell myself…it keeps you fresh and on your toes. Realistically speaking, I’m a creature of habit and sometimes changes are easier said than done for me. Some people thrive on adventure and newness. I thrive on predictability. That may sound boring, but for me, it’s my happy place. This probably goes hand in hand with what I said yesterday in regard to being a small town girl at heart. I like the known; the unknown makes me as nervous as a cobra being eyeballed by a honey badger.
     I’ve got a lot of instability going on right now, some of it good, some of it…well, it could go either way. I mentioned months ago that I had big news in regard to work. I haven’t mentioned it since, because it’s just been hanging there, up in the air, and nothing was for sure. Today I was given my schedule for the upcoming school year, and while it has changed quite a bit from what it was even last week, I’m still pretty pumped about it. I’ve mentioned in passing that teaching at an elementary isn’t really my “thing”. I’m just not comfortable with tiny humans travelling in packs. Teenagers are what I’m good at and I’d been a high school teacher for eighteen years prior to being moved to the elementary. I’m moving back up to the big leagues! In this case the big leagues would be middle school. Can I hear an “amen”! Don’t get me wrong~I’m not dissing my elementary compadres. We had a good run, and I made several most excellent friends. But this is what I’m truly good at, and what I truly love to do. It’s kind of like going home because our middle and high schools are attached. So it’s like a change, but not. For the first time in awhile I’m actually looking forward to school starting.
     One other small change is I’ve decided to do posts on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday instead of all five days. That will give me a little day of rest in the middle of the week and who doesn’t need that?
     I wore this outfit to the Shaker Woods Festival, hence no heels. You’d have to be mildly insane to trek around amidst the flora and fauna in snazzy wedge sandals. Because it literally is a festival. In the woods. It’s kind of a giant craft/food festival. Most of the vendors dress in period costumes. And the crafts aren’t Kleenex box covers…it’s things like hand blown glass made right in front of you. Pretty cool stuff. Comfort was key which is one of the reasons I love the lace tank. It’s a bit fancy looking, but it’s super comfortable. And you can’t go wrong with boyfriend khakis and Birken-nots. And the necklace? Walmart nails it again. I’m still baffled by the superb statement necklace selection they now have. I figure I’ll ride that wave for as long as it lasts.

Linking up with:  Trend Spin Link UpStylish TuesdayStyle Sessions Fashion Link UpRandom Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said SoStyle Me WednesdayWordless/Not So Wordless Wednesday Blog HopHump Day Blog Hop and Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty Link Party.

I thought I’d throw in a couple of shots from the festival for your viewing pleasure…

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10 years ago

Congrats on getting back to the big leagues! 🙂 It must be a huge relief to get back to the area you love and are best at. Wishing you an exciting + fresh new school year! And PS- love those sandals!


Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

Excellent news, I am very happy for you. Loving the lace ( and i will miss you on Wednesdays)

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Glad you are happier being a teacher in the middle school There is nothing like teaching out of your comfort zone. I taught elementary music and one year had to teach 6th grade ( mostly boys)and not an elective-chorus! Lets just say that wasnt fun. So I know where you are coming from. The festival sounds so fun! I love the lace top with the neutral shorts and sandals, no, heels would not work at that kind of outing! Have a great day!
from the link up
please stop by, jess

Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Love the lace tank and cognac sandals. =)

10 years ago

Love the lace Debbie :)Have a good week!
~Anne xx

Liz | Shopping My Closet
10 years ago

Beautiful necklace!
Thanks for joining the Style Me Wednesday link-up; hope to see you again tomorrow!

Liz @
Come by! Weekly Style Me Wednesday fashion blog link-up

Lorna mai ltd
10 years ago

I used to teach Nursery children so I have definitely no desire or skills to work with teens! I love your lace top today, very feminine and the ivory works well with the khaki.

Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

Congrats on your new position in middle school. I have no idea how elementary teachers do their job, when I drop my son off to school in the morning, all these kids are way too rambunctious for me. I would go crazy in 5 minutes!

I have not shopped at Walmart for jewelry, what a great piece!


Mica T
10 years ago

Such a cute tank! Glad you had fun at the festival, and it’s great news on the job! 🙂

Away From The Blue

10 years ago

I am glad to hear you are looking forward to start up again 🙂 I like your outfit and cute photos. xx

ReviewsSheROTE Pamela R
10 years ago

What a cute outfit! I like the necklace –THAT face painting job is spectacular!

J @ Bless Her Heart Y'all
10 years ago

Beautiful tank and that necklace is so fun!

Dana Jo
10 years ago

Beautiful top fits perfect to your shorts! I love your necklace and your sandals AND.. not to forget.. your nail polish on your feet 🙂


Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Exciting new changes ahead 🙂 love your lace top …

Thanks for linking up #WW

Kacie Ellis
10 years ago

Haha!…”nervous as a cobra being eyeballed by a honey badger”…you are cracking me up! I’m the same way when it comes to change and anything new. I hate it! So happy for you to be going to middle school! I hope you love it!

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