As you all know from Friday’s post, I had my first experience at picking up doggie drugs at the people pharmacy (I was a dog drug virgin if you please). Well, let me tell ya, by Friday evening I had turned pro. Around four in the afternoon my husband noticed that Bawb (our bully puppy) had major hives all over his body. I’m not talkin’ some little bumps. No, dude looked like a little toad. We immediately fed him Benadryl, but of course we freaked out and with good reason because A) it happened in April and he had to be rushed to the vet who informed us that we had to be super vigilant that they didn’t break out in his throat because he would suffocate and B) our vet was out of town this weekend. Of course he was. Because our vet is freakin’ awesome though, we were able to get a hold of him and he called in a prescription (yes, again at the people pharmacy) for prednisone. So off I went again to the pharmacy. We don’t know what caused them and they came back off and on through Saturday night. Needless to say we haven’t gotten much sleep between getting up constantly to make sure he was okay and following him around every time he went outside to try and track down what caused it. We still haven’t figured it out. The thing is, little man eats everything. And I mean everything. If it’s on the floor or the ground it’s fair game for his mouth. At least once a day I’m digging around in his mouth (and if you have a bully, you know how gross that is) fishing things out.
Actually, while I was writing this post I had to dig around in there and do ya know what I pulled out? A wasp! WTH?! Fortunately it was dead. But if you know me in real life than you know that perhaps the only thing that exceeds my fear of gargoyles is my fear of flying stinging insects. When I pulled that thing out I was running and squealing like a little kid. You would’ve thought someone lit me on fire. I might not take any shit, but throw a wasp or a hornet at me and I’m at your mercy. That is, if you can catch me.
This outfit is what I was rocking on my excursions to acquire dog drugs. Suitable attire for said activity don’t you think? I pulled out the burgundy plaid because hey, if it’s gonna act like fall, I’m gonna dress like fall. And of course nothing completes plaid better than leopard. I threw in the turquoise necklace for a little twist in the color scheme and that was that. Suitable for running errands without looking like a schlub. Oh, and hey, take a few minutes to swing by and say “hi” to Claire over at Creative Monday’s Blog Hop. She’s chosen me as one of her Featured Blogs this week and that’s pretty cool in my book.
Linking up with: Creative Monday’s Blog Hop, Mix It Monday’s, Monday Bloom, Style To Inspire Link Up and Share In Style.