Brickyard Buffalo / burgundy ankle boots / distressed skinny jeans / floral bomber jacket / graphic tee / JCPenney / Old Navy / statement necklace

Confident Twosday Link Up: Floral Bomber Jacket, Distressed Skinny Jeans And Burgundy Ankle Booties

     Today I’m co-hosting the Confident Twosday Link Up with the super stylish and gorgeous Laura at I do deClaire. She is a busy mom and public school speech therapist who never fails to put together truly fabulous outfits. If you don’t yet know Laura, then you absolutely need to stop by her blog and say hello…and please, by all means, join in on the link up!
     The whole Laura being a speech therapist and me being a special education teacher got me thinking. Since starting my blog there are actually quite a few style/fashion bloggers I’ve come across who work in public education. The same holds true on Instagram. Hmmm…could it be we are all rebelling against the frumpy teacher stereotype? Because honestly (in this case at least) there is a solid reason behind the stereotype. The nation’s public school systems are not known to be the epicenter of  all things fashion and style that’s for sure. Embroidered jumpers and wooden jewelry just aren’t my thing. But hey, if that’s what you’re into then rock on my friend.
     I gotta say that I’m seriously crushing on this jacket. I picked it up from Brickyard Buffalo a few weeks ago and I was so excited when it showed up the other day and fit perfectly. The style and colors make it really versatile, and I can’t wait to style it with a plethora of items over the coming months. For example, I think it will be perfect paired with my navy blue skater skirt, tights and boots. And yes, this is the “Fabulous” tee I mercilessly tracked down and sent my son out on a mission to score for me. Isn’t it, well, fabulous?

Linking up with:  Confident TwosdayStyle Sessions Fashion Link UpTremendous TuesdaysTrend Spin Link UpCelebrate Southern Link UpRandom Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said SoStyle Me WednesdayWednesday Blog Hop.

Jacket: Brickyard Buffalo (No longer available);  Tee: Old Navy (No longer available);  Jeans: JCPenney (Old);  Boots: JustFab

I do deClaire (Bloglovin) | Fashion Fairy Dust (Bloglovin

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Laura B
9 years ago

I am just in love with that jacket! It is seriously beautiful paired with your burgundy necklace and those awesome booties! Thanks for co-hosting! 🙂

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Adore Laura … and you! And yes, add me to the public education gang trying to defy the frumpy stereotype. And yes, there is a reason for it. I’m sure we could all find many examples at our own schools! Love that fabulous tee! So cute!
Have a great day!
Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

I LOVE those booties Debbie – they’re the perfect color for Fall. Can’t go wrong with a graphic tee, jeans and booties 🙂
Nikki at

Enter my giveawayfor $150 OCJ Apparel gift card here!!

M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

Ha! Educators of the style world, unite! If there are enough of us, perhaps that denim dress-wearing, wooden-jewelry-sporting stereotype will go the way of the dodo. Either that, or we can transform said look into something kitsch and cool?

You’re making me want to rescue my dark floral print bomber jacket from the cull pile. Loving this ensemble!

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

It is the boots I am drooling over….. and you do look fabulous. Love Laura’s style as well.

Jessica Jannenga
9 years ago

Love the whole look Deb!! I get like that.. loving something after obsessing over it for awhile. I love the jacket, i think it can be worn casual and dressy, and the necklaces is so pretty!! Now, those boots, if only they were an inch heel, I woudl be buying those!!
from the link up,
please stop by, jess xx

9 years ago

Totally love that tee, and the pattern of your jacket!

Lorna mai ltd
9 years ago

I love your bomber jacket Debbie. It is a twist on the usual floral blazer. I like the floral print on the navy background. It looks wonderful with a graphic tee. I would definitely wear this!

9 years ago

What a fun t-shirt! And that jacket is awesome! Thank you so much for joining J and myself {} for our Celebrate Southern Linkup! I’m pinning your post to our official Celebrate Southern Pin Board now! 🙂 xxoo

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

This bomber jacket is fabulous like your tee!!


P.S. Hope to see you tomorrow for TBT Fashion link up.

Clairejustine oxox
9 years ago

Fabulous Debbie, love your t-shirt 🙂

Thanks for linking up…

Signe Savant
9 years ago

I seriously can’t decide if I like the boots, the tee, or the blazer best! I’m smitten! And yay for being a teacher and dressing like a chic, individual. In the last school I worked in, there was one teacher in particular who wore a different pair of sweatpants and a plaid button down shirt every day of the week! Ugh!

J Trogstad
9 years ago

Thanks for co-hosting the link up! I love your floral zip up! It’s so cute and I love the colors in it! Thanks for joining Celebrate Southern link up this week my dear! I hope to see you back again on Tuesday! Happy Halloween!

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