boyfriend jeans / Forever 21 / graphic tee / kimono / Old Navy / statement necklace / target

Dress Your Age: Black Kimono, Graphic Tee And Boyfriend Jeans

     I’m sure there are people who think that I should “dress more my age”. Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. I dress the way I do because I like it and it makes me happy. ‘Nuff said. What this post is really about is I wonder how some people reach the decisions they do in regard to how they dress. The other day I crossed paths with a woman who I remember from high school, she was a year ahead of me. She had that old lady short haircut…you know the one I mean. And she was wearing elastic waist pants and one of those sweatshirts with the faux turtleneck with some inane picture on the front. She could of easily passed for a woman in her mid-sixties and she is nowhere near that. I on the other hand was wearing my “Hola” tee shirt and a black kimono. Hmmm….
    The question that entered my mind is how does that happen? Is that how she sees herself and she’s happy dressed like a card carrying member of the geriatric set? If so, then kudos to her. But I suspect it might have more to do with expectations. Back in the day, once a woman reached a certain age she typically cut her hair short and morphed into some sort of matronly grandma. Not all women, but most. I know both of my grandmothers did. When I was born my grandmother was in her early 40’s. I have a photo of her and I when I was maybe six months old and she looks, well, she looks exactly like she did when I was grown just with less gray hair. That just makes me wonder if a lot of women today fall into that same trap because their mothers and grandmothers did.
     I’ve searched high and low for months for a “fabulous” graphic tee and an “hola” tee and got lucky and found both in the last month. I always greet people with an “Hola!” and my answer to how are doing is always “Fabulous!” hence my desire for both tees. I was also pretty pleased with myself when I found the all black kimono because I wanted something darker for fall/winter. The lace detailing on the back and sleeves made this one the obvious choice.

Linking up with: Visible MondayCreative Mondays Blog Hop and Style To Inspire Blog Hop.

Tee: Forever 21 (No longer available);  Kimono: Forever 21;  Jeans: Old Navy; Shoes: Target

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M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

And that is an intriguing question. I, too, wonder at the choices women make, but I’m usually focusing on the weight thing and how that seems determined by a woman’s marriage/children status. That is, I find that most women who are married with kids tend to not worry so much about “fluffiness”, some to the point of “letting themselves go”. Now, I’m all about loving yourself for yourself – which is why I embrace my own pudge with only half-ironic acceptance – but I am baffled by women who take “settling down” to a whole new dimension.

Rick Robillard
9 years ago

I have a pretty simple philosophy when it come to clothing. I wear what I like. That way at least one person is happy.

Red Reticule

9 years ago

People need to do what makes them happy…and I think your tee is fab 🙂

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

LOVE this look head to toe! And yeah, it’s interesting how people choose to dress. I just found out a fellow teacher who I assumed to be at retirement age is younger than me! Whoa! And it’s not her skin or anything so specific. It’s just the whole package, you know?
Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

Man, I really hope I don’t fall into that trap, if only for the fact that dressing up is FUN! I mean, sad haircuts and frumpy outfits, just seem, well, sad. I love that you have fun with your wardrobe!

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
9 years ago

I just talked about this in a video on my blog that was taken when I was in Amsterdam visiting 3 other bloggers. I agree with you. I feel that some people truly do age themselves by how they choose to dress and visa versa.


9 years ago

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9 years ago

Sorry for the faux-comment! The real deal is: I agree women can fall into the age-dressing trap but we don’t have to! Love your look. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xox.

9 years ago

We choose how we want to age and most people choose the wrong thing. Dress is part of it. I reject aging as a limitation and continue to act and dress as a young person. You seem to have the spark of youthfulness in you.

fitfabfun Jane
9 years ago

Awesome casual chic! Love the shoes too!
xo, Jane

Jessica Jannenga
9 years ago

Deb, you are so right. What IS appropriate for our age? I am 46 and I too dress how I like, wear what I want. I love the top, the beutiful kimono and those skip ons are so cute on you, I am a fan of quilted things
from the link up, jess xx
Please stop by,

Marta C
9 years ago

I agree with you about age-appropriate dressing and I see many people fall into that trap. Just dress how you like, I know people who think I shouldn’t be shopping in F21 because I’m in my 30’s and a mom!! I mean seriously, how judgmental and petty. You look fab in this outfit and I admire your attitude about style.

Tina Bradley
9 years ago

First…you are rocking this fab look, Debbie! Second…I couldn’t have said it better. It saddens me to see beautiful friends I attended school with in sweats, short permed hair and big clunky white sneakers and no make up–acting as if they are 90 years old–when they are only 50-something. It’s all a frame of mind (age ) and no one should mandate we women dress (or act) a certain (frumpy) way just because we are a certain age. Cheers, Sweetie! T.

Jan Graham-McMillen
9 years ago

You look as fabulous as I hope you feel. Really, these pieces are pretty timeless, and it’s your interpretation and careful styling that keep them looking that way on you. You’ll be gorgeous always … it’s in your genes. And in this case, your jeans, too!I’m conflicted about some of the issues you bring up, and it’s time we started talking about them. While I’m bothered by assumptions made and stereotypes perpetuated about Style and The Older Woman, I see the woman you’re talking about every day. Sometimes, I think it’s an issue of taste. As often, I think it’s… Read more »

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