cardigan / GAP / jeans / Shoptiques / style tips / top / Zappos

Crop Top & Distressed Jeans: New Specs

crop top, distressed jeans, long cardigan

They say with age comes wisdom…


…what they don’t say is that with age comes the complete inability to see anything that is more than four inches away from your nose. I believe that I’ve mentioned before that technically I’m supposed to wear my glasses all of the time, but the thing is, I hate wearing them. Up until the other day I had three different pairs and they were all fabulous in their own way, but still…I hate wearing them. My entire life I didn’t wear glasses; I had a very minimal reading prescription, but it was so minimal I rarely used them. As soon as I hit 40 and I mean literally a month after my 40th birthday I needed my first bifocal prescription. I sat in the parking lot and cried. Ya, I’m a baby like that. Anyhow, since then I’m supposed to be wearing them all of the time. Typically I take them off and on or perch them on top of my head. I hate having them on my face; the feeling of them drives me nuts. It’s like wearing a bra. But on my face. I guess that means in my opinion, glasses are face bras. Face lingerie aside, the primary reason I don’t like them is they don’t feel like me. I feel more “me” without them; hence the reason I rarely wear them in my photos.

The reason I’m wearing them today is twofold. First of all, these are a new pair so I thought I’d show them off. Second of all, I have a new pair because I needed a new prescription due to the fact that even my mid-range vision has crapped out on me and I for real can’t see anything very clearly without them. So, I’m trying to buckle down and keep them on my face. Where they are supposed to be. As opposed to perched on my head like some $200 headband. The one upside is, I can actually see now. Like really clearly. Who knew that pretty much everything in the world didn’t have a blurry double outline around it?


If you read the title, perhaps you’re thinking “Crop top? I don’t see any crop top.” Yes, this is a crop top, but since I’m a crop human it’s almost like a regular length top on me (#shortgirlproblems). It still counts as a crop top though because I couldn’t tuck it in if I tried, and you can see my belt. Therefore, it’s still technically a crop top. Actually, this length would be a good starter crop top for the ladies out there who are a bit apprehensive to give the trend a try. It’s cropped in the sense it’s shorter, but yet you’re not showing miles of flesh; just a peek here and there when you move. Sadly, I’m not wearing the cardigan as a fashion statement. It was an actual necessary layer of warmth. Truth be told, I was kicking myself for leaving the utility vest that was the top layer at home by mistake. It was freakin’ chilly out my friends. 63 degrees in March is a heatwave, but 63 degrees in June is a cold snap. Go figure. The one advantage to the cooler air was I had the chance to wear my most favorite distressed jeans without sweating off 5 pounds (not that that would be a bad thing). I like the way the floaty, girly top (which by they way is currently on sale for $10!) plays off of the tomboy vibe the jeans are giving off. Whenever I can, I like to pair things that are in direct opposition to each other. It keeps thing interesting.


Give the crop top trend a try without going all out. Start with a slightly longer cropped style and layer it under a cardigan, jacket or shirt to give you a little more coverage.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

crop top, distressed jeans, long cardigan crop top, distressed jeans, long cardigan IMG_3952 crop top, distressed jeans, long cardigan crop top, distressed jeans, long cardigan crop top, distressed jeans, long cardigan

Top: Shoptiques;  Jeans: GAP (Similar);  Cardigan: Shoptiques;  Boots: Zappos

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8 years ago

Love the pink on you!
8 years ago

first off, amazing scenery. WOW! Love the pink and LOVE the look. Fabulous! Have a great weekend, doll!

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

First—I think glasses can be a saving grace not just because you can see better but because they also hide the bags under my eyes and it’s like extra fun & bling on my face!!! So I say rejoice with your fabulous glasses!!
And I totally get the “crop top” thing…even mini skirts are normal on me!!!
Love this!

8 years ago

I am with Jodie. My eyeglasses are must to hide the bags and sun damage on my face but, I am also needing a new pair due to age. And it takes me awhile to pick out a good pair. I love those jeans on you, they give the right about of relaxed and chic look I want.

8 years ago

I totally understand the issue with the short gals and crop tops.

The glasses look lovely! And hey! Seeing isn’t a bad thing either : ) I’m like you, although I did have eye surgery some 20 years ago now I need my glasses more and more, mostly for things that are close up but in reality I could be wearing bifocals. I just thought they would be too hard to get used to. Just the thought of them makes me a bit nauseous.

I love this pink on you.


8 years ago

I know what you mean Deb about needing glasses. I have had bad vision since I was 10. However, I DID not want progressives, I guess it was the “old lady” thing with me.. feelinglike I did without for so long. So my hubby and I had vision tests the same day and I swear it was a competition! Who would have worse eyesight and need progressives! Well we both did and I wear them if I want to see. yeah. I love the shape and style of your new glasses, and pretty pink color on you! I love red… Read more »

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
8 years ago

The back view of this outfit is so beautiful, love the sheerness of the duster from the back… and that bright layered top is gorgeous on you!


Lisa Morin
8 years ago

You look beautiful !! Great outfit XO. Please share with #LINKUPWITHLISA @ New Post Today! Outfit Details @ #linkup #linkupwithlisa #linkparty #over40fashion #beauty

8 years ago

Great look Debbie, love the colour pink on you 🙂

thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop

8 years ago

I have the opposite problem. Regular-sized clothes look immodestly short on me. Cute outfit. Not having met you in person, I’m surprised to hear about your size; I’d have guessed you’re a big gal — because of your big personality.

8 years ago

I love how you paired the feminine top with an edgy boyfriend jeans!


PS: Join my Faded Days Sunglasses Giveaway

8 years ago

Your new glasses are the absolute perfect shape & color for your face! They look awesome!

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