Conversation Pieces / Converse / floral pencil skirt / Nordstrom / pencil skirt / statement necklace / Victoria's Secret / white tank top

Dog Toddlers: Floral Print Pencil Skirt, White Ruffled Tank Top And Converse

     There are a couple of reasons that I always write my posts the night before. Primarily, it’s a time issue. Especially during the school year, I just don’t have enough time in the morning. Also, my cutting edge wit isn’t fully functioning until at least 9:00 a.m. I need a warm-up period for my sarcasm to reach full potency. Keep that in mind if you ever want to engage me in verbal battle; hit me before nine and you win, hands down.
     One more reason that is in tight competition with the time thing is that in the morning my dogs are like a room full of preschoolers who just snorted cotton candy and bobbed for cookies in a punch bowl full of Kool-aid. They are out of their freakin’ minds. Maybe it’s because they’ve gone without direct human attention (because sleeping wedged against my butt doesn’t count to them) for many hours and they feel the need to overcompensate to gain my focus. I don’t know what reasons are cookin’ around in their furry little brains. In any case if the bullie and the pugabull aren’t brawling with the sheltie barking in circles around them, then they are pawing the crap out of my legs and attempting to crawl into my lap. All of this while the minpin is standing next to me whining repeatedly in a tone that makes my ears bleed and a stare that would turn me to stone if I looked directly into her eyes. I know. Then why do I have four dogs? Because I love them and would be lost without them. And because if it weren’t for their hair all over everything I couldn’t claim to own a fur coat. But just like human kids there are times where I just want to tell them to go to their grandmother’s house. For a week. Or two. I swear every one of them thinks the words “Damn it…” are part of their names (as in “Damn it Bawb!”).
     This is one of my “work skirts” that I decided needed a good dressing down. Hence the white tank top and Converse. A lot of my clothing is dual purpose, neither work clothes nor real world clothes, they go back and forth between the two. But some of my things are categorized in my head as specifically one or the other. This skirt happens to fall under the work category so I figured I’d broaden my horizons a little and wear it in the real world.

Linking up with:  Trend Spin Link UpStylish Tuesday, Share-In-Style and Style Sessions Fashion Link Up.

Skirt: Conversation Pieces (No longer available);  Tank: Victoria’s Secret (Old);  Converse: Nordstrom

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10 years ago

I really like this outfit, such pretty colors! Wow, 4 dogs! I bet that is busy but, tons of fun 🙂 x

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  SweetCandyDreamer
10 years ago

Oh yeah, I wouldn’t trade my pups for the world!

10 years ago

This is one of my favourite outfits of yours. The skirt is really beautiful and I love the necklace.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Imogen
10 years ago

Awww…thanks Imogen!

10 years ago

OMG! I’ve got a skirt almost identical to yours. Only, of course, it looks better on you. Are you trying to make me jealous?! 🙂

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Shybiker
10 years ago

Shut up!!! You should wear it on the blog… 🙂

10 years ago

Where do you purchase all of the great and gorgeous necklaces you wear? I would love to have you share the links with us!!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Kim
10 years ago

Thanks Kim! I buy a lot of them on daily deal sites like and That’s why I don’t usually have a link. If I purchased one somewhere that you can still get it I do.

Anna Belle
10 years ago

Ha! My parents had 5 cats at one point, which was a little crazy, but in a lazy rather quiet kind of way! I can’t imagine 4 dogs! Plus, I’m just loving the converse trend this summer!!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Anna Belle
10 years ago

Thanks Anna Belle! Crazy sometimes, but I love it!

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

I love the cute skirt, such a pretty floral print! I am a sucker for florals. I always think it wouldnt be too bad to be a dog, they eat, sleep, take a walk, and go out to fun places with us. They sleep in our bed too, curled up and my boy has me trained well!
The white top looks pretty with the floral and love how your paired it with converse! Have a great day Deb
from the link up

please stop by, jess

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

My dogs are so spoiled it’s ridiculous…ha! Thanks for your kind words. 🙂

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Very adorable. I love it; simple yet on purpose. Does that make sense? I love the sunnies with it too. Gave me an idea. Yay You!! I can barely have control of my one pooch, let alone four? four? you have? crazy!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Yes, yes it does Renae! I might be crazy, but I love ’em!

Wendy Loubser
10 years ago

Looking fabulous Debbie … I like the ‘work’ skirt with the casual sneakers – great look.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Wendy Loubser
10 years ago

Thanks Wendy!

Beata B
10 years ago

I really like your floral print pencil skirt! You look very pretty
Hugs Beata

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Beata B
10 years ago

Thanks so much Beata!

Lorna mai ltd
10 years ago

These are my favourite types of skirt! I love the floral pattern and colours, it goes so well with your statement necklace.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Lorna mai ltd
10 years ago

Thank you Lorna!

Kacie Ellis
10 years ago

Haha! “My dogs are like a room full of preschoolers who just snorted cotton candy and bobbed for cookies in a punch bowl full of Kool-aid”…this cracked me up! Hilarious!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Kacie Ellis
10 years ago

And that is not hyperbole my friend! Haha!

Liz | Shopping My Closet
10 years ago

That skirt is adorable! I love it!

Thanks for joining the Style Me Wednesday fashion blog link-up; hope to see you again tomorrow!

Liz @
Come by! Weekly Style Me Wednesday fashion blog link-up

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Liz | Shopping My Closet
10 years ago

Thanks Liz!

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

We really do have so much in common, Debbie! Teens whisperers … rockers gals from back in the day … and now dog lovers too! I have 2 dogs and 2 cats! Everything I own is covered in fur. And they’re all very high maintenance because they’re all spoiled rotten! When does school start for you? I go back next week. Can’t remember how I used to have time for teaching and blogging, but I did it somehow. (Though certainly don’t get around to posting as often as you do!)
Dawn Lucy

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

We have an inservice day the last week of August and school officially starts the day after Labor Day. Too bad we live far away from each other…we’d have a blast hanging out! 🙂

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