casual style / Random Musings

Change Is The Only Constant + Sweatshirt Jumpsuit & Moto Jacket

sweatshirt jumpsuit_pink moto jacket

The one thing that you can always depend on to the stay the same is…


…that literally nothing stays the same. There’s been a helluva lot of lessons thrown our way during 2020, and I think one of the biggest ones is to roll with the punches…go with the flow…put on your big girl panties and deal with it. In other words change (and I’m talking big change) is now to be expected and we had damn well be ready to handle it because it keeps on happening whether we like it or not.

Change is truly the only constant. And I’m not talking about gradual change that you can mentally prepare for. Oh no, we now live in a world where we have to be ready to turn on a dime. We have to be able to adapt not just day to day, but oftentimes moment to moment. Expect nothing to be as you assume it should be.

For example, last week my girl & I made a special trip into town to hit up Starbucks because they were having a buy one get one on their holiday drinks. Basic enough, right? Drive to Starbucks, order on the app, fetch your drinks. Nope. In light of the fact our area has turned into a hotbed of COVID cooties I should’ve known better. Starbucks was closed at 2:00 in the afternoon on a weekday because they didn’t have enough healthy staff to open the store. See what I mean? Assume nothing.

Same thing with work. Although I knew a shutdown was inevitable, it was still jarring to go to work one day just like usual & by that evening, boom…no more school. Between the fact we have “substantial community spread” in our county and an outbreak in all three of our buildings, school is no more for now. So I’m back to trying to virtually educate 15 teenagers all day long while simultaneously attempting to maintain control of four unruly fur children so they don’t interrupt class.

And don’t even get me started on the parallel universes that my fellow Americans & I currently find ourselves living in. As if dodging killer germs, adjusting to another round of shutdowns & again being unable to find freakin’ toilet paper wasn’t enough, we now are living in a country with two different presidents & two different political ideologies because a large chunk of the population is unable (or unwilling) to accept reality, so there’s that.

I kind of feel like stressing out a little bit might be warranted…

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In order to survive 2020, I (and a whole lotta other people) have had to learn to adapt to change…great big massive change that never seems to end. After much introspection, education & practice, I had a pretty good grip on it back in the spring, but in light of the fact I’m shoveling down mouthfuls of cookie dough as I’m writing this (yaaaa…I’m a stress-eater) I think I should probably go back & revisit my journal entries and maybe this blog post I wrote with tips for navigating all of this nonsense.

The important thing to remember is this: This year has been hard…really, really hard. But, we can do hard things. We can give ourselves grace when the struggle gets to be too much. We can go with the flow as long as we remember to use our own oars to course correct when necessary.


Because I appreciate all of you so much, I wanted to show my love by sharing with you my new Ebook, “10 Secrets To Start Loving Your Life Right Now”! It’s full of tips & ideas for easy changes that you can make, starting today, to begin creating a life that you’re excited to get out of bed for…Just click the link below & download your copy!

“10 Secrets To Start Loving Your Life Right Now” Ebook

sweatshirt jumpsuit_pink moto jacket


I ain’t gonna lie. Since last March I have grown a rather prolific collection of clothing designed for one purpose & one purpose only…to keep me feeling comfy cozy. My daughter & I now have very specific clothing purchase criteria: 1. Is it soft? 2. Does it have an elastic waist? 3. Can we wear it out in public and if we so desire, sleep in it? Yes, my friends, this is what it has come to at our house. We only buy clothing that doubles as pj’s.

However, that does not mean that I no longer have an obsession with style & putting together a bangin’ outfit. Let’s use this jumpsuit as exhibit A shall we? Is it soft? Yes. Does it have an elastic waist? Yes. Can I wear it in public and sleep in it? Yes, indeed I can. BUT…it’s super cool, can be easily dressed up or down and it’s the perfect foundation piece for all sorts of extras.

While for this look I went full-on ninja/warrior Barbie with the combat boots & pink suede moto jacket it would be equally as fabulous with some killer pumps, layered jewels and a sleek black moto or blazer. Or how cute would it be with a denim jacket, scarf & a pair of adidas? See…pajamas, but make ’em fashion.

