chambray shirt / graphic tee / Old Navy / Sears / statement necklace / target / Tilly's / white boyfriend jeans

Come Sail Away: Chambray Shirt, White Jeans, Graphic Tee And Black Sandals

     Remember the Styx song from the late 70’s, “Come Sail Away”? Ya, well, we could do that in my backyard. Literally. If you happen to follow me on Instagram maybe you saw the photo I posted last night of my yard under about 8 inches of water. I could’ve gone white water rafting down our front sidewalk too. I’ve always wanted a house by the water, but that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. The poor dogs had to put on scuba gear to go to the bathroom after dinner. And since bulldogs can’t swim, Bawb needed a life jacket. Highly inconvenient I tell ya. Seriously, have you ever tried to put a snorkel on a miniature pinscher?
     I haven’t worn my white jeans for a while so I thought I’d give ’em a spin. The graphic tee is a nice summer-like print and I thought the chambray gave it a bit of contrast while the black peep toes grounded it all. And the killer neck bling just kind of tied it all together…like a bow on a present.

Linking up with:  Fashion Item FridayWelcome To The Weekend Blog HopPassion For Fashion Link UpStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites and Casual Friday Link Up.

Chambray Shirt: Target (Old);  Tee: Tilly’s (No longer available);  Jeans: Old Navy;  Sandals: Sears

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10 years ago

Loving your top and necklace very much.

Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

In love with the booties and T-Shirt and the color of that chambray shirt is perfect. Have an awesome weekend, Debbie!!

<3 Ada.

Lena B, Actually
10 years ago

Those booties are killer! Love this look on you! So pretty! Thanks for linking up for Passion For Fashion! ♥

10 years ago

I am not sure when your outfit post was taken but it looks like it cleared up some. I like your outfit by the way, loving the shoes the most. Rachel xo

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

and the question is how did you get to this corner of the yard for pics ( wellies just out of sight). I could not believe your instagram pic, OMG hoping all is ok and that there was no flooding in your house

Kacie Ellis
10 years ago

Wow! That’s a ton of water! Any time I hear someone talk about bulldogs, it melts my heart. They’re so cute! Our bulldog grew up with our lab and they both love to swim! Although the lab is much better. lol. Our bulldog can swim short distance but his favorite is to sit in the middle of the pool inner-tube and float around…it’s so cute! And he loves sprinkles too. But when it rains, he doesn’t want to step foot outside. Such funny dogs!

P.S. Super cute outfit!

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Debbie! I could have sworn I made a comment here to you but must have been on IG. I bop from my ‘puter to my phone and back to my ‘puter when my energy slides. But now here at the ‘puter, again I need to say that your outfit today is GREAT! I love the mix between the graphicT and the necklace and then your blue nails. Great concept.

Thanks for ever being loyal to Fashion item Friday! ♥

Renae of Simple Sequins
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Sorry about all that extra water. My gracious, I just noticed that. I am swimming all over in blogland cuz I feel good and want to catch up. So pardon the water reference and I hope you don’t flood more!

10 years ago

Like a very pretty present!!! :o)


Dressing Up For Me
10 years ago

Oh my, I hope the water didn´t go inside your house too! On a lighter note, love this almost all white look with a chambray top turned jacket. Looks so summery but with an edge. 🙂

Mica T
10 years ago

Sorry to hear about all the water! Hope it drains away soon!

Love your take on double denim with the blue shirt and white pants 🙂

Away From The Blue

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Eeek that sounds like one big rain storm. Glad it missed us.

Love the booties.


Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Oh no! How did I miss that new backyard development on IG? Well, on the bright side, you look fab in those white pants!
Dawn Lucy

10 years ago

I have shoes like that in Grey and just bought a similar black pair also….great for our Autumn weather! Hope your weekend is going well Debbie:)
Anne xx

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