I don’t always take my outfit pics on the actual day I wear the outfit. Sometimes I do, but usually, for the sake of time and convenience, I do the entire week’s shots at one time. This is helpful to me because then I have what I’m wearing for the week already lined up. But I must say I learned a valuable lesson Friday. Today’s outfit is what I wore Friday. I hadn’t photographed it because it was a spur of the moment inspiration. You know when something just pops into your head and you have to wear it? Well, this was one of those times. I figured I would just take the pictures after work on Friday. Well… that was not one of my more genius ideas…I never realized how straight up exhausted I look on a Friday afternoon! While I was going through the shots all I could think was, “Wow, girl…you need a nap!” In any case, I really like the outfit regardless that I looked like I had been held captive and forced to stay awake for 48 hours straight. Live and learn, right?
Linking up with: Clairejustineoxox: Creative Mondays Blog Hop; Monday Mingle; Not Dead Yet Style: Visible Monday; BonBonRoseGirls; and DCinStyle: Monday Bloom.
Dress: JCPenney (similar); Vest: Old; Boots: Target (similar); Watch: Boscovs; Necklace: Very Jane