boyfriend jeans / burgundy ankle boots / cashmere cardigan / GAP / graphic tee / JCPenney / Macy's / pink cardigan / statement necklace

Cuss Word Quota: Boyfriend Jeans, Cashmere Sweater And Graphic Tee

     Tuesday morning my husband had an appointment to have pins removed from his wrist. It’s about an hour drive so we left bright and early at 5:30 a.m. Of course it was pitch dark and it’s deer season so there would be plenty of the local wildlife running amok. Instead of taking the curvy dark back road to get to the interstate, to lessen our chances of an unwanted relationship with a deer, I took a more “main” road, which in our world translates into a slightly wider two-lane road running through woods and cornfields. About a mile and a half from home a fine male specimen of the deer persuasion ran out of a field on my left and kinda trotted up the road beside me. Needless to say much swearing and brake slamming commenced.
     By the time we made it to the interstate it was pouring down rain. I mean pouring. Not cats and dogs. More like mountain lions and timber wolves. I couldn’t see but what seemed like a few feet ahead of me. It was one of those rare times I think I would’ve preferred snow so at least I could see. Add into this hot mess my now overwhelming fear of rocks hitting my windshield (remember, two windshields in the last three months) and I was swearing up a blue streak; sometimes in my head, sometimes out loud. By 7:00 a.m. I had straight up used my quota of cuss words for the day, quite possibly for two or three days.
     At least I was smart enough to dress comfortably. My now favorite boyfriend jeans and a cashmere cardi were just what I needed. Although I think my tee that says “I’m a lady with the vocabulary of a well educated sailor” would’ve been more appropriate all things considered.

Linking up with:  Throwback ThursdayWhat Wives WearWhat I Wore To WorkThursday FavoritesSpotlight Weekly Link UpWelcome To The Weekend Blog HopStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab FavoritesFashionomics FridayFashion Friday At Mummy’s Got StyleFavorite Fashion Friday.

Cardigan: Macy’s (Old);  Tee: JCPenney (Old);  Jeans: GAP;  Booties: Amazon (Old)Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop
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9 years ago

Deer are a major problem along the route I take to work, so I understand how scary it is. Loving the color of your cardigan!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Taramixandmatch
9 years ago

Thanks Tara! Ya…deer kinda freak me out…they’re so erratic!

M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

Only you would do a pink and red combo without making it look like the Valentine outfit from hell. ;p

9 years ago

Those are cute booties and your hair looks nice. Your humorous writing is always a treat. I came inches from hitting a deer last month and, given the small size of my car (Fiat), it would have been very bad.

Jessica Jannenga
9 years ago

I really like the booties and the bright colors with the cardi and t. I wouldnt be able to drive like that, scary! Love that you laugh about situations, sometimes you habe too huh?
from the link up,

please stop by, jess xx

Michelle Orsi
9 years ago

The booties are wonderful. I can see them adding a pop of color to so many outfits!

A Labour of Life
9 years ago

great look and I hope the hubby is recovering from the pin removal and i so hear ya on the rain, sometimes snow is better ( just sometimes)

Stylin' In St. Louis
9 years ago

What a crazy trip! I would have been the same way! Boyfriend jeans are the best!
Stylin In St. Louis

Lorna mai ltd
9 years ago

Cashmere is so luxurious, I love the feminine colour on you. I also like how your booties are wedge heels, the colour is perfect this time of year.

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

Glad you made it safely to the doctors for the hubby. I grew up driving in the rain however living in California where it rarely rains, I have noticed that people here do not know how to drive in it. You are better off staying home than be on the road hone it rains here. At least you look cute driving & cussing 🙂


Doused In Pink
9 years ago

Crazy driving weather! Glad you arrived safely! I love the pink and red mix! Those booties are adorable!

Doused In Pink

Signe Savant
9 years ago

Ugh! As soon as I started reading this I thought “Oh, please tell me she didn’t bust another windshield!” The really great thing about cuss word quotas is that we can set them ourselves… so I don’t think there really is such a thing as exceeding one’s limit! Unless you have a swear jar at home, of course, and have to pay each time you swear and are on a fixed income! On a side note, your boots make me happy! : signe : the daily savant : Indigo Bananas Nail Polish Giveaway $50 A Wild Violet Jewelry Giveaway Rodan… Read more »

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Despite the treacherous drive, you look adorable! 😀
Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Great jeans!
Melanie @

Mica T
9 years ago

Love those red shoes with your jeans! 🙂

Glad you made the trip okay and survived – even if you did get a little heated during it, haha! You got there in one piece which is all that matters 🙂

Away From The Blue

9 years ago

I always worry about deer on rural roads and that doesn’t sound fun driving in the pouring rain… it always happens when you have to be somewhere at a certain time, too! Those red wedge shoes are so, so fun! And you rock boyfriend jeans, I so don’t!

Jane White
9 years ago

Your cashmere sweater is looking good with your red shoes. And this is giving a great look to you as well..

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