cami / camisole / cardigan / JCPenney / jeans / Lulu's / necklace / Nordstrom

Cocoon Cardigan & Fringe Handbag: Life Lessons & Lariat Necklaces Plus A Link Up

cocoon cardigan, floral ankle boots, fringe handbag

The stories I share here on the blog are meant to inform, amuse and perhaps impart a bit of wisdom…


…and today’s story is meant to do all three. No matter what our age or what stage we are at in our lives, we are always (or at least should be) learning and growing. Every day is another opportunity to learn something new, and as a result grow as a human being. I gotta tell ya, the other day when I was wearing this particular outfit, I learned an extremely valuable lesson. Never, ever wear a lariat necklace while grocery shopping; or at the very least tuck it into your shirt. At the beginning of this post you thought I was going to go all deep and meaningful on you didn’t you? Nope, not this time. Sometimes life lessons aren’t deep and meaningful, sometimes they are based purely on survival.

You might be thinking, “Why should I not wear a lariat necklace while grocery shopping?” Is it because it’s just too chichi for a small town Walmart? Or is it perhaps because someone might mistake it for a fancy lanyard from which to hang my trout fishing license? Good reasons, but incorrect. Think about it for a minute…you lean over your cart to put something in it, you stand up and bang! You’re yanked back into the cart. While gasping for air because there’s a leather cord cinched around your neck, kind of like a hangman’s noose, only in reverse. And ya, not once. Three times. What can I say, I’m a slow learner. So while lariats might be my current favorite necklace, they definitely have a learning curve.


This cocoon cardigan is one of three I scored on clearance at JCPenney last summer. As usual, if I like something I pick up multiples so I’m also the proud owner of a black and a gray cocoon cardigan as well. I have a thing for long cardigans and lately I’ve been crushing on my long pointelle cardi also from JCPenney. It was sold out in the other colors, but recently they restocked online so I also snatched it up in two more colors. And the best part? It was buy one get one for a penny, plus I found a forgotten JCP gift card in my wallet from last year’s birthday (I know, how did that happen?) so I go both for under $10…how freakin’ cool is that? But I digress…back to today’s outfit. Of course, whenever the opportunity presents itself, I bust out the floral print ankle boots, because I’d be a fool not to. They were perfect with the blush cami and fringe clutch/handbag. Since it’s warming up, I was going for cool, but still covered since I was wearing this to work. The cocoon cardigan is the perfect layering piece year ’round. It’s light enough for spring and summer, but also works well along with heavier clothes in the winter.


If you find an item that you truly love, whenever possible, buy in multiples. Seriously, it only makes sense. If something fits well, looks good, and makes you feel good while you’re wearing it then pick up an extra or two. Whether it be in the same color or in different colors it’s going to be a winning proposition either way.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…   ***And speaking of link ups, today I have the pleasure of co-hosting the Dress To Impress Link Up with Angie from Reasons To Dress. If you haven’t checked out the link up or Angie’s fabulous blog before, make sure to take a minute today. Angie is an Italian-Canadian living in Italy, and her blog is a mix of fashion and Italian lifestyle. She has a cool and chic style that I love. Currently Angie is in the process of starting her own handbag and accessories line as well as blogging full-time. I’ve always enjoyed her blog and I think you will too! Like I said be sure to check her out as well as joining in on the link up below!

cocoon cardigan, fringe clutch, floral ankle boots lariat necklace cocoon cardigan, fringe clutch, floral ankle boots cocoon cardigan, fringe clutch, floral ankle boots cocoon cardigan, fringe clutch, floral ankle boots cocoon cardigan, fringe clutch, floral ankle boots cocoon cardigan, fringe clutch, floral ankle boots cocoon cardigan, fringe clutch, floral ankle boots

Cardigan: JCPenney (Similar);  Cami: Similar;  Jeans: Nordstrom (Similar);  Bag: Nordstrom (Similar);  Boots: Lulu’s (Same, different retailer)




Fashion Fairy Dust, Debbie, , fashion blogger linkup, linkup for fashion blogger, #fblogger linkup, #linkup, fashion linkup, instagram fashion linkup




Welcome to the #REASONSTODRESS DRESS TO IMPRESS LINKUP for fashion and style bloggers!

