Boohoo / casual / casual outfit / moto jacket / Nordstrom / skirt / sneakers / style tips / t-shirt / tee / tee shirt / work outfit

Chiffon Midi Skirt & Adidas Superstars: Little Traditions

Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces.

I got a late start on this post because tonight was one of the holiday traditions at our house that is a non-negotiable…


…the annual viewing of Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. Yes, I own it on DVD and yes, I will in all likelihood watch it again before the season is over. Even so we always watch the premiere, with commercials, on CBS. Every. Single. Year. It has been my hands down most loved never miss Christmas show since I was but a wee one. Even in high school and college, I eagerly awaited the annual appearance of my red-nosed misfit friend.

Traditions were something that were hard to come by during my childhood; you’ll have that when you were raised by wolves. Therefore, making special traditions for my kids, even if it’s something as seemingly inconsequential as watching Rudolph every year, has always been incredibly important to me. I have seen Rudolph so many times that I can recite the lines and sing the songs right along with the characters, as can my son. And I’m proud to say, that as of tonight’s showing my daughter does it as well.

Last year I mentioned that my daughter was amused when I proudly proclaimed “I want to be a dentist!” along with Hermey the elf. This year baby girl was singin’ and recitin’ right along with me…#proudmama. That might not seem to be of earth shaking consequence to most, but to me, it means the world.


Apparently I have an unintentional theme going on. Friday’s post featured a chiffon skirt and my now on constant rotation BLANK NYC moto jacket. In my defense, if it lived at your house, would you not wear this jacket every chance that you got? And yes, while today’s post also features a chiffon midi skirt, the overall look is an entirely different beast. Nude chiffon midi skirt with pleats; and while my previous outfit skewed more girly with the a masculine element, today’s post is definitely more sporty tomboy with an added feminine element via the skirt. See the difference now?

I actually wore this a couple of weeks ago, and it was one of those outfits that was an across the board hit. Thirteen year old’s to fifty-somethings, male and female, it was apparently liked by all. I don’t think that it was any single piece, but instead the overall effect of the pieces together. And in case no one has told you yet, Adidas Superstars possess magical powers. No matter what you pair them with you somehow become exponentially cooler. That’s a fact my friends.


Adidas Superstars. Get some. You won’t regret it. Not only will they make even your pajamas look cool, they are so comfortable you’ll be running circles around your stilettoed friends.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces.Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces. Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces. Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces.Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces.Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces. Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces. Chiffon midi skirt, Adidas Superstars & moto jacket. How to mix masculine and feminine pieces.

Skirt: Boohoo;  Jacket: BLANK NYC via Nordstrom;  Tee: Kohl’s (Similar);  Adidas: Nordstrom

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7 years ago

Rudolph is one of my favorites. Loving this pretty, flowy skirt on you!

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

The way you tell a story cracks me up, Debbie!! And of course, Rudolph is my fave because I was a dentist. I even have a snow globe of Hermie!!
I really like the whole dichotomy thing going on here—not only between the skirt & the jacket. I am still on the nerd team since I don’t have a pair of these sneakers—but that’s easily remedied, right?

7 years ago

Rudolph! I’d join you in that tradition.

Beth M.
7 years ago

I’m cute, I’m cute! 🙂 Great outfit!!

7 years ago

Oh My Goodness . . . This is the perfect way to wear sneakers with a skirt! I just love it

Life is just Rosie

7 years ago

Love Rudolph, certainly one of my seasonal favorites. Also loving this look. Love the feminine pleated, blush skirt with the edgy moto jacket. So pretty!

xx, Elise

7 years ago

Love it Deb! Put one foot in front of the other… I love the classics! Burl Ives and Frosty.. rest brings back memories! Loving the moto jacket with the pretty feminine skirt!❤

Have fun!
Jess xx

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style

7 years ago

We watch all of the classics every year and Rudolph is one of my favorites! This is such a fun look! I love the pleated skirt with the sneakers and moto jacket!

Doused In Pink

7 years ago

Love Rudolph 🙂 Great skirt Debbie, love how you have styled it. Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop

7 years ago

Such a unique combination of fashion statements, I like it!

7 years ago

This combo of edgy & girly is absolutely perfect! One of my fav looks on you

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