Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that has never really been a big deal to me…
…I would much rather receive flowers or some other small thoughtful gift on say a random Wednesday in April. It’s a nice surprise and it tells that the sender thought of you and wanted to make you smile simply because they love you…not because Hallmark told ’em to.
Prior to the advent of social media, Valentine’s Day was never a blip on my radar until the day after. Why the day after? Because I would go to work and people would ask, “What did you get/do for Valentine’s Day?” When my response was, “Um, nothing,” the pitying looks would commence leading to me feeling wildly inadequate and somehow less than even though the “nothing” was by choice not neglect. This was of course prior to me fully coming into my own. My response now is slightly different. I say, “We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day. Do you?…Cool, what did you get/do?”
Social media has somewhat changed the game though. Just like I can get a little angst-y around Christmas when I see all of the pictures of other people’s holiday celebrations, I can get a touch of Valentine’s inadequacy if I don’t check myself.
All it takes is a mental reminder to myself that the way I choose to live my life and celebrate (or not) special days is all mine. It’s part of what makes me unique, it makes me “me”. I can enjoy all of the pretty images and read the special stories and appreciate them for what they are…beautiful moments in someone else’s life. I have my own beautiful moments to enjoy and appreciate and if they don’t happen to fall on a specific date on the calendar that is perfectly okay, if it works for me that is all that matters.
What are your thoughts…Do you go all out for Valentine’s Day or do you find your special moments elsewhere?
Today’s outfit tells the story of a super casual and subtle nod to Valentine’s Day. For this month’s Ageless Style Link Up theme, Kellyann chose “Valentine’s Day Looks”. As I said, Valentine’s Day isn’t really a big deal at our house so typically I don’t necessarily have a “Valentine’s Day outfit”. This year will be no exception, so a few weeks ago when I had a celebration of the bride event to attend I made sure to put together something I would wear if I did celebrate Valentine’s Day.
My dark floral kimono with it’s subtle pops of red was an easy starting point for building an outfit. A kimono is one of those insanely versatile pieces that work with most anything and that you didn’t know you needed until you have one. I have styled this particular dark floral kimono a thousand ways and have even worn it as a dress.
Since it was literally in the single digits the day I wore this, I layered it over my cozy black cashmere sweater and skinny jeans/jeggings. The over the knee boots were a no brainer because they are an easy way to add an additional layer of warmth. My red fingerless alpaca gloves added the perfect extra pop of red to the look.
Kimonos are a super easy piece to wear and style, and they add so much visual interest to anything that you pair them with. I have a rather healthy collection and wear them often. A kimono is just so much easier than a blazer or jacket to take an outfit from basic to something special.
I recommend having a few different styles on hand for the sake of versatility; a longline kimono like the one I’m wearing today, a kimono that hits around the hip, a printed kimono and a plain kimono. In my opinion, those are the basics and will give you plenty of options to work with.
How to style a kimono:
- Layer one over a basic jeans and tee outfit for added prettiness. A kimono is an easy way to make it look like you made an effort.
- Layer a kimono over a dress to make it more special.
- Kimonos are often sold as “one size”. That’s because they are so loose and billowing and truly will fit most sizes. If they do come with an actual size specification, I typically go with a small (I wear a medium in tops) and I’ve never had one not be roomy enough.
- Throw a cami or slipdress underneath, belt it and you’ve got a whole new dress or top just like that.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas… BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AND LINK UP WITH MYSELF AND MY LOVELY CO-HOSTS FOR THIS MONTHS AGELESS STYLE LINK UP!!
Kimono: Similar: Sweater: Motto & Bow (Similar); Jeans: American Eagle; Boots: Amazon
Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest
Bettye ~ Fashion Schlub Blog, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
Daenel ~ Living outside the stacks Blog, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter
Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust Bloglovin, Blog, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots Blog, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Bloglovin
Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter
Julia ~ When the Girls Rule Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram
Kellyann ~ This Blonde’s Shopping Bag Blog, Instagram, Bloglovin, Twitter
Shelly ~ The Queen in Between Blog, Instagram, Bloglovin, Pinterest, Facebook
Shugunna ~ Nzuri N* Simplicity Blog, Pinterest, Instagram
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