This linkup is hosted by REASONS TO DRESS – An Italian lifestyle blog about an expat-Canadian married to an Italian leather artisan. Part of this new linkup is sharing up and coming style bloggers and we’re always looking for fabulous co-hosts who will be interviewed and featured – email for info!

twitterSHARE YOUR POST ON TWITTER with the hashtag #REASONSTODRESS & you’ll get a retweet!

REASONS TO DRESSAn Italian Lifestyle Blog About Fashion, Travel & Life in Italy


FASHION FAIRY DUST Personal Style is a matter of taste not age!



      1. PLEASE : Linkup your STYLE related posts, new and old! Or Linkup a FASHION related picture from Instagram with the hashtag #REASONSTODRESS
      2. PLEASE: Add the badge or a link back to EITHER of the weekly hosts
      3. PLEASE: Follow each host on at least 1 social network , we’re friendly, social and generally over-sharers! Let us know that you’ve followed so that we can share the love!
      4. PLEASE: Please be social and visit a post that interests you. Don’t forget to use the #REASONSTODRESS hashtag to let people know how you found them!



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8 years ago

Yup, good advice lol! I could totally picture choking myself wearing the necklace…it is so pretty though, and I love that bag!

8 years ago

Great advice – and be careful with those accessories, ma’am! Srsly, you look like a million bucks. Love this color on you. xox


jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
8 years ago

But I totally understand…the first time it happens you think it’s a fluke. the second time is just an annoyance and you figure you’ll be more careful—-it’s that third time that you think….oh, i should change this!!
And there are those lovely booties again—-love this look!! jodie

8 years ago

Hello fabulous! I’ve missed this space. Guess what? I tried to guess the reason why one shouldn’t wear the necklace while grocery shopping before reading your reason. I did guess right, yay! And ouch, that would hurt! I’m guilty of buying the same item in EVERY color available. As long as I like it, why not. I’m yet to see a gal that finds better deals at Penny’s than you darling. Looooove the boots! Love the whole look. Kisses..

8 years ago

Very comfy and stylish look!

8 years ago

Just looking at that necklace makes my throat tighten.

You got some gorgeous photos here. The lighting and colours are stunning.

If that was just you and your tripod congrats! You are acing it!


8 years ago

Haha as I started reading about lariat necklace I knew what you were getting at…it is pretty annoying and not practical. Would love if you can link up to

8 years ago

Good advice Debbie, it reminds me when I wore a long wrap around scarf. I bent down for something and stood on it by accident on one end. Then quickly stood up!!

Lovely outfit, I have a top like yours, you have reminded me to wear it.

Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

8 years ago

What fun accessories – great bag & booties!

Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

hee hee hee hee hee. funny not funny 🙂

8 years ago

Love the soft colors here Deb with those awesome floral boots! And geez one shouldn’t be in danger if ones accessories! ( I would have done the same thing)
Lovely pics, enjoy your day
Thanks for linking up with Turning heads Tuesday

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

Sorry Debbie, but that was such a good description that I could almost see you heading head first into your shopping trolley thanks to your lariat’s hangman efforts! I did laugh – not too much – but I’m sure that we were meant to… Or was it really about giving out some good advice. OK, will take that on board. I still haven’t managed to find my perfect fringed handbag, but do love yours so much that I fancy I won’t ever find one as nice. I’ve completely changed tack and bought something rather lovely in a yellow colour, which… Read more »

8 years ago

Haha I smiled at the result lol, yes I have been there haha! I love my long necklaces and hate when they get caught in things (like the folds of a arm rest in a vehicle when putting kids in their carseats). Cute story and outfit Debbie!
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo

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