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You should always dress in whatever way makes you feel most fabulous. However, I think it’s especially important right now. The world is an uncomfortable, unstable & kinda scary place right now, but the one thing you can control is what you put on your body. If you feel best in clothing that doubles as sleepwear, go for it. Hell, if you feel best in straight up sleepwear then I say do it. If throwing on pumps & pearls gives you a sense of normalcy then that’s the way to go for you. Whatever makes you feel good, wear it!

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Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…

sweatshirt jumpsuit_pink moto jacket sweatshirt jumpsuit_pink moto jacket

Jumpsuit: Gap;  Jacket: Similar;  Flannel Shirt: Similar;  Boots: Similar

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Marsha Banks
4 years ago

The last few days, I count it a win if I’ve showered before climbing back into bed! On the other hand, I feel this enormous lightness since the election was decided…regardless of the orange monstrosity…I can actually see a glimmer of a light at the end of the tunnel! You, my friend, are amazing in every way. I cannot imagine teaching virtually in any way, and I’m guessing you give 110% for your class. But, back to change…I will have to study your e-book closely. My changes have not all been positive, but maybe they have! I find staying home… Read more »

4 years ago

Just yesterday I was thinking, where has Debbie go to. And here you are. With incredible hair! Yes it’s been a awful year and we still aren’t there yet. But let’s just hope for the best, it’s all we can do. And play by the rules!

Bettye L Rainwater
4 years ago

You speak the truth for sure, my friend. I’ve spent a lifetime learning that lesson – don’t get too attached to anything – person, situation, object – cuz what’s here today can be gone tomorrow. And that sounds so…negative…but it’s the truth. I try to focus on WHAT CAN I ENJOY/LEARN IN THIS ONE MOMENT cuz really, that’s all I got. I’d say my style has definitely morphed a bit this year…but I don’t know if it was that directly covid-related, More I could be a little more experimental given I was either not going into work…or even when I… Read more »

4 years ago

I am totally into wearing a piece of lingerie like a camisole or really nice pj top or bottom for example. If it looks good lol. I know an older lady who met David Cassidy (Partridge Family tv show) at the height of his fame, on a beach in New Zealand. Decades ago. He invited her and her husband to a party. She wore a full length silky vintage petticoat to it.

4 years ago

I love your positivity, Debbie, as well as your fun style! Yes, 2020 has been an unusual year! I am focusing on its gifts that we might not have otherwise unwrapped.

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

It’s like yoga for every part of our life…be flexible or else!
Some days I’m good with it and then there are others (like today when I just scarfed down two sugar cookies)

Emma Peach
4 years ago

I haven’t been working much (freelance work has dried up) so I’m at home a lot more…often in PJs. Bizarrely I seem to be much more tired – I have a nap most days like a nanna. This time of year doesn’t help though with the crappy weather. I love your comfy casual outfit – the pink jacket is fabulous! Your hair looks amazing! Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

Lucy Bertoldi
4 years ago

That jumpsuit is amazing on you- looking so beautiful! And your hair- I’ve told you this before- dream goals for me! Hang in there- I know how upside down it is for all of us with this darn pandemic!! Praying it all goes back to normal once and for all. And don’t get too down on the presidency- you’ll get one lol! And it’s like that for every one of your elections I watch from afar as an outsider…every time there’s objection to whoever wins and always talk of one or the other having been robbed- last time it took… Read more »

4 years ago

that is a cute casual jumpsuit on you! I agree, we should wear what makes us happy 🙂 I am wearing a lot more loungewear now than I did before everything as we are still working from home so there are a few days a week I don’t even leave the house! We haven’t had any cases for over 70 days in our state but we are still ordering groceries and doing most of our shopping online, it’s just easier! 🙂 Hope things get safer for you soon! Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!   Hope that you had a… Read more »

Jessica A Jannenga
4 years ago

HI Debbie, So true about change, the one constatn in this mess. We have learned to go with the flow, and I hear you about alternate universes! I have to say I LOVE your hair! So great in these pictures and I have been buying more loungewear mself. Great looking jumpsuit!
jess xx
Happy Holidays and Have a Merry Christmas!

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