Express / faux leather moto jacket / Marmi Shoes / skirt / style tips / sweater / Walmart / work outfit

Chiffon Floral Skirt & Moto Jacket: A Little More Magic


I’m not sure how it happened, but the holiday season is upon us…


…Seriously, where does the time go? It was the first day of summer vacation just yesterday, wasn’t it? Today the leftovers are tucked away in the fridge and hordes of people are out doing their part to stimulate the economy. Me personally? I’m always contributing to the stimulation of the economy, but that aside, I avoid shopping establishments like the cooties once the holidays are in full swing.

Yes, eventually I have no choice but to hit up the mall. I try to wait until things simmer down a bit though. My Christmas shopping, much like my rest of the year shopping takes place predominantly online. Laziness? Perhaps. Actually it’s more a convenience thing. And an exhaustion thing. In regard to convenience, I just like things showing up on my front porch; then it’s kind of like Christmas all year ’round. And the exhaustion is not your usual “I shopped ’til I dropped” situation. I’ve mentioned in the past that I have CFS, and the combination of the added physical activity as well as the mental overload of a mall environment, especially a busy mall, kicks my ass. Hence, online shopping is my preferred mode of economic stimulus.

The holiday season is my favorite time of the year though. I love everything about it. It seems that we appreciate our lives and the people in them a little bit more, there’s no feeling like giving someone a gift they weren’t expecting, and maybe my most favorite part is the sparkliness of everything. The twinkle lights, the glitter and decorations; it all makes everyday life seem a tad more magical. And who couldn’t use more magical in their world?


Funny story about this chiffon floral skirt. I got it at Express maybe a thousand years ago (more like twenty years ago, but you get the idea) and it was always a favorite. Sadly a few years back, the narrow elastic waistband blew out and I was simply too lazy to get it replaced so it languished in the attic. I could never force myself to get rid of it because it’s gorgeous, but I also lacked the motivation to get it fixed.

I recently discovered a small benefit to the extra eight pounds I’ve been carrying around; the skirt doesn’t slide off anymore. Now how’s that for looking on the bright side? Since my hips are now big enough to keep it in place, I rescued it from exile. The burgundy cowl neck matched perfectly and I layered the black lace top extender underneath for some added textural and color interest.


Sometimes hoarding is a good thing. If you really love a piece, hold on to it; even if you haven’t worn it for awhile because eventually it will have the opportunity to get back into your fashion game.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Chiffon floral skirt, cowl neck tunic sweater and moto jacket. Fall outfit inspiration.Chiffon floral skirt, cowl neck tunic sweater and moto jacket. Fall outfit inspiration. Chiffon floral skirt, cowl neck tunic sweater and moto jacket. Fall outfit inspiration.Chiffon floral skirt, cowl neck tunic sweater and moto jacket. Fall outfit inspiration.Chiffon floral skirt, cowl neck tunic sweater and moto jacket. Fall outfit inspiration.Chiffon floral skirt, cowl neck tunic sweater and moto jacket. Fall outfit inspiration.Chiffon floral skirt, cowl neck tunic sweater and moto jacket. Fall outfit inspiration.Chiffon floral skirt, cowl neck tunic sweater and moto jacket. Fall outfit inspiration.

Skirt: Express (Similar);  Sweater: Walmart (Similar);  Boots: Marmi Shoes;  Jacket: BlankNYC via Nordstrom

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Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

I also hold onto certain things that I LOVE, even if I don’t think I will EVER wear them again. I just LOVE them and enjoy pulling them out of a tub once a year or so and going “ooh ahh yes, THIS. I LOVE this.” I don’t have MANY things like that, but I let myself keep a few. And who knows, maybe someday I WILL be able to wear them. Glad you held onto this skirt because it does look lovely…and perfect w the black biker jacket. I might don MY motorcycle jacket for the first time today.… Read more »

Laurey G
8 years ago

Hi, Deb, Love the outfit. Do you really go barelegged in the winter? I was curious how you stay warm, while looking good? I have to wear leggings in CO, after November, and it kind of ruins the coolness factor of the booties. I already know how you feel about tights. I literally feel your pain, regarding chronic, yet invisible, illness. I have been diagnosed with Hyper Mobility Syndrome (yes, it’s a thing). Primarily, I have degenerative disc disease, which means my spinal cord is being rubbed on by discs that are ‘out of bounds’. I have had 2 discs… Read more »

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

There are a couple items I’ve held onto for one reason or another—even though I lean towards the purger of the family!!
I think this is a great outfit—and considering it was 60 degrees today and will be tomorrow too—I can tell you I’ll be bare legged too!!
And I think online shopping is not only smart but really quite economical—besides, as we’ve discussed before—-really, you’re keeping the UPS driver in a job!!

Johanna Grange
8 years ago

I love your hair color and this is a great look!

8 years ago

Debbie you’re right about hoarding. I have got rid of so many things I wish I’d kept. And you’re right on shopping too. At this time of year, if I have to go to the shops I’ll go very early. Online shopping is such a gift! That berry shade is lovely on you.


8 years ago

Oh yeah, that skirt is worth saving – so pretty! I am an unrepentant get-rid-of-it closet keeper, so I admire your patience. And you look fabulous. Thanks for linking, xo


8 years ago

Totally worth the save. And that jacket…Swoon!

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